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Here I start playing with her outfit design again... I can't help it!!! It doesn't mean I'll use it but I need to explore.  I give her long sleeves here with different markings.   She has her what I like to call "ragdoll" proportions.  It's roughly the proportions I used in the original Akumi episodes.  But here her legs are a bit longer.  The ragdoll model is extremely easy to animate because it's compact. But I love long legs so I need to find a happy medium.





I think this looks fine! if you ask me.


Looks good to me too. I'll see what naturally flows when I'm animating. Working on my rough animations this week,

Luvh Art

Maybe you can keep the longer legs when she weard these boots? Maybe they have plates under 'em so she looks taller? That way you can keep using the rag dol lenght design for your seried?


I love the jacket with the big collar. Really gives her a "space merc" vibe


How tall is Akumi exactly I'm 6ft 3in in real life is she taller or shorter then me


I’m definitely keeping her legs long and slender because I love that look. It’s just a matter of how extreme I can do it when animating her. Boots automatically make her legs appear shorter so I’ll probably be making them much longer than the original Akumi designs naturally.


Thanks! Yeah I like it too. Makes me debate whether to use her scarf which covers it. We shall see...


i have a thing for tall women, but sadly im also quite tall at 6ft 4in.