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A shorter Q&A this time, but we still hope you'll enjoy what we have here! Thank you all for participating, and stay tuned for the exclusive Q&A we'll be hosting for our beloved Captain.

We were planning on answering only 10, but we had so many questions that were interesting that we decided to go that extra mile and give you 10 more!! If you're not interested in spoilers, please refrain from checking them out. Otherwise, knock yourselves out!


1- You've mentioned some characters that inspired Zovack, could you tell us about the characters that inspired the rest of the cast as well?

Ayame: Rikku (FF X/X-2)

Bash: Cassian (ACOTAR) Jesper Fahey (SoC)

Calderon: Cullen (DA:I) Tiberias Calore (The Red Queen)

Damon: Kaz Brekker (SoC), Ezio Auditore (AC)

June: Indiana Jones, Steve Rogers (MCU)

Ryona: Sansa Stark (GoT) Elizabeth Swann (PotC)

Vexx: Reno (FF7), Loki (MCU), Bucky Barnes (MCU)

Oppo: Benny (The Mummy)

King Fenris: Henry VIII, Nikolai Romanov

Nerissa: (Aeriie's OC)

Alisa (Ep 4): (Steph's OC)

2- What would Nerissa think about the traveler dating the LIs? What did Nerissa think of Vexx?

Nerissa was fairly good at figuring out relationships between people, having watched people closely her entire life. She would have approved of all the LI's as long as she could see that they truly cared for MC. Including Vexx. 

There are some LI's she would have liked more. Cal, as they share a strong sense of duty, and she would have enjoyed Bash's sense of humor and flirtations.

When in the palace together, Nerissa and Vexx had a good relationship, as Nerissa could see how Vexx felt about MC and vice-versa. She was happy that her younger sibling had someone other than her to look out for them.

3- What fate did the King and Queen have planned out for the MC? As the youngest, were they just going to be married off for political gain?

MC would have had no idea what was planned for them but they would have been married off to a nearby System for political gain, most probably to the highest bidder.

4- Can we know more about Calderon's friendship with Sorenn? Like were they close, or did Sorenn ever mention his siblings (like the traveler) to Cal?

They became friends when training for the Guard. Sorenn was the same age as Cal and Jasper so fit in with them easily. After training ended, Jasper went to the Silver District, Sorenn to Gold and Cal to Bronze. Cal and Sorenn didn't keep in touch often but they had the kind of relationship where they could call in a favor with the other if need be, or if they saw each other somewhere they'd spend time catching up on each other’s lives.

Sorenn would have mentioned his brother, Noa, who was the same age and close with him, and may have mentioned his sister, Elettra, who was also in the Guard.

5- If the crewmembers (excluding Vexx and Traveler) had an important mission, and got to choose only one other crewmember to back them up, who would each of them choose (and why)?

Damon > Cal - Damon only joined the A6 because of his trust in Cal, and trusts him to take the best course of action for any situation they could find themselves in.

Bash > Aya - Even though they argue a lot, these two are completely on the same wavelength and would trust each other to make decisions they both agree on.

Aya > Bash - Same as Bash.

June > Ry - Ry is one of the few who know the full extent of June’s situation, and he knows he can trust her to know his limits and to intervene when push comes to shove. He also deeply respects her skills and bravery.

Ry > Damon - These two have an unusual friendship, but a lot of their ideas and ways of thinking are similar, they just act on them differently. Ryona knows she has Damon's respect and can trust him to always have her back.

Cal > June - Cal trusts June to get a job done quickly and efficiently, and trusts him unconditionally, even when June doubts himself. 

Vexx > Vexx - Vexx is a lone sniper. Not a team player. Fucking Vexx.

6- So June is obviously in a painful headspace right now. Did he ever have any interactions with other members of the Peg'asi family that are part of the nightmare fuel? Is he afraid that now that the Traveler remembers who they are, they won't be the same person he's come to know?

He did. Ecko, unlike his twin brother and older sister, Auberon and Nerissa, never held any interest in politics – his brilliant mind was only always interested by science. He was head of one of the R&D divisions and oversaw the labs in Orion. 

June saw him occasionally whenever he was conscious when Ecko was there for periodic inspections, also hearing his name in the lab quite often. The ideas Ecko had and the lines he was willing to cross in the name of science are not something June will ever forget.

And yes, June fears greatly that MC will turn out to be just like their brother. He wants to believe they won’t, he truly does, but he can’t help but wonder just how similar they could be.

7- It was mentioned that in his route we would need to be forgiving of Vexx. Are we going to be forgiving Vexx for what he's done or what he's going to do?

For something he’s done. But forgiving him or not will be a choice.

8- What did Cal do for Damon that Damon feels like he owes him for?

Before Cal joined the Guard, when he was between 16 and 17 years old, he spent his days getting in trouble with his best friend Jasper, and one day they decided it was a good idea to escape to Teranium for some fun. Turns out two spoiled brats from Goldis drew too much attention, and the gang Damon was currently with kidnapped them for some easy money.

Damon, 14 at the time, ended up in charge of watching Cal, and despite the initial tensions between the two, during the few weeks they were together, they bonded.

Damon caught Cal reading randomly one day, when being able to do so was very rare in Cursa and Teranium, only the most important people around there could do it, so he told Cal to teach him and in return he wouldn’t make his life miserable while they waited for the ransom.

Cal might have forgotten about the kid he taught the basics of how to read until they met again, but Damon didn’t, and when he found out that spoiled brat became Commander and was now exiled from Goldis after being accused of murder, he refused to let the chance go by and joined the A6 to repay his debt.

9- What would a quiet day with each LI and the traveler look like? Like, just chilling and having each other to themselves?

Aya - would want to do a hundred different things and in the end, they would end up doing nothing because she couldn't decide and just lay together making plans

Bash - likes to play games and is really good at them. Would let MC win on purpose at first, but would be super competitive once MC got the hang on the game and would get huffy if he lost

Cal - would probably suggest some training with MC so they can learn to defend themselves, but if MC was forcing him to be chill, it would have to involve drinking

Damon - enjoys curling up to read in silence, or just making out with MC

June - would want to work on some DIY, he'd even be willing to risk baking with MC if they were into that

Ryona - enjoys being outside the ship and getting fresh air if they're on a planet. If her and MC are stuck in the ship, they would be relaxing, talking and listening to music

Vexx - enjoys the sounds of buildings crumbling and people screaming. MC can tag along if they want

Vexx - likes to explore new places, or if stuck in one place, would enjoy Netflix and chill type activities

10- Could you tell us more about social relations between humans and other species? Are they on friendly terms, are there any taboos about interspecies relationships and how common are they?

Everyone gets along relatively normal, though some people are prejudiced against Tilaari for their refusal to help others in need when they have plenty of resources and are known for being good healers.

Kits are seen by some as refugees, since they lost their home and have had to live elsewhere, which could put more strain on resources. However, they have always been more mixed with Humans than Tilaari, so most people are used to them by now, especially after their species was significantly reduced.

As for interspecies relationships, everyone is used to Humans and Kits being together, while Tilaari are more frowned upon because of those same issues. The Tilaari themselves frown upon relationship with others, as most of them believe they should grow within their own people.

Any other species is taboo and considered a crime sometimes.

11- What is June’s brother’s name?

Julian, but June called him Jules.

12- Better make it count then: The DLC made me wonder, does Calderon always have feelings for our MC?

He always has an interest, how that develops is up to the player.

13- Would Damon go against Cal's orders if the Traveler told him to take them to Zovack and trade their life for Zovack removing the bounty on the crew?


14- Did Vexx look for the Traveler's corpse after the insurgency?


15- How is everyone's oral game?

On point, but remember to give as well to receive.

16- Would Vexx have a redemption moment and admit his love for the MC?


17- How is Vexx 'in bed'?

You’ll find out… ;)

18- Do any of the love interests hold guilt for not being able to make it on time to save the royals? (Being unable to save traveler's family)

Assuming it’s before they know MC, only Cal does. Ry feels a bit, because of the general loss of life, and Aya feels guilty she failed Cal in getting them there in time.

Bash feels guilty after knowing MC, as well as June and Aya. Damon still doesn’t, he knows there was nothing they could do.

Vexx also feels guilty.

19- Where’s Vexx from?


20- What exactly is the whole relationship between Damon and his "friend"?

Her name is Alisa, and you will get to meet her in ep 4!

She and Damon grew up together on Cursa, they've been through thick and thin and did many things together, but were never in a serious relationship. They’re friends, rivals even, especially back when Damon was still in a gang.



I love some of those characters the characters were inspired by especially the ones from SoC, Jesper and Kaz. Also reading about how Damon owed Cal and how Damon joined the A6. Heartwarming.


Thank you for doing the Q&A!

Libra Frills

Good stuff! Thank you for answering so many questions, I love these lore tidbits. And it tickled me to see Kaz and Cullen on that inspiration list - I was totally reminded of them when I interacted with Damon and Cal!


I must have missed it or something because playing the DLC I didn't really get that Calderon was always interested. Then again I also thought his was the least "fun" date out of the 6.