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Happy shark week! 

This is what I've been working on the entirety of last week. This is the first fully realized thing I've done in 3D since I started delving into it seriously about three months ago. Overall I'm pretty pleased with it! It kind of blows my mind that I was able to do something to this level of detail in only a few days, even if it did come with several challenges.

I had the idea to do something for shark week since it gave me a definite goal and deadline to work towards. It also gave me an excuse to turn that muscle sculpt into something specific since I didn't really have plans for it originally. This ended up being a sort of trial by fire. Although I'd done most of the steps in other projects, this is the first time I put it all together to create something from start to finish. I ran into a bunch of frustrating hang-ups along the way, but it was a pretty good learning experience. Now the next time I do something like this it should go faster and be more solid.

Unfortunately because of the way I ended up putting this together (and the many corners I cut to get it done), I don't see myself being able to animate it. If I did, I'd have to back several steps and rebuild some things because this is just not set up properly for animation. But like I said, it gave me a bunch of stuff to look out for next time, so in the next few months I do hope to do a few animation tests too.

In the future, pics like this will be posted first to the $6+ tier and released publicly later. Animations will be posted first to the $12 tier. I've been so busy learning this new stuff I haven't had a chance to show the $12 tier a lot of love lately, so I'll be giving them some exclusive stuff as I start learning it.

This isn't going to replace my regular art, but hopefully you like what you see! I'm looking forward to continuing to improve from here and do some even better stuff in the future.




His third dick is named Recovery


Great job dude! You’re getting good at this.

Riz Lysander

Amazing job! It looks so good, and of course I love the double dicks ;3

Amethystine (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 22:29:34 Oooh, I loooovvve him~~<33 Very handsome, and quite well-built [this is a compliment to your 3D modeling work and his own workout regime :P]. He seems like a chipper fellow, too!
2021-07-17 21:26:15 Oooh, I loooovvve him~~<33 Very handsome, and quite well-built [this is a compliment to your 3D modeling work and his own workout regime :P]. He seems like a chipper fellow, too!

Oooh, I loooovvve him~~<33 Very handsome, and quite well-built [this is a compliment to your 3D modeling work and his own workout regime :P]. He seems like a chipper fellow, too!


Also, I love the lack of nipples! I wonder if that was something you were thankful to not have to do because a fish wouldn't have them, but it was also one less thing to render/model?

pulsarbird (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 22:29:56 Of course two isn't enough for you! ;&gt;
2021-07-17 21:59:28 Of course two isn't enough for you! ;>

Of course two isn't enough for you! ;>

pulsarbird (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 22:29:49 Thanks hon! &lt;3 He's coming to rescue you from not having a huge double-dicked package in your face~
2021-07-17 22:00:15 Thanks hon! <3 He's coming to rescue you from not having a huge double-dicked package in your face~

Thanks hon! <3 He's coming to rescue you from not having a huge double-dicked package in your face~


Thanks so much! Yeah, I decided to leave the nips off mostly because it was easier / faster, and that was just one less thing to do. x) But also I like the look on him. Tbf, the Hanktaur model I'm working on doesn't have visible nips either. And I never draw them on Pulsar. I think in many cases it helps streamline the appearance of the character