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I did some 3D bust sculpts for my friends Riz and Golddream recently. They're both relatively simple characters and have similar face shapes, and working on the one made me think of the other, so I just did both. x)  I also did some quick color for Golddream's because he's just gold, and that's a fun material. I do need to learn proper materials soon though!

I guess I gotta start slappin' dicks on all these models soon too




Good work! "I guess I gotta start slappin' dicks on all these models" Does that mean you're going to attach a cock to their foreheads?? They don't have bodies! O: Or maybe you meant you'd slap them across the snout with your 3D modeled Pulsar-Cock. :P

Kah (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 22:37:51 snaaaake <3
2021-06-16 02:19:21 snaaaake <3

snaaaake <3