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There it is- the ideas submitted for this month's Patreon sketch.  Vote for your favorite- I'll swing by tomorrow, and whichever choice leads, shall be drawn!   Thanks for keeping us chugging this month.  8 )   

We were able to help boost the Wayward Astronomer campaign with some extra art- check it out, they hit their first stretch goal!  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kafelnikov/the-wayward-astronomer-a-dreamkeepers-story

As well as maintain weekly Prelude, Volume 5 script polishing, and of course...

Taxes.   Nothing quite as exciting as taxes.

But they're done now- and we're bursting forward with some art and fun, starting with this sketch!  8  )  



The boob chart must prevail! :)


i had more faith in you all, Paige is dead and we could have seen her again :( *sigh* well boobs it is i guess