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Episode 6 'The Red Forest'

• Priority Release (VIP/Premium)

Unlocked to All Tiers 21.02.21


12 Monkeys S01e06 Full Length.mp4

The Red Forest: When the tragic events of the Night Room create an alternate reality in 2043, Cole risks his future.



really happy to finally see a reactor do this show. i kinda figured it was due to massive copyright, but i hope even though u made it exclusive here , will u be doing all 4 seasons? i'll stay as a pateron reguardless of wat u decide i was just wondering.


ill be continuing with all 4 seasons for sure


You're walking through a red forest and the grass is tall... That's some really trippy stuff they've got there. Season one is a bit of a slow burn, but it makes it SO worth it once they start paying off on this world building, and I can't wait to see that happen. Going to be a fun ride. Minor clarification there was no cultivated/synthesized virus in the Nightroom, but the virus was in the origin sample. Not a big deal but just helping keep things straight as you mentioned it, and the creepy tall man did say it to the woman. I think you might have just missed it. Oh and Cassie's boyfriend's name is Aaron Marker. It's super fun watching you try to figure all this out sitting here knowing where it all goes. Muahaha It's like I'm from the future! Glad you're enjoying it, Cheers!