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Don't think we've forgotten our dear Captain's birthday! The thing is, he doesn't want anyone to know when his birthday is, so he threw us in for a loop and we have to do it this week.

Calderon Lynch is still, however, forced to sit down and join us for a Patreon exclusive Q&A. :)

So much like it was done for Bash, don't let the chance go by and ask away all the questions you'd like an answer to, he might just answer it... or dodge it. You have until Thursday night to ask, as we'll post the answers this Friday!



I feel awful for even asking on his birthday, but why did his Cal’s last relationship end badly?

Libra Frills

Happy birthday captain~~ im curious, is there an ideal place he could go for his birthday? A beach, a fancy hotel, etc?

Amadeus Maverick

Captain! Best birthday wishes too thee! I Was wondering though, how do you feel about the others reactions to Travelers true identity (more specifically Junes)

Amadeus Maverick

What was it like being held for ransom? Did anything in particular stand out?


Happy Birthday Captain! What are some of your guilty pleasures?? And also, can you tell us anything about your moms??


Happy birthday, dear Captain! What's your favorite kind of dessert?


Happy belated birthday. Mine is coming up pretty soon, so can I have a pet kitten for my present? Actual cat-kitten, not a tiger-kitten. Also, did Calderon ever meet Vexx or know of him since they were both military?


Happy (sort of) Birthday! As it's esteemed captain, can you tell us about how long you've had the Andromeda Six? Maybe how you got it, and do you have someone that just.. makes the uniforms/logos for you and the crew?

Honovi Derringer

Happy birthday, Captain! What sort of decorations do you like, if any? Would you like a gift from the Traveler and may they see your quarters some time? :D


Hey cal, you’ve been betrayed by a loved one, so was it your ex? What did they do ?


Happy birthday, Captain!! Is there maybe an action or gesture that someone you're interested in can do for you that you'd find to be romantic or sweet? Also is drinking with the traveler or the crew to relax and have fun an idea that appeals to you? (Though I wonder how you feel about dealing with tipsy/drunk friends...)