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"An important part of being a queen is being as dramatic as possible."


Hey guys! I uploaded this comic a little differently, as you can see - some people prefer the "individual panels" format, so they can read it without needing to zoom in too much, or to keep themselves from peeking at the ending, etc, but feel free to let me know if this works better for you or not! If it breaks anything, I can always re-upload this as just the standard comic, but I also uploaded the full comic at the end too, just in case :)

It's been awhile since we've last seen Layliana! But don't worry, she's always looking after her beloved daughter behind the scenes 💜 Got a few ideas already for the bonus panel, so I'll be sure to edit it into this post as soon as it's all wrapped up. Hope your week is going smoothly so far!

EDIT - Bonus Panel Complete: "Layliana's Shades are always eager to help their Queen! Maybe a little TOO eager, sometimes."




The kind of donut you have with a cup of coffee

Anthony Crumpler III

At this stage I’m under the assumption that the moms are fertility gods