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By popular demand, here's more Pulstaur as well. Again, practice with the sketchy inking look.

I'm really considering changing up this character a bit, and renaming him (Also the herm version, which is attached to this post.) I like the character, but I don't like that he's now sort of "tied" to Pulsar, because of the name. I keep getting a lot of the same questions: is he another form of Pulsar? Are they related? I have no idea. It was originally just a fun joke and it kind of got out of hand. And sexy. x)

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions as to what their names should be, let me know. I do like to imagine that the male and herm versions are brother and sister, so there's that... But they're not related to Pulsar, and I want them to be their own characters. Probably will stick to the ruddy color, but might make their snouts black rather than black and orange like Pulsar's face.



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