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Quentin seems to be getting the hang of these changes...

I talked a bit about this in a prior comment, but I'll mention it here too. I knew from the start that one of the problems I'd need to solve with this comic was how to make the main character surprised and confused about the changes, but not have the inevitable sexual advances be unwanted. This is why having the main character be a hare works so well, as they already have a reputation for being so horny. This scene is an important one because it establishes that he's always been interested in his classmates—even in his original reality—but just didn't know how to bring it up. And also that he's eager to give hyper sex a try even if it's still kind of a shock to him.




I think you're hitting a good balance of 'surprised but okay with it' We could also perhaps imagine that his own changes and his new hyperness is pulling him toward being more promiscuous than before. Ie: he did have a crush, yes, but having your sexual anatomy quadruped in size is also going to affect your brain chemistry, perhaps. We have to imagine his pants are bulging below frame right now.

Mal Masque

Well, when in Rome, you... suck a horse cock. As you should.