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Some of you may know this character from random sketches and animations I've done. This an exaggerated representation of me. His partner in crime, Dave, is the same idea but of Dave...  We knew we needed to put ourselves into the animation for fun and for efficiency. Getting voice actors to meet up and perform when we need them to can sometimes slow the process down. But if it's me and Dave doing the voices, it's so much easier.  Why ninjas? Because as teens we used to pretend we we're ninjas. Plus ninjas are pretty cool.  (Side Note: Stay tuned for a bonus NSFW animation coming later this week!)

Name: Minh

Age: 21

Height: 5'7"

Eye Color: Orange

Skin Color: Tan

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Personality:  Minh is a hot tempered, stubborn simpleton who believes he's an intelligent mastermind that all the Hex Realms should bow down to. What he lacks in wit and smarts he makes up for in fierce fighting ability. As a ninja he fights with deception although his real strength lies in his berzerker like aggression. When Minh is in tune with his spirit, he can manipulate fire energy at will.

Motivation: Working as a mercenary and assassin has made the Ninja Bros wanted men with a high bounty on their heads. Dodging and slaying would be bounty hunters has never been a problem but Minh believes this sort of life is beneath him. He has a more grandiose idea of how his life should be. Seeking fortune and glory, Minh and Dave set out to take over the Hex Realms... while having no real plan about how to do that.




Sounds like my kinda guy haha I like the pose you have given him. It's intimidating, lazy, and spindly all in one... Like a slacker with hidden potential. I gotta wonder if Akumi out ant of the other named bounty hunters will seek to claim Minhs bounty...


Thanks for that awesome description Greg! I can never articulate into words what I'm trying to convey in these character, I just draw it, so it's cool to hear it described so detailed from another person's perspective. That's exactly the feel I was looking for. Time flies by when I work on these character sheets. I had the basic pose down right away then proceeded to spend the next 24 hours messing around with his overall look. They're wanted men so they'll definitely be sought after. But one of the few things Minh and Dave are good at is not being caught. On the other hand, their pride and idiocy will get them in trouble.


"One of the few things" lol gotta wonder what else they are good at! Do you plan for them to be major players or will they be more for comic relief our a quick aside scene before going back To the main story? Also, do you plan on recording or live streaming the creation of one of your character sheets? Kind of like your speed paint videos? Edit: I accidentally didn't reply but made a new comment -___-


Yeah for now they'll be the comic relief but I do want them to play a larger part in the main story eventually. We already have some ideas we want to explore that we haven't done before. I'm excited to see how they play out. I could do a stream but I hesitate to commit to it because of the time and planning it takes. Same goes for screen recording. I like to dive head first to the creation process so I can get to the animations sooner. But if I feel inspired to stream, I'll let you all know beforehand. Haha yeah I've done the same thing in the comments before. The reply button isn't very noticeable...


I hope Minh is as cool as he looks because Minh looks really cool to me


How do you Pronounce "Minh"? is it like "Mine" or "Me" or "Mean"?


Sounds more like "Min"or "Men". But "Mean" funny enough, describes Minh as well. Minh is what one of my mom's Vietnamese friends called me instead of Milton because she couldn't pronounce Milton. Said it's my Vietnamese name. :)


ah, how neat. XD sounds fun. I need to learn more proper pronounciation of Vietnamese. I used to have alot of Vietnamese friends during my stint in Job Corps back in 1995.


I'm originally from California. been in Arizona now for almost 20 years I'm turning 41 this year lol (wow time flies)


I used to live in Texas till I was 14 yo. But been in Cali ever since. That it does... but all we have is now so lets use it! :)


Thanks c.allen! You can be sure he's gonna have some kickass fighting skills when things get serious. I designed him in a way I could animate him easily. >:)