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Which direction should Faction War go?  The GMs have two options for you.  

Because the dust has settled, and Goldenblood is over!  Central City Authority players were able to secure victory in a three-way battle against Neon Knives and the Troika players.

The latest version of Faction War saw a range of weaponry, mounts, persuasion tactics, and terrain features deployed.  Next game should allow for veteran and new players to join up & play- mods will announce when they’re kicking it off:


But first- thank you to the moderators who took on GM-ing responsibilities for the last half of Goldenblood.  I had fun developing the Trinity system to this point, but lacking the time to participate with day-to-day gameplay, fine tuning is better left in the hands of capable veterans.     

The Faction War mods have presented two pathways for game development:


Add more detail to the game mechanics, and create a deeper roleplay experience.  This would require more player time investment in learning the rules, and possibly limit the player count to more manageable group sizes.   


Simplify the mechanics to create more of an interactive board-game experience.  It would be easier for new players to jump in, and require less investment to participate, possibly accommodating a larger group.  Mechanics would be robust, but the trade off would be mechanical nuance and depth.

Edit- More detail on the options from the GMs:

 For option 1:  -The game would be similar to DnD (narrative goals) -The game would require players to schedule fixed times. -The game would be more "tailored" for each individual character. -Competition is still present, but wouldn't be the only focus. -LARGE campaigns (spanning over months)  

For option 2:  -The game would be more like a tactical RPG (goals determined by points system) -Shorter games, but no continuity. The game won't account any previous victories or fails when it starts (Unless players coordinate) -Characters would be practically non-existant. -Turn based system allows for playtime anytime of the day. 

How to decide?   

I think it’s your call.  You folks will be the ones playing, let’s ensure you get the experience you’d like best.

So, fire up that clicker, and vote in our poll!

Should Faction War veer more towards a deep roleplay experience, or towards an interactive competitive board-game experience?

Vote here in the Patreon poll attached to this post.

And after you vote, jump into the Discord and meet some friends.  https://discordapp.com/invite/uD5AMRb    Contact mods with your own suggestions, and help plan the next scenario.

Faction War mods, get in touch with me any time you need to signal boost an announcement.  Now everyone behave, and watch out for NPCs.

For reference, existing Faction War game system:





Extra clarification from the Faction War mods on what the options entail: For option 1: -The game would be similar to DnD (narrative goals) -The game would require players to schedule fixed times. -The game would be more "tailored" for each individual character. -Competition is still present, but wouldn't be the only focus. -LARGE campaigns (spanning over months) For option 2: -The game would be more like a tactical RPG (goals determined by points system) -Shorter games, but no continuity. The game won't account any previous victories or fails when it starts (Unless players coordinate) -Characters would be practically non-existant. -Turn based system allows for playtime anytime of the day.

Charlie Ascende

Seems option 1 is a lot more promising than option 2 in my opinion. The more the game gets deeper the better rewarding experience it has.