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Looks like his secret is out! 

Also did anyone catch the foreshadowing of having the sheep sitting under the Torque poster of the buff, flexing ungulate? ;> (It's most obvious on the cover page.) Just a little detail I was proud to have gotten in there from the start, haha.



Riz Lysander

Hoo boy, that maw shot! It looks great, and very inviting~ I can't say I saw that detail, but I love it now that I know about it :3


Haha thanks, it occurred to me while I was drawing it that that's the first time I ever drew a super detailed "vore fetish" style maw.


I noticed the Torque poster on the cover, in general, being a fan of that magazine, but I didn't put together that it was a deer above the sheep, both of them being hoofers. O:


Also: Aww, he only does it online, of course! Very nice detail. But I bet his lion friend will let him try his luck as a pred, now. :>


Exactly ;> And yeah it wasn't necessarily that they were both ungulates, just that the poster hints at his online sona being a much bigger stud