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Whew! As I mentioned at the beginning of the month, I had a really busy few weeks. I've been working every weekend in October, plus some long weekdays. And I'm not even done yet. Still working on a large project this weekend for a professional (non-furry) client. I'm also a poll worker, so I'm going to be working a very long, probably very busy day on Tuesday, plus helping to set up Monday night. 

With everything that's been going on in October, I need to take a few days off next week. I can already feel myself being creatively drained, and just drawing for fun lately hasn't really been happening. I had been doing a pretty good job of pacing myself, but just had a whole lot of things hit at once this month.

That being said, I'll be working exclusively on Patreon and personal stuff for the rest of November! I'm looking forward to working on the comic again, and getting caught up on all the face-off pics and other open projects I have.

I may post a few quick sketches next week or other random art projects, but probably nothing major. Then I'll be back with regular posting on November 9th.

Thanks for understanding! 



You're a busy berb, and its been a busy year for the whole world, do what you gotta do man!


Good luck with the poll working! O:


You do you~ Take it easy as you can and keep being awesome~ Wife is going out to be a pollworker tomorrow too~