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I figured I'd post this announcement here as well, just for completeness.

If you're a $2 patron, this is a great way to help me out and see some of the art I've been posting for the $6+ tier! There's quite a lot in this pack: 12 short stories, each with a pic. And each pic has at least one alt, so there are 35 images in total.

If you're a $6+ patron, there's nothing new here that you haven't already seen from being a patron over the past year or so, so there's no need to buy it. But if you're a newer patron and you don't want to bother to go back and find everything, or if you want the whole collection organized in one place, or just want to throw me a few extra bucks, feel free to buy it as well! I also formatted the stories so they're easier to read in a PDF.





It's definitely worth buying, for anyone who didn't see it all as it was posted! The little stories are great, alongside the art. 💜