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This is another piece from the Shifter game idea.

In the world, there is an organization that is trying to create shifters artificially - they see them as a powerful entity that could be utilized as a weapon, but since natural shifters are dangerous to try to apprehend, they figure creating one themselves is the best way to go about it.

To this end, they've experimented on humans and beastfolk alike, to little success. Currently, this individual is the only known success.

They keep him heavily drugged to keep his inner beast from coming out - it's a nasty monster that stands significantly taller than a person, and is filled with an intense rage that can't be easily quelled. They utilize him the same way the avengers use the hulk - they drop him in an area and let the drugs wear off, and he destroys everything, then they hit him with tranqs from a distance, haul him back in once he's fallen into unconsciousness, and keep him drugged until the time comes for the beast to be needed again.

The idea is for him to be a recurring boss - you'd fight him once or twice before he somehow comes to a revelation and stops being a villain, but he still has to worry about the beast inside of him, and he's terrified of letting it back out, because he knows what it's done.

The top row is him all drugged up, the bottom row is after he's come to his senses.

I really like the plug suit concept for parts of his outfit.



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