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And here's the final page! A fuckbird finally all relaxed and spread out, complete with wings.

I really appreciate all the support and comments I got on this sequence. I know it's weirder than what a lot of people like, but I really had a lot of fun with it and I'm glad I did it. Also using it to introduce wings on Pulsar seemed to work really well in context. I want to try drawing that again sometime, probably on a more regular version of him.

I'm also really happy with how the work itself went. I've always had a hard time getting started on comics, because doing the page layout and drawing lots of little panels really doesn't appeal to me. Plus, since I haven't done much of it, it takes a long time and makes the work of doing a comic feel like drudgery. Which of course means that I put off doing it... and so I rarely get around to comics.

However, I just decided to ignore that for this sequence and I think it worked really well. If I could easily structure two or three images on a page, I did it. Otherwise I just put the next image on a new page. I think I'm going to try doing more comics this way. Maybe with more practice, it'll eventually lead to denser pages with a more traditional comic format. But even if it doesn't, I can still do a cool sequence without getting bogged down by the daunting task of doing lots of page layout. And finally if I start with sketches, I can still post those here, and then develop them into more colored work later if I like the result.

I've got a few other ideas I'd like to do in a way similar to this one. It's more traditional hyper stuff, like more casual public sex and free use. So hopefully I'll have a chance to squeeze in a few of those around my other regular commissions.

Speaking of which, I have a few other pieces of art to post too, so I'll be back to doing that next week.




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