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BLAHDHSH! Just letting you guys know in advance that todays comic might release tomorrow instead. The last couple days have been way more hectic than I'd like, and I STILL have something I need to do later today 💀

Best case scenario, I'll manage to make this one of those classic "3 AM Comic Post" things, but I've still got a lot of coloring left to do. At least the background isn't too crazy in this one - hooray for standard hospital wallpaper!


BUT on the bright side, I've also got a few completed "Doodle Comic" strips centered around Layla that I've been internally calling "Layla Doodlez" - they were originally ideas for full comics that didn't end up working out for various reasons: some were too short, some have too many panels, and some were just too dumb to flesh out lol once I get them all snipped up, I'll make a post with all of 'em together for you to check out. For the moment, I'll focus on getting this comic wrapped up soon, so your eyeballs can freely flop all over it - sorry again for the delay!




Bet money Layla is gonna go full cat mom. She absolutely has the vibe of “I don’t want a pet in this house”


Oh no, Remy's gonna fall between them mounds, never to be seen again :'(