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Hi everyone! The time for you to start sending in your questions for the exclusive Patreon Q&A has begun. No limit on the questions this time around, but please bear in mind we might not be able to answer them all (but we will do our best!). 

You can leave your question in the comments of this post until Friday, July 17th, and we’ll be sharing the answers once we're done with Damon's Birthday Q&A on Tumblr.

We’re looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Spoilers and NSFW questions are allowed, they'll be properly indicated on the answers to make it easy to avoid seeing them if you don't want to.



Hi devs! Episode 4 was great and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for having this Q&A! 1. Please rank the LIs by how much they simp for traveler. 2. Do they all have holopads? What are their lockscreens? 3. (nsfw) Rank the LIs by how much they need to get laid 4. Why did Vexx reach out to MC and let themselves get close despite having a job to do? 5. What was Vexx’s impression of Nerissa prior to meeting her, and how did it change after he became an RG? 6. Who is deadlier in a fight, Damon or Vexx?


When did June and Damon start to regret what they said to the Traveler in Chapter 3? Did either of them go to their room to say something before they arrived at Cursa but back out at the last second?


Thanks for the Q&A, it's always amazing to get to know more about the world and the characters! :) I have a few questions: 1. How long are the days on the different planets and do they have moons? Which planets have seasons?


2. Weird qestion, but what kind of underwear do the LIs wear? :D


Referring to the questions that weren't answered for Vexx, is it fine If ask these?: 1. What would be Vexx's theme? 2. (NSFW)What are his favorites positions in bed? 3. What personality traits does he value most in a romantic partner?


I have a very important question: Do the cats in the Seleota System are originaly from Earth or are they space kitten from the start?


have any of the love interests (or side characters!) changed notably since their inception— be that their personalities, designs, or storylines?


The first and the most important question for me is how long is this game supposed to be? The number of undiscovered pictures is depressingly low... This question has already been asked, but it is better to ask twice. Do you have a canonical image of MC? I don’t need much... the color of hair, eyes, skin... And as a result, should I hope to see pictures with MC in the future? In the third episode Vexx told MC "stay away from Andromeda Six" but they never name it. How does he know that?


•What was King Fenris' official title(s)? •Does the Traveler now have any official title? •Did anyone in the royal family or those close to them expect a coup? •Is Zovack desperate to get his hands on the last Peg'asi? •What does the royal family's crest look like? •If someone wanted to present themself as an heir to the throne, what should they do? Is there a vote, some ritual, do they need support from other nobles or allies...? •Does the Traveler still have family members out there, however distant, or did Zovack do an otherwise thorough job in tying up loose ends? •Do you have names for the Traveler's grandfather and uncle? •How did the Traveler get injured just before the start of the game? How long were they out for? •How did Fenris view the members of his family? What did he think about his marriages? •Why did the Traveler only have the music box on them when they left the palace?


oh! also! on a tumblr ask, we learned who was the best and worst at casual and formal dancing. could we get full lists of the LIs ranked from best to worst on how good/bad they are at dancing?


Were there specific places Vexx mentioned he wanted to take the traveler? If so what planets? Were they in Seleota or in another system?


Hai!~ 1.) What were the crews reactions when they heard about Vexx joining in with them in ship on the way to Orion? 2.) What were the crews reactions when Damon suggested on shipping Traveler to Zovack at Chapter 3? 3.) What were Damon's thoughts during Chapter 3 to the end of Chapter 4 especially about the travel (can be both if the traveler is going on Damon's route or someone else's route? 4.) How did Damon convince Calderon to let the traveler stay? 5.) Are we going to be able to wear Damon's Jacket? 6.) DLC: What we're the crew's thought during the Firefly scene. 7.) NSFW: Which of the members would love to make the Traveler scream their name. 8.) Other than the Festival of Valen that we get to celebrate on the DLC, are there other festivals that we will get to know in the future? Or any other festivals in the world would do! 9.) Are there any special hobbies that the crew do together ? Like a weekly or daily team training or just them playing video games. 10.) Is there any hobbies that the crew would do together with the traveler alone? Just the two of them. 11.) I'm interested on how they'll be hiding their surprise to Damon knowing the guy probably already know what's going to happen. 12.) To Damon, who in the crew (including the traveler) would he rather be stuck in a room for an hour? 13.) What kind of sports would each crew be into? 14.) What we're everyone's first thoughts where they met the traveler? 15.) How would the crew react with finding the Traveler knocked out on the ship floor?


Since we kinda know backstory of Damon's scar what about Vexx'? (I apologize if this already was answered, sometimes I feel like I live in a tank)


So, we know Vexx got some kind of mind whammied. Was this his first mind whammying? Or just the first one to go this poorly?