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HyperBole Racers!

Took a while uploading these because I kept feeling like they weren't optimized/practical enough, but the stuff I'd like to do would take more work than making them in the first place, so here we go! They evolved and grew along with the HyperBole idea, and their final form reflects that (in that, y'know, some of them are a bit of a mess).

THAT SAID, I've spent the past day trying to clean stuff up (HUGE thanks to Nathan Vegdahl for working some python magic to redirect a bunch of redundant image textures), so it shouldn't be too wild.

Hyperbole Assets.blend
[also, I've tried to optimize this file as much as I could, but if anyone has any tricks, I'd love to hear them]

Usability-wise, a few tips!
-Typically the engine object itself is the root/parent/thing you want to select when moving the racer around. Unless if you can't see the engine, in which case it's usually something obvious.
-Some of the riders have IK rigs parenting their hands to the bike handles, so you can just animate the handle bars and the rest follows- but most of them don't. If you want to figure out how to set up that sort of thing, check out the "Making Mocap Data Flexible" link below :D

Anyways yes! Use them how you want!

For a more nitty-gritty breakdown (or some more straight-up hyperboley assets):
Cockpit Controls (I used these a lot in the bikes here)
Modeling Little Tech Greebles from Images
Hardware Assets (all of which are also in the Hyperbole Racers asset file, but more organized)
HyperBole Engine Crash (how to simulate an engine crashing all pod-racey)
Making Mocap Data Flexible  (this one sounds boring but I think it's actually the most useful!)



Cannot download, plis help


*Makes punk metal hand gestures* YUSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Thank you so much Ian!!! Now we too can have bowls of hyper-o’s.


Thank you Ian


Dang that's so cool thank you so much !


Dude, cant believe you shared all this stuff! You should crowdsource new shots for a new episode from all your patrons, :-)


Thanks Ian O: !!


No way~ It's sick


for cleaning up 3d scans you can look into using instant meshes (automatic retopo software) and then baking the diffuse map. I did that with one of the old character assets and I reduced the poly count from 50k to 5k with no noticeable change in quality.


Thanks so much for this Ian, absolutely and amazing and very generous of you to share such a huge slice of your efforts.


this is AMAZING!! im having so much fun just exploring these assets, thankyouuu!!


Awesome, Ian! Thanks! (For the cockpit assets, too!!) I wonder how much of a PITA it'll be to optimize the racers for 3D printing... 🤔 They'd look rad on a shelf! 😁


This is amazing, thanks for sharing Ian, you know I actually learn more from playing with your files, lighting render, and just back engineering. Tuts definitely help but it's good to have to asset to use while we learn. Anyways I have a lot of catching up to do still in the early 2000 lessons. I'm Excited to see what's to come.


May you live a thousand years.


That’s amazing. That mean I can kitbash with them in a personal project? Or is it just for learning and study purposes? Just like to be sure. Anyway, thank you:)


Seeing Popcorn Bot in this collection made me very happy


Would love it if Nathan Vegdahl would do a Python Youtube tutorial! YT is lacking in the Blender Python space for sure. Great work from both of you!


I have a question. I’m so curious, How to make "texture Pack" ? On shader Editor, I can see "Unpack Item of Image Texture". (Sorry to poor English. From South Korea.)


Is that python used to clean up the image textures something we could get our hands on? That sounds kinda essential 💪


what! Wow outdoing yourself on this one


Yo I just realised if this can be 3D printed we can make little action figures...cause why not 😂


Hey Ian, could you please make a proper video about animating environments with depth maps? I've see the short one on youtube but I don't know how to use a depth map


Wow these are so cool. I am going to have to start making my own. Hope you don't mind but I made a very short YouTube clip using the model to show my first attempt at smoke/fire simulation in Blender. https://youtu.be/nr71DdPcats


Oh man if you can get a good print of these things I'd LOVE to see it!!


I THINK it's actually still there in the file (if you go to the text panel with the Textures.com disclaimer, you can find it in the pulldown)- but it's fairly specific to this situation. THAT SAID, it's reverse engineerable (you can see it basically searches through every material for texture nodes containing the missing image files (which we got from the system console), and replaces them with whatever texture we specified. THAT said, I'll talk to Nathan and see if we can make a few more one-size-fits-all options. I really want to make packing/cleaning texture files easier, so maybe we can develop some easy tools for that :D


Oh man that's rad!! I love the smoke sim! I wanted to do that for the HyperBole scene but I chickened out, hahaha And totally don't mind- I think it's super cool! Yeah you can use these assets in basically whatever you want :)


Quick Answer: to pack textures into the file you go File> External Data> "Automatically Pack into .blend" Longer answer: I'm going to make a video soon about cleaning up blend files and packing up texture data, hopefully that answers it a bit better.


Id looove if you talked to Nathan about that! I cant wrap my head around the first thing about python.. Even followed the tut you linked to a while ago - i just.. I can't! :D


In Blender, use the displacement node in the compositor. To render it out, enable the Mist pass in render layers, enable the mist under the camera's viewport (so you can see a line representing the mist) and then tweak the mist distance in the world settings. It will render a black-to-white gradient as one of the render layers where depth corresponds to brightness.


Ian what license do you consider your assets to be released under?


I'm having trouble downloading this link. Chrome gives me a message that it couldn't be downloaded securely Do you have an alternate link?


If you select display mode "Blender file" in the Outliner and unfold images you can see and remap duplicated images. The file I just downloaded have lots of duplicated images (.001, .002 and so on). A pythonscript to remap them would be awesome because it's cumbersome to do it manually. Don't forget to flip display mode to "Orphan data" and click purge when you're done.


There will be a little upward pointing arrow next to it, click on that then press keep. (:


There will be a little upward pointing arrow next to it, click on that then press keep.


It has no download link


You just have to right click and "save link"- it's a little old school (I've started hosting recent files on google drive cause it seems to confuse less people)


I am asking myself if there is a way to replace the scanned people sitting on the hyperbole with a person filmed on a green screen . But how to put the hyperbole between the legs in order that everything fits and looks ok....