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Happy Halloween! I didn't think I'd have time to do a Halloween themed pic, but I had this idea to have Pulsar dress as a devil and it was too cute to not do it. x) So I whipped this up really quick tonight.

But wait—if this is a costume, how did I do that with my tail? Hmm.. well don't think about it too much.




Between the dick trident and Pulsar’s... Well, everything (but especially the bird butt :3) this is awesome. Great job on this. X3


Why wear a costume, when you can BE the costume?

Riz Lysander

Amazing <3 Love the 'fork'! I wouldn't be surprised it that thing did some extra multiplying !


So tempting :3


TF abilities make for the most authentic costumes. :}===< You look splendidly demonic, and delicious, not to mention deeply devious.. but then again, you often do!


Also: OF COURSE there's a 3-dicked alt-pic. :}


Of course! I drew the trident and I was like, 'well now I HAVE to'. XD And thanks, glad you like the pic!