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Akumi got her very first convention booth 14 years after release!  It was a unique experience.  The first 3-4 hours we're energetic, exciting and hyper but the last 5-6 hours is when we started to fill exhaustion set in.

We we're the only booth there with monitor displays playing animation. Most artists there we're selling print merch, posters of known anime characters.  Akumi being an original character I think confused a lot of people. Dave said he heard a lot people passing by saying what is this? Who we're our most attentive and most eager fans?  Unfortunately, is was a younger audience that should not be anywhere near my content. :P  It makes sense though, their eyes we're mesmerized by the colorful characters jumping around and fighting on the screens.

All in all it was a positive experience. We met a handful of fans who knew our works and a lot of AQW players as well.  But I think the best time to do the next convention will be when the Akumi Wars game demo is ready this year.

My brother-in-law was the highlight of our booth stay. :D ( the pic with the tall guy on the left talking to the Deadpool/Storm Trooper )  He loved it, drinking, eating the asian food and taking photos for us. He took it all in and enjoyed the hell out of it. Got us coffees and beers to pull us through. You can thank him for the lovely pics of cute cosplay girls above too.

Later, I'll be posting an awesome convention related fan art pic from an amazing Patron artist. Until then...

Onwards and Upwards my Friends!





Wish I could've been there but I live in Florida these pics are cool


I wish I could have gone on the Saturday but I had a previous engagement. Do you see yourself at another con in socal this year?


No worries, I didn't know I'd be so beat after one day. Once I get the game demo ready, I'll be trying to get into every Socal convention I possibly can to market it. :)


living in the other side of the ocean makes me miss some nice events :( , thanks for sharing how the convention was. PS: we all were young at somepoint and watched cartoons that were not suppose to watch ,xd.


Haha include me in that group. :D My work was heavily influenced by my I innocently renting an anime called "Legend of the Overfiend" when I was 14 yo. The rest is history!

Josiah Taylor

We have a comic book convention in Dayton, OH every year in the spring. It's a two day event though so that could be rough.


Yeah it was as unexpected how much energy it took because I’d looked forward to having a booth for Akumi for years. I think displaying an Akumi game demo next time would make for a more engaging interaction since people would be coming to do an activity, playing my game!


If you ever came to Arizona (more importantly...PHOENIX) I'd go to you booth to meet you man. buuuut sadly I just am far too poor to travel to other states to do conventions.


Sadly in this life I'll probably never actually get to see you in person. (At least I'm not lying)


Never say never! I'm just taking one day at a time nowadays. I try not to think too much. The moment I try to plan too much in the future, I get bogged down and don't want to do anything. My point is, things seem to find a way to work out when I go with the flow.