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Let's try this out- what would you like to know?

Submit your questions for the monthy Q&A in the comments below.  Then later, we'll assemble a poll, and the most voted-for questions will be addressed.  8 ) 

We'll answer at least one question each in the categories of Business, Lore, and Character.


Maximiliano Marin

Lore: could you explain how the stars and seasons work in the world?

Matthew Dieck

Mace, knowing you can never get back the people who mattered most to you, and knowing how cruel the world has realistically been to you: between the orphanage, the management thereof, the violent passing of one of your most valued friends, etc... ...from where do you pull your inspiration to keep moving forward, and, given the knowledge about your power that you've recently been given, still see value in, and attempt to save a world that's rejected you so frequently?

Paul Bibb

Lore: (This doesn't help at all but... I want to know everything.) I know there's a Wiki on this, but do you have any plans on creating a graphic depiction (Encyclopedia of sorts) of the Dreamworld and Anduruna? Such as things like a bestiary, list of Nightmares, known Dreamkeepers (their status and powers), Items that exist in the world, more detailed maps of areas, things of that nature? Just curious...

Ben Berlin

Lore: I'm curious about the geography outside of Anduruna, and also this just popped into my head, but with characters: will we ever find out more about their pasts? In particular how did mace and whip end up in the "care" of Grunn, and Lilith's mom.

Zor Underpaw

Lore: Roughly when does the events of Wayward Astronomer take place in relation to the GNS


Characters, to Karo and Mace: So Karo, how was your relationship with Grunn during your time at the orphanage? Any interesting anecdote you can share? Also were you the one who taught Mace how to annoy the hell out of your "caretaker"?


Business: Why did you guys decide to make a boardgame about the series before it was even finished? Lore: Did the dreamkeepers ever know about the human world? Character: Why is mace so small?

Alarm Frog

Lore: How high up does the troika's power class scale go? Character: Is there any class Mace has actually liked in school? Lore/Character/both?: Rumour, could you use your power to reach into a person?

Benjamin Varner

Business: With plushies recently being made of few characters, if more were to be made, what characters would they be of? Lore: is there a digital form of lucre or is it just solid currency. Character: to Scinter, do you ever take off that neckbrace? If not, why?


Lore: Is there ice cream in the Dreamkeepers' world? (If the answer is 'Yes') Characters: Lilith and Namah, what's you guys favorite flavor of ice cream? Mace, have you and Whip had ice cream before?


Ok, here's three that I've had floating around in my head for a while. Lore: 1) So, they are our Dreamkeepers. What are we to them? Lore: 2) Ok, so the Dreamkeepers are there to guard us from the nightmares. Are we guarding them against something from our direction? Lore: 3) Are there many Dreamkeepers who shave? As in, shave a beard each morning... or whatever.

Lord Kiyo

Lore question. Are their any predatory animals up in the mountains? Because while the main cast was up there. It did not look like their was any animals besides a few ruanooks.