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 Time to tackle the monthly Q&A. I'm doing one post for each category, because we ran out of room on the poll for everything.  ^ ^;

If you already know the answer to a question, and post that in the comments, it will make it easier for people to vote on something unknown.

(Note- I tweaked categories on a couple of these to try and make them more accurate.)



I unbiasedly vote for I've cream!

Ben Berlin

I voted for options 1,2,4,5,7,8, and 9. as far as the one regarding The Wayward Astronomer, I asked Geo a while back a similar question and if my memory serves me correctly, he said that TWA took place maybe 1-2 years before the Graphic Novel Series, but it wasn't like way in the distant past or far into the future, that much I am certain on.

Garrett Simpson

We have plenty of things in our world throughout history that would put the nightmares to shame,I'd say we're doing a bit of guarding,haha!

Zolotoy Poloz

I'm curious about the geography outside of Anduruna


I mostly voted for ones that were already highly voted. -_-

Twin Trout

A world devoid of ice cream is a world without hope! =(