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                                      Welcome, Patient!                                   

Thanks so much for supporting me and my work! 

It's thanks to cool people like you that I can keep on making more art!  ðŸ’š

Added: 2023-05

                                      Welcome, Patient!                                    Thanks so much for supporting me and my work!  It's thanks to people like you that I can keep on making more art!  ðŸ’š

Added: 2023-05
                                      Welcome, Patient!                                   
Thanks so much for supporting me and my work! 
It's thanks to people like you that I can keep on making more art!  ðŸ’š

Added: 2023-02
Welcome, New Patient!
Thanks so much for supporting me and my work! 
It's thanks to people like you that I can keep on doing my best.

Added: 2023-01