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I'm not often in a 'testing lab' kind of mood, but last week I was really into this idea. (That, and multi... more extreme multi stuff coming later this week. >_> ) This was just going to be a sketch, but then I ended up coloring it and going all out. And had to add a crowd in the background taking a tour, to scratch that exhibitionist itch too.



Riz Lysander

Oh heck, I LOVE it. I also love all the small details with the readouts~ Amazing job!


I'm gonna test your subject <3


i'm one of the scientists


Oh mai! I wonder if he'll have any difficulty shoving those into a pair of skinny jeans?


Thanks so much! I was hoping you'd like this one. ^^ And of course your idea to have a tour going through was just perfect~


It'd be pretty tricky... although if they're compression jeans that might actually help

Rykela Zair

Heck!!!! 💦💦💦 What a great job! The dramatic lighting really adds to the piece and underscores the faux sense of clinical seriousness that makes lab fantasies so hot.


Yes, yes, you must be studied, quantified, examined. Many many tests are in order. We must determine just how hot Pulsar REALLY is. O: Also, he really does look studly in this shot, that slim-but-toned physique. I love the 'in our fourth day of testing' part, as well as 'production has continued to increase' :}c A very stimulating scene, indeed! :D


Thanks! Sometimes you just want to be put through your paces... see how much of a hyper you can be~

Steven O.

Little did they know at the time, that Pulsar's maximum output is pretty intangible. I'd be more interested in the mutagenic properties hidden within all that birdseed