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Rose and Jade: Explain everything.


Homestuck^2: Beyond Canon

An official continuation of Homestuck.



Also I just fucking got the pun of this chapter title LMAO


I'm looking forward to the next chapter.


Okay cool, that was a thing that happened. No idea what the hell happened but it happened. Poor Dave and Kanaya, king and queen of Cucktopia


I know that this update has a rather mixed reception, but I honestly love it. I feel really bad for Kanaya here, this chapter hit hard on several emotional levels. It's really sad to see people reacting so negatively to Jade's body though. Thanks for all the hard work, Homestuck team.


I wanna start by saying i'm a fierce defender of H^2 both on twitter and reddit, and i don't care about the author drama. What i care about is that the moment things were starting to get badass with a badass vriska doing badass stuff, it cut to text. Why ? The patreon is well funded, why were images not a possibility ? I don't even need a [S], but all the stuff before that was hyping up to it. And if i have to say something about the yiffy thing, i sincerely hope it's a ult dirk thing and not something the authors actually thought it was a good idea to put in.


Unfortunately, even illustrating fight scenes tends to be complicated and time consuming. Homestuck^2 is much more of a narrative with pictures attached.


I to love this update. I love how Vriska Serket, just pops out and declares she will destroy everything and then proceeds to do so. Her contrast with the rest of the original cast is great.


Vriska definitely stole the spotlight with her outburst. So bad ass. :D


i hope yiffany is literally just a dog


I understand, but we're talking max ten pictures in two weeks with a full paid team behind. Even just sprites would have been nice. It's normal to expect a certain quality from H^2, and while I love the writing, it's still a webcomic. If they can't handle the pace, they should go back to one update per month. Quality>Quantity


As it turns out yiffany has existed in concept since 2018. Which means plans for this sequel was going on since then. But more than anything NO ONE is under the delusion that this is anything but hussie levels of insanity.


Really enjoyed the update, though I am getting tired of vriska getting the spotlight when she's basically still the same sociopathic asshole as she's always been. I hope that Vrissy learns to be a better character than her namesharing idol.


imagine she will and tear vriska down in time. she loves how cool she is. but she actually had a proper upbringing.... i think that is the primary difference between these kids and theri parents.


then, delay it ? I mean if they do a tweet or patreon post saying "we need a bit more time to make the update the best it can be", people would understand and react better than they did now.


holy fuck i was so wrong about yiffy, but i'm so excited anyway


I love yiffy so much perhaps we will get jade rose kanaya solidarity.


when will the next chapter come out? its been quite some time now. know this stuff isn't exactly released conssitently but it has been a while. bit of burn out from dealing with 3 chapters in one month?