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I'm putting together the image pack of The Daily Grind for sale on GumRoad, and as I was going through the images I realized there were a few that were almost-but-not-quite done for whatever reason. So I finished them up this morning to add to the pack.

On the 'emergency c*m dump' pic  I had drawn and flat colored a belly bulge alt. I know it's really popular with a lot of people even though (or maybe because) I hardly ever draw Pulsar that way. For some reason I never actually finished it up to match the rest of the pic. Not sure why. It's possible with all the layers and folders in the image I just plain forgot about it by the time I finished. x) Anyway, if you like a bulging cumgut, there's one

For the bar image, I'd also intended to do a c*m alt but then never got around to it. I think I was just short on time to get the pic done and skipped it, then never went back to it. But I had some time now so I added that as well.

I'm also working on some new stuff including a new 3D animation so hopefully I'll be finishing that up soon!




I really like the guy on you in the emergency pic. Cute and funny and horny lol


That's Wrywulf, he commissioned the original sketch that pic is based on. I asked if I could use the image in this art pack as well because I thought it fit the theme really well and he graciously agreed


That parrot remains fab. Nice messiness there in the bar. :>