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It's that time- the monthly sketch is imminent.  What would you guys like to see?

Drop your suggestions in the comments here, and I'll get a survey set up in a couple days!  

While I'm here, thank you again to everyone for your generous support.    I probably sound like a broken record, and I don't think the text adequately transfers the feeling I have.    Having this layer of stability from Patreon is making it so much more feasible to try making a living with Dreamkeepers, having food reliably, and the time to just create more and better.  It's the greatest gift I could ever ask for, and you're providing it for us.  Thank you.  E )    



That or a couple of the secondary characters casually chilling in a bar, enjoying the moment to its fullest. Something like Vi, Bobby, Rumour, Karo, and the trokia gang enjoying the good old fashioned Scinter's Mark.


A boob and height chart of the female cast. Don't look at me like that! This one goes out to the DKchat group lol.