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SKIRMISH backers, we need you!  It's time for Mob Rule- here's what the first desktop will look like, but what will the second one depict?

It's up to you, submit your comment in the Kickstarter campaign, and we'll get ready to submit them for a vote.  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2083757038/dreamkeepers-skirmish-shadow-wars-of-anduruna/posts/1952448

And speaking of a vote-Backers of UberQuest Volume 2 get to vote on a character and a situation, and we'll draw that too.  8 )   That campaign is currently live here:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/839048152/uberquest-volume-ii-call-of-the-relic?ref=user_menu




That looks like much more than just a skirmish!


This picture is absolutely incredible, i can't wait to see it finished.