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In my new quest to make the HyperBole become my most overly-inflated side project, I've decided I need a bunch of distinct background combatants, so I made some modular bits for quickly bashing together new vehicles.

I'm really happy with these guys. They're all based on actual aircraft modules, and I think I was able to kind of capture that grimey oiled-hardware feeling.  I tried to keep the polycount as low as I could, too.

The process of making these uses MOST of the same techniques as usual (lots of dirty unwrapping and such), but orientation becomes a lot more important- I'll make a video going through it in the next couple days! I've actually got a few videos I'm stoked to make in the near future here.

Right click, save as:
Blend File
(I did a good chunk of work with roughness/normal maps on this, and unfortunately that doesn't come through in the FBX exports, but should still work beyond that :) )
Hardware Greebles FBX

That's it for now! Very excited to share some HyperBole updates soon here :D


Andrew Sutton

Click "Keep Anyway" and then it will download it.


Amazing! Thank you!


this hyperbowl stuff is looking absolutely BRILLIANT, I love the ridiculous revolver haha


Ahahaha, thanks! I can't believe someone actually build one back in like 1855.


Watch Ian just make an entire movie as a side project


Wow!, if i try to build one of these it would take me weaks and won’t be even close to these ones, you are doing amazing work!




Ahaha, I actually just realized that since this whole bit doesn't have any live action footage, it's just going to straight up be an animated short. I'm hooooping to keep it SUPER short- like 45 seconds or so, but we'll see.


These could totally be used in soo many different places as well! Super amazing models!! Are they low-ish polly is the question???


Low-ish! When you're doing cables and such there's only so low you can go before things get too angular, but I definitely tried to make each polygon count.


Any chance of a screencap video of making these kinds of things? I've been trying to recreate the engines you're making for the Hyperbowl as my first project and I'm having a hard time.


Fantastic work! :) It’s amazing seeing HyperBole move from a wee wildly unnecessary idea into a wildly unnecessary reality <3 haha


Daaang, these look amazing!



Kai Christensen

Crazy good stuff as usual. Will add these to my “List of Cool Assets That Ian Has Generously Made Available To Me, But Which I Will Internally Debate Intensely Whether To Use Or Not Because My Pride Requires Me To Make EVERYTHING Myself From Scratch” In all seriousness, though, do you deal with that, too (a sort of weird “impostor” syndrome when using others’ assets)? How do you get past it? I know it’s completely illogical and really only hindering me in the long term, but for some reason I’m obsessed with trying to do everything myself. Thoughts?


Thank you very much!


I'd never pretend to speak for someone else but he does touch on it around the 26 minute mark here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whPWKecazgM But I agree entirely and I always feel terrible despite never actually showing my renders to anyone.


That's just awesome. Thank you, Ian.


Top work Ian!


Is that... a cow?..


Dude, you are just the best. I've been playing with your stuff in a scene of my own and it's just been a blast.


Excellent stuff. Perfect for a debris patch!


Hey Ian, I just want to say thank you so much for all the content and wisdom you bestow upon us. I'm only about four months into Blender but I'm really enjoying it, what an amazing and versatile tool! I have been voraciously consuming all your content; you are probably the most helpful single resource I've found because of the way you approach it. I watched your worldbuilding talk on youtube, what a treasure! We think so much alike. I would love to hear more about this. I really admire the vision you have for virtual production and creating your home backlot and production pipeline. I'm attempting to do the same thing here at my home in Las Vegas, enjoying the peeks into your evolving pipeline and envious as hell of your results. Dang dude, you are visionary and prolific to the point that its tough to compete! You make it look so easy while setting the bar so high. Its excellent motivation and inspiration! I don't know how you find the time, but please keep doing it. I hope to hone my skills enough to be worthy of a collab someday, in the meantime, enjoy this 10 second animation I just finished, populated with your cyber extras. https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6GT4Qlk5z/ Your patreon is the best $7 a month I could hope to spend and you can quote me! I'll keep spreading the word ;) I am curious if you might take your sweet photogrammetry approach to HyperBole's inevitable explosions. Its seems like a natural extension of your preferred workflow, I dont know whether it would work or is practical but it seems like one might be able to (perhaps even procedurally) generate a dynamic, emissive mesh based on a pyro element plate. You know, instead of just comping it in or image on a plane, and quickly end up with a photorealistic deal that can interactively light and move through your scene without the burden and overhead doing it all with sims? I dunno, just thought it I'd toss that seed to your big brain and see if anything germinates. It seems like you might be able kind of 'fake it' and get away with a lot. Your flowing river tutorial got me thinking... anyhoo. Keep up the amazing work my friend, and I'll keep trying to catch up =)


Hey Ian I was watching some of your old VFX breakdowns and I was curious how you composite your shots. Like the VFX shots when its not green screen but with things in the background. Can you make a tutorial on compositing? Love your work btw your short tutorials have taught me more things and entire months of research.


Hey Ian, Just wanted to say... you're awesome. I am really stoked to be able to support you in a small way, and am really blown away by how much value you provide. I have got a lot of stuff to watch now that I've joined... i'm a little daunted by it, but also incredibly excited. Thank you for doing what you do and sharing what you share and having a space for more.


I agree. I've quit patreons in the past because they were just empty with no updates. Ian's patreon however has so many updates of such a high quality! its fantastic!


Hi Ian! I'm really enjoying your content and learning very useful techniques over here! Thanks for sharing :) I was wondering what's your approach to model the actual shape of the components. Do you use images as background and then project UVs? Or maybe use the actual image and start modeling with knife tool and etc...?


Good afternoon, sir. I want to thank you for the greatness of your updates 🤓 Also, I'm already a big fan of Cowboy Ian (he's called that in my mind)




do you have the characters for free assets to download?


Partially! A lot of these guys are based on these characters I released a while ago. I want to do an updated Hyperbole-Centril release pretty soon here (once I've finished it), but yeah- you can check out the characters here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/asset-13-rigged-39095699


talking about hard surface modeling, I believe there is a plugin that u can draw shapes to model in blender, I saw that somewhere on YTB, but can't find it anymore, do u know anything about it?


HardOps and Boxcutter are great for working with hard surface modeling in blender, things can get quite heavy quite fast (atleast for me) but it is quite the tool, you can work non-destructive aswell. I dont know how well that workflow blends with stuff Ian tends to do, would be intresting to see


can we use these assets for short films?


Yeah, absolutely! Unless otherwise specifies (which basically never happens), use em for anything!


I can't even express how grateful I am for this. Ever since I saw the hyperbowl/hyperbole animation, I fell in love with your style, If it's good with you I would like to pursue making animations in the same style. Assets like these are a gift beyond measure for me personally, The Greeble parts were always where I messed up in recreating the signature look. Between these assets and the tutorial on how to make similar assets, I have been able to increase the stylistic realism thousand fold. Thank you.


Link is dead :(


i had to use firefox, because it shows up a notifications that the source is not secure and i had to accept it. Chrome isn't showing me up a tipp like this. Maybe that helps fpr someone.