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PUTTING PIGEONS ON STUFF! I've been wanting to do this for years. 

They're obviously designed to be background assets, but they still hold up fairly close. 

Should I have tried to figure out how to make some of them flapping? Aaaabsolutely- but for now I figured it was better to have them err on the side of subtlety. 

There are 20 pigeons in the file, since I wasn't able to figure out a way to automatically offset the animation values (Blender's still not great at that sort of thing). I tried to keep them lightweight, but it starts to affect framerate on my machine after I put 300 of them in there, so, be maybe keep them in their own collection for easy toggling? Always a good idea regardless. 

Oh also in the shape keys there's one you can turn on and off to toggle between being on the ground or being "perched". 

The poop, as you might expect, is just a bunch of musgrave textures all mixed up. You can load the node group into any material and just drop it in at the last stage of the material. IMO, the procedural poop works better on statues on than on larger flat surfaces, since bird poop is basically a point graph of pigeon distribution over time, and this stuff is distributed fairly evenly.

ALSO- jeez it's fun to play with statue scans. I might write up a thing for the tier 3 folks, too- but Scan The World is a great site with a ton of excellent statues (I usually apply a decimation modifier to the files (maybe a ratio of .2?) to make them easier to use, then just textured with a suitable box-mapped texture). 

It's fun- since it's a 2d musgrave texture projected from the top, the texture stretching that's usually so unpleasant actually worked really well for Sweet Dripping Poo Action.

Blend File with Birds n' Poo

Pigeon FBX (it... it doesn't do anything. It's just a model of a bird :( )

Also- the power poles in the second pigeon render are from Chromfell's gumroad - he's got a bunch of great stuff up there :D 


Pigeons & Poo



Dude, everytime I click on your patreon link I AM NOT disappointed. #pigeonsandpoop


That’s a lot of pigeons


baaahahaa I love you dude! In a dude to dude platonic sorta way. You crack me up and inspire me constantly. I also didnt realize how much I needed this tutorial until you made it.


Moths AND Pigeons?!?!? We r spoiled. So much realism!


Flattered that you assume I need a node group to make my scenes look like shit.


LOL!! Very cool!


The 'poop shader' is also useful for adding mossy lichen-y goodness to swampy tree branches and rocks and stuff.


Very cool! and very realistic! I bet most people wouldn't be able to tell it was fake. This reminds me of a project I did with a pigeon model using the sine wave to make it flap procedurally. But it was done in Houdini, I wonder if it can be applied to your pigeon assets. Because your assets look super realistic!


this is possibly the best thing ever. pigeons are the best >_<


Ian....i gotta ask....what are the 4 shortcuts to blender in your taskbar? you doin' aight? (srsly though these pidgeons are dope and will come super in handy for an upcoming project, bless you good sir. hands down the most valuable and worthwhile patreon i subscribe to)


Always you will find a way to do difficult things easily.. Smart as always. Thanks Ian. also I like to share this cyberpunk video I found online, hope you like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HZ4DnVfWYQ


Fantastic stuff! Pigeon poo ftw! :D I'm going to try this with vultures as soon an I can. Even more poo!


Amazing! For the randomizing, it might be worth selecting them and running a randomize transform operation and you could just set the parameters you want like transform/rotate/scale on certain axis at once.

Gabriel Benício

Hey Ian, how about the free add-on Animation Nodes (I've heard it's going to be an official add-on in the next versions of blender). You can connect the shape key keyframe to the random option of the object info with some juicy map range node and BAM!! Random birds.


Thanks for sharing Ian! Love to poo shader- Would be great to see the Poo shader comming standard in Blender.


Taking a break from the hyperbole my man?


Can I use your Pigeon photo to do some texture painting for my other project? and post the render on my blog? (not sharing your photo, used it to texture my model for my animation clip)


IIiiiiiii... I should finish that. It'd only take a day. Gosh darn it yes. I'm going to do it.


Oh, totally! Full disclosure: it's not really my photo\; it's a crop from a public domain pigeon image, but you can do whatever with it!


YES! I actually started looking into Animation Nodes yesterday specifically as a possible solution for that problem! I wanted to release it as an asset, though, and I figured it would only keep working if everyone ELSE had the add-on, too. Animation nodes seem super powerful, though. Hopefully they come standard, soon! You been experimenting with them a lot?


Thanks so much!

Gabriel Benício

Oh yes, you have a good point there... Not enough! Too many options to explore! There is a few tutorials from cgmatter about the subject, it's a nice start! 😊


Ahahaha, I like to test out the alpha builds as they're coming out, and I forget to delete the old ones when I finally transition because I feel like I might still need them. They get newer as you get further to the right :P And that's very good to hear, thanks!! VERY glad that the pigeons will be useful!


"Pigeons are liquid"


Did you just say pigeons are liquid


I love u Ian