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  • Shark_Search_and_Rescue_full.mp4



Edit: Patreon doesn't have a way to upload a video preview, and it doesn't recognize a Dropbox link to a video as a valid video link. :P So you'll have to download it from this post if you want to see it.

This is a turn-around video of the shark model. I'd originally planned to do this in higher res, but even at 1080 (and this is a square frame, so not even a full 16:9 1080p frame), it took over 6 hours to render. RIP my computer. x_x So for now I'm going to stick with 1080 sizes, at least until I get good enough to justify higher resolutions. And maybe get faster hardware.

Like I mentioned in the previous post, actual character animations—when I get to trying some—will be posted for $12 patrons first. I'll probably still post turn-arounds or fly-throughs to the $6+ tier here. That being said, any animation I do will also be posted publicly eventually, so you won't miss anything.



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