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I suppose this one's a little more oriented for beginners (since I'm fairly beginner in this area), and I figure anybody who knows constraints is probably already familiar with most all of this, but it's been really fun playing around with this stuff the past few weeks, and wanted to share the experiments! 


Getting Into some Mechanical Rigging


Thomas Evans

love you ian <3


Oh hello lovely Ian!


What a beautiful video to watch right now!


One could call this... A training video... ....... choo choo.

Thomas Evans

I was literally looking for how to parent objects to individual bones just yesterday... this is perfect, that little tidbit about it at 12mins helps so much


Saweet mechanisms! Appreciate the love for engineers too.


Wow this was such a cool video to watch! Shows off a part of Blender that I didn't even know existed! Thanks for the awesome content Ian!


Ahh, this is brilliant stuff, Ian!! I was just wondering, could you possibly release the Landing Gear as a blend file? I want to study it and see if there's any way of using those controls to fix/simplify mocap data on an armature. I didn't fully understand your quick explanation of the bone constraints and the logic behind them. I'd be super grateful! :D


I have been trying to find this kind of tutorial like 15 years and finally somebody (thanks Ian!) did tutorial which actually explains things. Bestests!


Very good and inspiring tut as always! That IK thing will get rid of a lot of issues in my projects. Thank you!


Amazing!! pefect timing as i was juyst learning this trying to rig a robot!


So good. Hard.... (for my brain)... but very interesting.


Ian this is something on another level ...you have created.... I forgot about the rigging part am more mesmerized by your worldbuilding skill ..that arena looks epic ....


All of my stuff is going to have MasterControlBoneOfDoom!! in it now.


If I had only seen this 2 months ago when I was rigging up a bunch of robots for Rockwell Automation that had to behave like their real-life counterparts, you would have saved me a few days of failed rigs before I had to learn almost exactly what you went though here. Great tutorial and Pinocchio analogy! That linear movement to rotation is brilliant! Also, your object to bone parenting while humming La Cucaracha skills are next level. I’m amazed that your brain can do that. You’re killing it, Ian. Great job!


Am curious, do you start a new scene for each shot or animate in a single scene?


This could be cool for a fighter jet or a plane and using the ik constraint to push up the gas/speed lever(dont know what its called) and have that control the needle of the speedometer :)

Maxime Gérardin

I love the fact I'm working on an old train locomotive for a film shot, and I was like "aghh rigging all those mechanical stuff on the wheels will be a pain". But Ian just came few days later "Heyy here is how you can rig and animate easily a train locomotive looking stuff :D" thank you Ian

Kai Christensen

Right? I’m pretty darn sure Ian is psychic, because his videos always seem to be targeted at the specific problem I’m having at that exact moment.


THIS IS SO COOL ive always knew you could do this in blender but i had no idea how IM GONNA MAKE SO MANY STUPID MACHINES NOW


Pfft. Amateur. (Actually, you did some cool things in this video that I haven't seen before! And it all looks great!) (Edit: just to be clear, I'm completely joking about the "amateur" bit. Re-reading it, I realized the parenthetical makes it sound like I was being at least partially serious with that, which is not the case at all!)


Usually kind of a messy mix. A lot of times I'll take an existing shot, save it as a new file, and use that as the starting point for rearranging it all into a new shot, but with a lot of this stuff there isn't much overlap between shots, so I don't have to worry too much about continuity. Actually, most of the HyperBole shots are like 6 seconds long, so I could easily split them up with a bunch of other angles and such- I just kind of like having each shot lasting for a while.


Every video of yours, whether it pertains to what I'm doing or even want to do, is a joy. Thanks again Ian.


Hahahaha yesss- this was one of those, "I probably shouldn't make a tutorial for something i figured out a couple days ago" videos- but it's SO FUN! I feel like I've just somehow avoided all the opportunities to offload some of the work to the computer (drivers, constraints, python, all that).


I have hesitated for a long time to even begin learning things like this but now, thanks to your great tutorial, I no longer have an excuse to not do it. :)


This got a lot of cogs turning, but could we also see you just messing around going from the super basics to a gorgeous backflip shot with particles and mocap? I'd love to see you turn the simple concept into a fully fleshed out shot with your eye for detail.


He's done that a few times! Have you seen the "Making a Shot" series, or the BROIL timelapse? The engine crash video also covers a lot of particles and dynamics


Giggling a bit at how hard it is to snag a good look at the rigging in the final shot but as you say it's all part of that endless iteration - looking sweet and nice to go back to basics!


Ian, did you rendered both scenes in the begging with eeve or cycles? Lately I’m really trying to render in eeve to cut some render time with that new plug in that ads ssgi... While I’m at it, what do you think about that new octane addon to Blender? Thanks Ian!!


Hey Diego! So far this is all cycles. It's just been SO optimized (and denoising's been working so well) that I've been getting like 45 seconds per frame, which means I just set it up as an overnight and it's always done by the morning :D The only time I think I've really done a final render with eevee was with the Dynamo Dream teaser, and that was a lifesaver (would have taken hundreds of hours to render otherwise). That said, eevee's becoming crazy more powerful every day, for sure (VERY excited to try out that new eevee motion blur- that was the big thing keeping me with cycles for a while), and I wouldn't be surpirised if eevee just became the standard for rendering at some point here. The SSGI looks like absolute magic, too. I haven't messed with the octane addon- have you??


Woooooo!!! I hope it's as enjoyable for you as it's been for me! :D Yeah can't believe I put it off for, like, literally half my life, haha


Dude yeah! That would be perfect! I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to link it to speed or acceleration, too- probably not that hard??


I find it really hard to optimize it as you said and maintain quality! And regarding octane I actually have not... I was hopping you would do a tutorial on it 😂😂 Maybe it’s very good to cut some render time! Thanks for taking the time to answer! Cheers


hey ian i was wondering how do you do your skies in blender in evee


Ooo- I usually just load in an HDRI (although HDRIs don't always give the results you expect in eevee), or I set up some image planes with the sky I want in the background. Usually it's just some sort of photo. The new sky tools in blender 2.9 look really fun, though!


Ian, you are a magic man - that backflip you showed is just awesome. Your camerawork is always on point. It makes somehow everything else feel top notch(er). Cant wait to see that final movie...


Greeble? Gribles? What's the word and what does it mean (new to me)?


Just means busy little geometry that adds complexity to a scene. Small details, pieces parts, doesn't have to make sense, just has to look like it does.


This is just a perfect package of great information. Also, the exhaust at the end looks awesome! Is that a translucent/emission shader and a distortion modifier? I try to figure out rocket exhaust like the new Raptor Engine for a while now...