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Hi everyone! We got a lot of questions and it was really impossible to answer them all, so we got 65 done and here we go. Hope you enjoy it :)


- General -

1. Are there any theories on discord so far that are making sense or close to the truth? 

We haven't seen many accurate ones, no.

2. Who in the end is married to the muffin man?

Mrs Muffin Man, of course.

3. I’m curious -- I know poly relationships won’t happen in game (which is totally fine ofc!!) but I’m curious as to how you think any would work out? I know it was mentioned the devs had thought of some before, so I was wondering if you could share any thoughts? (For example, I know Vexx/Damon is one pairing (and poly with the MC obvi) people like chatting about now, or June/Calderon, June/Aya, etc etc). 

We didn’t follow through with poly routes because we realized the characters would not be interested in a poly relationship, so no, we don’t think any would work out. Vexx/Damon and June/Cal in particular would never work out, at all.

4. I’m wondering what kinds of things MC was able to experience only thanks to Vexx (and maybe Nerissa) -- like alcohol, would MC have had a chance to try any? Have they gone to a bar with Vexx when sneaking out of the castle maybe?

That is entirely up to the player to imagine!

5. Have any of the love interests (or side characters!) changed notably since their inception— be that their personalities, designs, or storylines?

The love interests have pretty much stayed the same personality-wise since they were initially created. Damon may have become a little softer, and Ryona a little bolder. Ryona also originally had blonde hair, and Cal had amber eyes. 

We had a major storyline change for one side character, who hasn't appeared in the story yet, and Zane was also a very late addition as a character.

6. The first and the most important question for me is how long is this game supposed to be? The number of undiscovered pictures is depressingly low... This question has already been asked, but it is better to ask twice. 

We have a plan and storyline that spans over ten episodes, however that may be extended slightly if the need arises. Additional pages will be added for illustrations, as there are still many left to unlock.

7. Do you have a canonical image of MC? I don’t need much... the color of hair, eyes, skin... And as a result, should I hope to see pictures with MC in the future?

We don't have a canon MC, as we always wanted MC to be someone that the player could mold to suit their own preferences. We won't be adding MC into the illustrations in the future.

However, I (Aeriie) have a personal MC that I use when playing/testing the game, who has a certain name and physical features. And I (Steph) have Test Subject 1, Test Subject 2, Test Subject 3…

8. How did you devs meet? What inspired your ideas for A6?

(Aeriie) Steph and I met through the MCL/Eldarya fandoms. I would write fanfiction etc and I ended up commenting on a moodboard of Steph's, where she had written she'd like to write about her OC one day (I thought it was a great idea!) From then on we became friends! Over time we started becoming unhappy with the games we were playing and the directions they were taking, so one day I said to Steph "we could totally make our own game" and she agreed, so that's what we did.

We put out a couple of posts around our fandoms asking if any artists were interested in joining the project, and that's how we got Aria involved, as we already ran in the same circles as her. We also combed through the tags on Tumblr looking for any artists whose work stuck out to us, and of course we found Tea's amazing work. We contacted her asking if she'd be interested in joining our small project, and she was! From there Tea recommended her friend, Deli, to join as our sprite artist, and our little team was complete <3

Initially we wanted to go for more of a cyberpunk concept, but it slowly ended up turning into more of a sci-fi game. We were inspired be other indie game companies who had created their own amazing games, and were sure we had what it took to do it ourselves. Ideas and inspiration for the story and characters come from all over the place. Pop culture, history, our own imaginations etc. 

It's still pretty shocking, and also amazing, that we've managed to come so far with our initial idea! We're all very proud of the work we do, what we're creating, and our plans for the future.

- Universe -

9. Forgot to add: Was Sorenn married off or was it love? Did any other siblings have spouses or fiancées and who, if yes? 

Sorenn was entering into an arranged marriage but was immediately enchanted by his new wife-to-be.

Auberon was married (with 2 children).

Elettra had a partner, but they had no intentions of marriage.

Noa had a previous engagement which was unfortunately never seen through.

Celest was betrothed to a prince in another System.

10. Slightly odd question, but it bothered me for a while: Do Kitalphans and Tilaari grow beards/body hair? Considering that one species is aquatic and the other one sort of 'elfy'.

Tilaari grow quite fine/wispy body hair, including beards. Kits would only grow body hair and beards after living on land for an extended period of time, and similar to humans.

11. How long are the days on the different planets and do they have moons? Which planets have seasons?

The planets all have at least one moon, however we've only named a few of them so far. Cursa has one moon called Nyx. Tilaarin has three moons, one of which is called Netaa.

Orion and Tilaarin both have seasons similar to Earth. Goldis has much warmer seasons. Tilaarin is a desert planet, so is always very hot. Cursa, being a storm planet, is often rainy and cold.

12. Do the cats in the Seleota System are originaly from Earth or are they space kitten from the start?

Cats are very similar to the OG Earth cats, but some might have unusual coloring, or a tail that splits in two, or longer whiskers.

13. What was King Fenris' official title(s)?

King of Goldis, and the Seleota System.

14. Does the Traveler now have any official title?

Prince/Princess/Your Highness.

15. Did anyone in the royal family or those close to them expect a coup?

Yes, but not Zovack’s.

16. Is Zovack desperate to get his hands on the last Peg'asi?

Referring to Traveler, not at this point in the story.

17. What does the royal family's crest look like?

We don't have a design for it just yet.

18. If someone wanted to present themself as an heir to the throne, what should they do? Is there a vote, some ritual, do they need support from other nobles or allies...?

They would need to first be identified, which they can do through genetic archives, and it would help immensely for them to have multiple people backing them.

19. Does the Traveler still have family members out there, however distant, or did Zovack do an otherwise thorough job in tying up loose ends?

Yes, there are distant relatives.

20. Do you have names for the Traveler's grandfather and uncle?

King Magnus and Prince Gabriel, and Traveler's Grandmother was Queen Elena.

21. How did the Traveler get injured just before the start of the game? How long were they out for?

They were knocked over the head by debris from the ruined bridge. They were out for around two days, as stated in Episode 1.

22. How did Fenris view the members of his family? What did he think about his marriages?

Fenris very much saw his children as tools to be used to secure alliances and safeguard the System. He was more tolerant of Nerissa, Auberon and Ecko, and Elettra, and rarely, if ever, spent time on the others.

He was very fond of Lucrezia, and they were often partners in crime. He was initially charmed by Nikolle, but began to pull away from her the more her mental health deteriorated, and he had a very strained relationship with Ta'jean, having married her only to secure a relationship with Tilaarin, which was also extremely fragile.

23. Why did the Traveler only have the music box on them when they left the palace?

The music box was in their pocket. They also had a small bag of essentials (food, water, credits etc), but that was lost among the chaos.

24. Other than the Festival of Valen that we get to celebrate on the DLC, are there other festivals that we will get to know in the future? Or any other festivals in the world would do!

Seleota also celebrates Halloween and Christmas, and you just might get to see them.

25. How long have the K’Merii been around and was Zovack always in charge?

They officially formed around fifteen years before the setting of the game, starting off as multiple Cursan gangs banding together to form a single faction. They were pretty small-time for many years. Zovack has always been one of their main leaders (there are also others at his side) but he really took charge in the years leading up to the coup, seeing it as his own vision.

26. Are multiple spouses a tradition expected of Pega'si? If Nerissa survived and ascended to the throne, would she be expected to keep multiple husbands?

No, it's extremely uncommon. Fenris was a King who very much did what he wanted, without thinking of tradition.

Nerissa was expected to marry, and constantly infuriated her parents by deliberately rejecting suitors. She wasn't expected to have multiple husbands.

27. What was Ta'jean's relationship with her non-Peg'asi family like? Did she maintain contact with them after becoming the Stellar Queen?

It was strained for many years, as she was angry at them for agreeing to her marriage with Fenris. After time she began to understand their reasoning, and they stayed in contact.

- Characters -

28. Will we get to wear Damon's jacket in his route?


29. Will Damon & Vexx be friends again?

They never stopped being.

30. Was Vexx a Noble as a child?


31. Could we have some background on Zane? He seems to be around the same age as Alisa and Damon, did he suffer the same childhood as every Cursan usually does?

Zane is 29 years old, so he has a few years on Alisa (25) and Damon (24). We have a short Zane lore coming up, but yes, he had the same shitty childhood every Cursan does. Unlike Damon and Alisa, he was raised by both parents and had a taste of what parental love feels like, despite of how poor and troubled their lives were.

Born on District 8, Zane has always lived under Azure Dawn territory, and joined their ranks to help his mother at home when, as a teenager, his father was killed in a K’Merii raid. He rose to the top quite fast, given his cunning and ruthless mind – yet he didn’t have the patience to wait for the former leader to die so he’d be chosen as the new leader.

Once the former Azure leader started leading the gang down a path Zane didn’t agree with, he took matters in his own hand and killed them, securing his place as leader with the move.

Azure and Crimson never got along, and way back when, back to the time Damon and Alisa still fought together in Cursa, a young member of the Crimson Dusk almost cost him his eye – and dare he say, his life. To say he was surprised when he learned she became leader of his rival gang years later would be an understatement.

32. Does Vexx always have a crush on mc in the past? 

Not always, only if you chose "we were more than friends", but he did always consider MC a close friend.

33. Who is making a cake for Damon?

Ryona, with some help from Bash.

34. Who would be the fastest to realize and accept feelings towards mc? 


35. Does Bash already have actual drawings of mc on his holo pad?

Maybe... (that means yes)

36. So we’ve seen that June’s eyes change due to the experimentation done on him, are there any other physical changes? 

A few.

37. Bit morbid but, which LI has killed the most people? or could you do a list (from who has killed the least to who has killed the most?)

From least to most:

Aya, Bash, Ryona, June, Cal, Vexx, Damon.

38. How festive are the LI’s when it comes to holidays? least to most?

It would depend on the holiday, but they all enjoy time spent with their loved ones.

39. So, we know Vexx got some kind of mind whammied. Was this his first mind whammying? Or just the first one to go this poorly?

This is the first time.

40. Does Nerissa have a canon design? Or at least any canon physical features?

Yes, you will see her soon-ish.

41. Did Nerissa have any favorite hobbies or games that she reserved especially for the Traveler?

Not particularly, although Nerissa was very fond of reading and would lend Traveler her favorite books.

42. Why did Vexx reach out to MC and let themselves get close despite having a job to do?

He was using them to get information, MC seemed the easier way to get what he needed. He did not expect to grow attached to them.

43. What was Vexx’s impression of Nerissa prior to meeting her, and how did it change after he became an RG?

Vexx hated all the Peg'asi family equally before meeting them, but after joining the R.G he began to get to know siblings like Traveler and Nerissa. He ended up having a good relationship with Nerissa, as they had a similar sense of humor and he had a knack for helping her lighten up, and she could tell how much he cared for Traveler.

44. Who is deadlier in a fight, Damon or Vexx?

An honest fight? Vexx. A street fight? Damon. Sniping? Vexx. Sneaky? Damon.

45. When did June and Damon start to regret what they said to the Traveler in Chapter 3? Did either of them go to their room to say something before they arrived at Cursa but back out at the last second?

They didn’t regret what they said, they regretted how they said it. Neither tried to talk to Traveler before the events in episode 4.

46. In the third episode Vexx told MC "stay away from Andromeda Six" but they never name it. How does he know that?

He knows because he’d been following them.

47. Were there specific places Vexx mentioned he wanted to take the traveler? If so what planets? Were they in Seleota or in another system?

No specific place, but he told Traveler about places all over Seleota – oasis in Teranium, ruins in Orion, cities in Tilaarin. But he was always curious in going to other Systems, and wondered if Traveler would ever go with him.

48. To Damon, who in the crew (including the traveler) would he rather be stuck in a room for an hour?

He wouldn’t mind being stuck with any of them.

49. Since we kinda know backstory of Damon's scar what about Vexx'? (I apologize if this already was answered, sometimes I feel like I live in a tank)

Vexx got his scar when his parents were taken away when he was younger.

50. What did Vexx say to Damon to piss him off?

Nothing. That was the problem. Damon was already on edge, and Vexx wasn't cooperating with him, which pissed him off even more. He also didn't want to have to result to more extreme measures to get information, as Vexx had been his friend.

51. Zovack was mentioned to be a half human, is it because he was born that way or because of experimentation?

He was born like that. He is mostly human, and part another species. His grandmother was not human.

52. Was Vexx Jealous :o? (In Damon Route)

No, Vexx was only trying to get under MC’s skin.

53. Considering Ry loves plants, does she have a favorite kind/species?

Her favorite flower is jasmine, for the scent, but she loves to grow plants that look strange and unusual like Pitcher Plants, Bat Flowers etc

54. Each LI’s fav kind of weather?

Aya - scorching hot weather

Bash - warm and dry

Cal - cloudy, not too hot

Damon - stormy

June – sunny, but windy

Ryona - light rain 

Vexx - cloudless night

55. Please rank the LIs by how much they simp for traveler. 

From least to most:

Ryona, Damon, June, Vexx, Aya, Bash, Cal

56. Do they all have holopads? What are their lockscreens?

Yes, they do.

Aya - a selfie

Bash - an action shot of mecha in the arenas

Cal - a photo of his moms

Damon - the standard image

June - a picture of Lizzie

Ryona - a candid shot of the crew

Vexx - black screen

57. What personality traits does Vexx value most in a romantic partner?

A sense of adventure.

- Spoilers -

58. Can we know who K & E are? Maybe just their names?

KY-L3 and Eldrid.

59. Is the upcoming DLC going to tell us about casual things connected to LIs or are we going to interact with them too? 

You will see the crew through Oppo's memories of them.

60. In the description of episode 4 its written that Alisa and Zane may end up being our allies or not, but we didn't really have any choice for that in the episode. Will we be able to choose in the future? to be allied with them or to be enemies?

Their motivations will change, but in no case will they be their enemies.

- NSFW -

61. NSFW, and will probably make the devs facepalm, but I promised to ask that: So let's assume MC goes down on them under the table in a semi-public place, who would show selfrestraint, who would lose it and who would just kick MC for trying that?

Aya - would kick MC before she loses it

Bash - would love it and be pretty chill while letting MC continue

Cal - would lose his shit and kick MC accidentally 

Damon - would be chill, also letting MC continue

June - would eventually chill out and let MC continue

Ryona - would kick MC immediately

Vexx - would be on the verge of losing it, but still loving it

62. NSFW: Which of the members would love to make the Traveler scream their name.

They all would.

63. (nsfw) Rank the LIs by how much they need to get laid

Keeping in mind that need is different from want, from least to most:

Damon, Bash, Aya, Ryona, June, Vexx, Cal

64. Weird question, but what kind of underwear do the LIs wear?

Aya - lace lingerie

Bash - boxer briefs

Cal - trunks

Damon - trunks

June - boxer briefs

Ryona - white, natural cotton

Vexx - trunks

65. (NSFW)What are Vexx’s favorites positions in bed?

Vexx: Top - The Ballet Dancer | Bottom - Leopard Position

As a bonus, Vexx really loves fucking his partner’s mouth.



Thanks for the answers, it was extremely amusing)


NSFW part legit made me laugh. Poor Cal XD