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Episode 2 'Deep Throat'

**NEW LINK** : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o-CXEY5-3E6uu-Wp1AWeGob8TmN8Qs6y/view?usp=sharing

VIP/Premium Priority Release

Silver/Gold Tiers 18.01.21



Demijan Omeragic

Mulder meets his informant for the first time in this episode. He is named "Deep Throat", which is not only the title of the episode, but also the pseudonym of a real informant during the Nixon/Watergate scandal. Either way, you've seen in this episode that Deep Throat is obviously in a powerful position, has access to information, and is willing to help Mulder... up to a certain point of course. Now, whether we ever learn Deep Throat's real name or not is something I don't want to tell you because it would reveal spoilers. Just be prepared to see much more of him in future episodes. As for the episode in general, it's obviously a mythology episode, just like the Pilot. It deals with the government's conspiracy regarding aliens, as opposed to standalones episodes that are "mystery-of-the-week" / "monster-of-the-week" ("MOTW"). Later mythology episodes get much deeper, with many different layers, lots of complexity, and also some amazing ideas and great creativity. This is really just the beginning.


Even after seeing every episode and both films, this is my favourite episode. I have a copy of the script which I got David, Gillian and Chris Carter to sign. The episode particularly intrigues me as I have two different forms of amnesia, one caused by a brain injury, so I know a considerable amount about the brain from my own research. I also have PTSD, so this episode is tailor made to interest me. This episode also contains my favourite music of the entire series/films by the wonderful Mark Snow.