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Just continued experimentations with video textures! Implementing the fire elements I uploaded last night for the Tier 7 folks.

(although if anyone wants, here's the "high density sparks"- it's fun to play with)
(Oh and the debris pile I was using, if you don't already have it)

I also have a bunch of really good steam elements I'm excited to throw up here at some point- just gotta clean them up first! 


Lil' Hellscape


Tommy Shades

Nice. so many powerful techniques here. Yeah, i think maybe blender doesn't store the undo cache in RAM.

Jan van den Hemel

Awesome! I'm almost starting to imagine a world where I don't need Adobe anymore... Hey, if you want a solution for the repetitive tiling of the lava - Poliigon released a free node set-up that replaces the Mapping node, it's quite easy to use and lets you randomly rotate the tiles and make the transitions wobbly so the obvious tiling disappears. Works quite well. You just need to append the node from their Blend file.

Tommy Shades

oh yeah. I still need to downlaod that!.. think you could keyframe the noise on the seems aswell


Ian, really nice tutorial. That addition combine node trick worth the price of the whole month. 👍


Maaaan! That's amazing! I love the technics and how playful it can be! And the fire elements are really cool as well, looking forward for the steam ones and set the world on fireeeeeee! haha


that's brilliant ian.love it!!


Goddammit Ian, I'm supposed to be studying Japanese, and then you put something like this up, and I just want to play around in Blender now. Thanks a lot. It's all your fault, and nothing to do with my own lack of self control. Also, this is amazing.


Hmmm... maybe you could change the blender interface to be in Japanese?? (wait actually is that even possible??)


Yes! It is possible! I should do that, actually. But most of the labels are still just English, written in Japanese script. So it's not that good for studying, ha ha. :-)


Olé, thanks Ian


GENIUS. The possibilities are crazy, videobashing is the shiizz!


Really cool! I just wanted to ask you nicely how do you organize your back catalog of assets do you keep the .blend files around with their textures dependencies or do you use a bunch ob .obj instead


Projecting video texture with shrink wrap onto the 3d object..plus onscreen compositing and blending 2d and 3d together ...you are a genius Ian...i will be trying this workflow and is it possible to upload that sunset jpg pic...thanks in advance


the sunset is from Unsplash! I recognized it cause I've used it before 😄 https://unsplash.com/photos/sN1cOV7wfCM


Awesome stuff as always, Ian! My stomach hurt when you didn't save that project tho!!! :D


HAH! Thanks Stefan! And oh man yeah, Shonal- being able to manipulate video with all the same regular blender tools is still blowing my mind a bit! I feel like we haven't even really explored the potential all that much.


I really should figure out how to organize everything better at some point- right now if I need an asset I just go into an old project file and raid it for parts. It's really inelegant, haha. But yeah, I try not to move texture files so that all the dependencies stay working :)


Love watching all these great tutorials


Loving this comping in the viewport stuff. So inspiring!!


How would you go about making proxies in the viewport and replacing them later with highres videos during render time? I've actually been pretty curious about that workflow.


Shrink Wrapping the video plane onto the rock geometry, pure genius. I'm learning so much, wish I found your patreon months ago.


Wow this is cool, is there a place to buy the other fire textures besides the sparks?


WT 😶🧐 bUT hoW?! Did you come up with thIS OMG iM SpeaCHleSS..!!!


You were about 2 minutes in and you'd already made something cooler than I've ever attempted