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This month's sketch- Vi taking care of a baby Mace.

At this point, Vi would have been maybe 6 years old- I don't think she had a terribly maternal personality as a kid, she had other things on her mind.   

But when there's nobody else to rely on, somebody's gotta shelter the Soft Things from the Loud Idiots.   



Garrett Simpson

Aw! Very cute! Reminds me of the time while I still did art when I drew my idea of a younger Vi at a basketball court I think. I like how spunky/scrappy your rendition is as befitting her character both as a kid and adult. 😀

Lord Kiyo

Karo was in the orphanage? Must mean he was much older than Vi. Or somehow got out early. I wonder what is going on there between him and Grunn. Karo attacking Grunn like some sort of Rooster?

Benjamin Varner

Oooh, this both cute and really awesome! It's so interesting to see how events were before even the events of the prelude.


When all else fails, Vi's there to do her best :D

Shannon TJ

Grunn had different pants!?


We finally see Karo and Grunn battling each other at the orphanage. Really great pic.


I see Grunn as a "One Pants" kinda guy- he only owns one pair at any given time. So, inevitably, they will wear out after a few years. If they're not thrown off the docks first, that is.


Karo and Grunn did NOT GET ALONG. Like an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force...


Karo and Grunn didn't see eye to eye on... Well anything. If you think Karo is a little unhinged as an adult, 8-year-old Karo was a force of nature.

Lord Kiyo

Sounds like a Rooster to me. many scratches and gouging wounds will be made. Would not doubted he would use claws and teeth. So did they move Karo out early or something, or is that something for the Idea Safe?


I guess he was the one who taught Mace all the best ways to piss Grunn off. XD Been waiting a long tile to see those two interact, thanks! I hope we'll see more of them.

Shannon TJ

Thank you guys for this important pants lore *thumbs up*


I take it you didn't notice this little reference? <a href="http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/Prelude.php?pg=0053" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/Prelude.php?pg=0053</a>


Before there was Mace... there was Karo! I'd love to see Vi's reaction the day she joins the Trioka and meets Karo for the first time in ages.

Lord Kiyo

Oh how about that, never noticed he was referenced way back before we knew about him. Although now I wonder how or why the orphans end up working for the Troika. I mean they get held in that horrible orphanage. Maybe its Stockholm syndrome.