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Development of Akumi has officially begun! So lets get started shall we? Here's the first character sheet introducing of course, Akumi, the girl who started it all.  I found an old notebook where I first put down her details. I like to keep things as simple as possible so I'm putting down what I know of these characters which will evolve as the animation develops.

Name: Akumi

Age: 20

Height: 5'4"

Eye Color: Violet

Skin Color: Brown

Hair Color: White

Personality:  Akumi lives moment to moment. She doesn't ponder the future or past. This makes her great in fights but bad at planning.  She's overtly optimistic and happy but also rebellious and independent. This makes her aggressively oppose authority.   She can also be naive to the world and how it works.

Motivation: Hunting bounties and hanging out with her roommate and friend Liv are the only things Akumi is driven by. She's never felt the need to pursue any grand purpose with her skills. But her prowess in battle attracts those that would have her do otherwise. She has fun in battle and enjoys the challenge. Trying new weapons and devices is also a passion of hers which makes her unpredictable. Hunting and taking down dangerous bounties is a perfect fit for her, freedom and excitement.




I like bios and cant wait to see more of her misadventures


Hey Sutiru, glad you like! There's gonna be more characters of the Akumiverse being posted the rest of this week!


Waifu material


Can't wait to see how the story will unfold


Me too! I have a lot of scenes ideas roughed out for the first episode already. We're on our way!


Is a Rape Scene with Akumi in the future possible? Or is she like a mascot or Avatar for you that you don't want to touch or change in this way? Sry 4 my bad English.


I can say presently I don't have any plans for Akumi herself to have a rape scene. But none of the original Akumi episodes we're planned out story-wise. We built the episodes in a spontaneous way. I rough out scenes of what could happen and then me and Dave think up interesting events or scenarios to bridge and add to it. The process is very organic and happens in the moment. For example Lester having the personality he had was never planned but happened while we we're recording. So this new Akumi animation and how it develops will be just as surprising to us as it will be to you.


Hey Milton, this is a really fantastic start. Thanks so much for getting around to making character profiles. to those new and even some of us oldies, character profiles help a lot in building that strong foundation to the story and setting up your Universe. and now it'll help us even more in getting invested into the Akumiverse. Onwards and Upwards my friend. ;)


6.75 heads Tall? wow she's hella short. (almost 54-56 inches tall?) <a href="http://www.idrawdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/prop2.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.idrawdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/prop2.jpg</a> I admit, for some reason I thought judging by her body type that she was almost 5'10" but wait, going of that chart there wouldn't 6 heads only be 42-44 inches tall? so... almost 4 ft. tall?


This is how characters are measured by height in the world of animation. These are cartoon proportions not real world proportions. Haha I didn't know there was an real world anatomy chart judging height by heads. Disregard that anatomy chart. I'd say Akumi would be 5'5-5'6" in real world measurements.


Thank you Frank! Agreed, these profiles are creating a nice foundation for the world. It helps bring the characters alive and allows them to make their own decisions and build their own stories within the Akumivers. I'm excited to see where this all leads. Onwards and Upwards my friend!


Thanks so much. XD yeah I always tend to imagine how tall stuff is irl when I draw it. I'm hella backwards I guess. XD