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And not just animation- the game engine is being upgraded and polishes.   Ed tested it with a friend recently, and it was running at a smooth 90 fps.

I'm no scientist, so I don't know if that will be altered based on different computers, or after the game is populated with more assets.   But there should be a menu option that lets the player adjust their FPS and render settings to optimize their gameplay.

Here's Mace transitioning from a crouch to the crawl.  A lot of these transitional animations, and long-follow through movements (like coming to a stop from a run) aren't strictly necessary, of course.  But they feel so nice!  And the game engine was custom built to accommodate more animation than you see in the average indie game.

I'm starting to get excited. 



Eric Ruskoski

I know this sounds like a promo, but I totally wanted to share, since its animation related... The Bancroft Brothers always say in their animation podcast: "Animate from the Heart" Your definitely doing that! Also if your needing a podcast to listen to while you animate, check them out on patron, they are former Disney Animators, but don't let that dissuade you, they have podcasts talking about the past, present, and future of animation, they even get a hold of the old folks who left Disney (having themselves left) and started Don Bluth, which you can relate to, self publishing and all, and also interview folks who are doing independent stuff like you guys! Motivation Fuel! (not that you need any) but worth a listen. I'm an animator, so I really love what your doing! I've been a fan of Dreamkeepers since 2009! Your updates are always a bright and cheerful nugget of joy in my days! Thanks!


Everything about that stop makes Mace look so floofy!


Ooh, thank you- I will check them out. Tackling more animation today, so that'll be just the thing. 8 )