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I'm not even sure how to start. I'm absolutely heartbroken, ashamed and feel like I've let everyone watching this down. You'll understand as you come to the end of the video and stop reading here if you don't want to read spoilers.

Not how I imagined this going. Think I pushed myself too hard, rushing to finish the project, rushing to finish the video. That took a toll on me and I ended up making a stupid mistake. Harmless corner on a wet, slippery road through the forest and the rear end broke loose.
Tried to correct it but to no avail and it helplessly slid off the road. Rather slowly but the front end of E30 is made of cheese so it looks worse than it actually is. 

I feel totally fine and no one else was around thankfully. I'm beating myself pretty hard about this because I do know better, I'm always extremely careful and never overdo it. But wrong weather, wrong car, inexperience with a light, gripless rear end of E30 and it bit me.

It was emotionally difficult for me to finish this video. Went back and forth, what to do, what to say. In the end, honesty and owning up to your own mistake is the only way.

I have full kasko (full coverage) insurance on the car so I'll see what happens there, but I'll do my best to fix it. I'm already searching for a donor car. The engine doesn't look like it was pushed back, the wheels are still straight. The hood, fenders and front apron are gone. The rest I'll see when I disassemble everything. 

I purposefully don't want to turn this into some clickbait drama. Just going to learn from my mistake, fix it and carry on.

Michel, I know you are on here. I'm sorry again, didn't want to do this to your baby. 

In other news, I did buy a crashed E39 M5 from a subscriber. One of those too good to pass up deals and the plan is to build E39 M5 Touring one day. More on this later.

Thank you again for your support, love you all and happy holidays!


When Things Don't Go According To Plan - BMW E30 320i - Project Marbais: Part 6

In this episode, a lot gets achieved and then unachieved. Things don't always go as planned and this is one of those instances. But, not to worry, we'll be back and the car will be fixed. You can support me on Patreon! - https://www.patreon.com/m539restorations T-Shirts, hoodies & mugs - https://teespring.com/stores/m539-restorations Follow me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/m539_restorations/ My new Vapor blasting cabinet - https://www.vaporblastingequipment.com/machines/aquablast-1215 Massive thanks to Radu from RT Design Studio for making new merch happen! - https://www.rt.md/ Wheel bearing removal tool - https://amzn.to/3o0Dy9W Wheel hub puller - https://amzn.to/3o5NChY Spring compressor - https://amzn.to/3eXHN0B Sound deadening - https://amzn.to/3eWcxjX Cockpit Cleaner - https://amzn.to/36Gye5N All-purpose cleaner - https://amzn.to/3iBPPhh Cockpit care - https://amzn.to/3lnGfQY BMW E46 Floor Mats - https://amzn.to/3nsCGe3 Hazet suction gun - https://amzn.to/32DCMqT Smoke machine - https://amzn.to/2E7WwJA Flare wrench for brake lines - https://amzn.to/3avLaeB Fantastic working lamp - https://amzn.to/3hijHjf Pick & hook set - https://amzn.to/318LbCh Compression tester - https://amzn.to/3ay3ofm Vice soft jaw - https://amzn.to/31570T0 Butyl for door panels, headlights - https://amzn.to/2PZRbqn Wheel cleaner - https://amzn.to/2EcqWKy Hobby knife - https://amzn.to/3ay1Geb Magnetic Retrieval Tool - https://amzn.to/3iT3AJf Fabric spray - https://amzn.to/3jAvHxP Drill brush attachments - https://amzn.to/2ZWqxVe Find Liqui Moly oil and additives for your car - https://www.liqui-moly.com/en/service/oil-guide.html#oww:/api/v1/oww/101/DEU/ENG/1/ Email: M539restorations@gmail.com



Oh no :( I agree with these other commenters, these things happen although it must be gut wrenching with all the work you have done. Hopefully she will live again, the main thing is you are okay, enjoy your holiday to I think Barcelona? And Christmas too, and I guess maybe we are lucky to get to see you fix her up again!


Dude, sooo sorry for you. I once had the rear end break loose in my 1955 Alfa-Romeo 1900CSS, and ended up going backwards through a barbed wire fence and over a dirt embankment, into a cow pasture . Car looked like a huge cat had mauled it. And the smell… As long as you are okay that’s all that matters. Have a beer, hug your girlfriend, and tomorrow suit-up and jump back in.


Damn, so sorry to hear Sreten! Thankfully you and others were not hurt. I know you worked so hard on the car, and it sucks that this happened. But like you said, learn from your mistakes, it can be fixed, and you'll still have the support from this amazing community you created! Keep your head up, you got this! 🙏 Edit: I think now would be a good time for me to up my membership 🙂


Well, that sucks. You have to remember, nothing lasts forever, there is always a risk whenever you use a car that something can happen ... but, it is better they are used than wrapped in cotton wool. Terrible it happens right at the end of the great restoration ... but, I'm sure you will find a way to use it ....


Sorry to see and hear of that buddy, we all make mistakes but I speak for everyone when I say we know you did your best and will fix it. It’s a shame of course but don’t punish yourself too much; the important thing is you’re alright. We love your content and in your hands, the E30 will return another day. Chin up and have a good Christmas

Craig Macman Robinson

The main this is you're okay and nobody else was hurt. Shit happens and cars can be repaired. It's at moments like this that no right minded person would care about the car (although we all kinda do). Please don't beat yourself up over this. Accidents happen. It's hardly like you went all Jack Ass on it to destroy it. We all know you will do whatever you can to save it and we'll all still be here to help any way we can.


Glad you're not injured Sreten. It's a real shame about the E30, but hopefully the frame isn't tweaked and you can rebuild. Shit happens. Don't beat yourself up too much. If anyone can fix it, you can.


So sorry that this happened, you must be heartbroken. We’ve all been there and we know how bad it feels. Glad you’re ok, don’t beat yourself up too badly. Have a good holiday & Xmas…


Dude, my heart bleeds for you....but most importantly, not you, nor anybody else was hurt.


So sorry to hear this, but very glad you are ok. I had a similar thing happen in college with a similar era 5 series, right into a fence on a slippery road. Walked away as well. It hurt but the car did it’s job in keeping you safe.


I'm just glad you're okay! You can't win them all. I had the misfortune of a similar incident with my father's new X5 M Competition last Christmas Eve... which is now in the junkyard in the sky... 😶


christ. that ending. so sorry to see that but hey, you're ok and you're gonna fix this cause you're a king.


Sorry this happened, it looked amazing and hopefully will be restored to look even better. But just a question what do you think caused it? Is it just the luck of dsc/abs, or something else?


So sorry Sreten. As others have said, glad you weren't hurt, could have been worse. We've all been there.


Look at it this way, now you can really demonstrate your genius mechanical skills! Very, very glad you are OK. Don't let it get you down, have a Merry Christmas, and then start ordering parts!


It is so depressing to see this kind of ending. You should write at the begining: People with soft nervs and hart should end this episode on 42:35. Glad you are ok.


Bummer reading the comments before I get into the video. Hope all is well and Merry Christmas to all,


My heart aches for you, Sreten. I can only imagine how devastated you are. Glad to hear that you're ok and that Project Marbais will be resurrected.

Michael A. Skinner

It's really heart-breaking; after putting in the massive effort you did and having this end up this way. But glad to hear that you are okay and no one else was involved. I know you'll make this right again because your passion is there and so is your work ethic.


The good news is that you came through it OK. And in a weird way there is even better news as we get to watch you fix it again. Heartbreaking to have to do all the work over again, but sometimes it just has to be done. Looking forward to the M5 Touring.


Chin up, Sreten. It’s never fun when plans go awry. This ending broke my heart. Seeing all the time and effort put into the project and the amazing results was inspiring. Painful as it was to watch the end, I know you’ll take the lesson and come out better than before. So glad you’re ok! Don’t beat yourself up too badly over this; cars can be fixed. Take some time to enjoy the holidays with your lovely girl and we’ll see you in 2022.


Sreten, this just breaks my heart. I'm sure these are some tough days to get through, to accept that this just happened. Seeing you in those last minutes of the video, it's obvious that this is an open wound not only on the front end of the E30...I am sure that there will be a great outpouring of love from the community, your work and dedication is simply amazing, and that won't change. So pick yourself up and fix not only this one but so many more to come. Best wishes from Hamburg!


Sreten, as long as you're safe and unhurt, that's all that matters! The car will be fine, I'm sure.


Last year I bought a beautiful 5-speed Porsche 928 S4. Nicest car I'd ever bought, and a car that I'd wanted from the moment I saw one. Within two months of getting the car, I crashed it in a completely avoidable accident that was entirely my fault. No one was harmed, but I was absolutely ashamed and disgusted with myself, and so heartbroken to see the beautiful thing all messed up. So I feel your pain and I respect the hell out of the fact that you shared this publicly. Like everyone else, I'm glad you are OK and that no one was harmed. And that you didn't milk it for clicks by playing into the drama of it. Very classy. Like yours, my car was not totaled and will be back on the road soon. At the very least, for a silver lining, in your case the repair process will entertain many. In my case it just cost me money, hah


Good to hear that you’re doing well. Cars can be rebuilt.


Thank goodness you are unharmed !


Streten I know you feel like shit, but you could have gotten hurt really bad. The car saved you. There is no need to apologize or feel shameful about it, just learn from the mistake and be sure it never happens again and move forward from it. Things happens for a reason, and we don’t know why. Maybe there is a better story to tell after it’s all said and done. Keep your head up and hold it high. See you in the next video! God bless.


Things happen. Nothing wrong with that. Part of the passion and love for the cars . I'm happy you are ok. Get over it and see the good part: being able to do more work )))


I’m glad you’re ok. Of course, I feel sorry for you, because I know how much this car means to you. If anything, remember not to push yourself too hard after this. Try to disconnect over your vacation, and we’ll be here for you!


I've driven an e30 in extreme low visibility wet weather,and I know what a handful they can be(even worse on stock little 14 inch wheels). Praise the Lord Almighty,you and no one else were injured. None of us like to experience something negative like this.I believe that something good will come of it.Like how a phoenix always rises from the ashes.


Noooooooooooo! After all that love and effort you put into it too!! But, the fact that you're gonna fix it up means that there's gonna be more videos on it which is the silver lining here 😁 Chin up dude, you got this 👊🏾

Joshua Duarte

Wow man most importantly Im happy you’re okay, we can always get another e30 but we cannot replace the best creator on YouTube rn


Glad you’re ok. Heartbreaking but it’ll get fixed


I'm really sorry this happened to you, man, and I'm glad you're okay. I imagine how you are devastated. But don't blame yourself because shit happens. I hope the car is not damaged too badly and looking forward to seeing the part 7. Reviving the E30 will definitely make a very interesting content!


So sorry to hear this. Glad that you are ok. Thank you for taking us along on your journey, and know that you bring a lot of joy to your fellow enthusiasts.


Shit happens glad you are okay. keep on truckin


Hey', if I can say a little about all this sad story, Sreten directly after the accident send us a message and excuses. We talked a lot together, and again, i can't express how much he's a nice guy, passionate and respectful. That things happens, the main concern here is that you're not been injured, and Michel and me are very sorry for you, for all the work and commitment you've put in it. Next video will be Project Marbais- Resurrection So have a break, disconnect from this event, recharge your battery and have a good holiday, and nice and happy Christmas! PS: if you need any kind of help, you know where I'm my friend! Best regards to everyone here, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


No one was hurt, that ist the most important part. It is sad to see the car but it is just metal (and a little bit of plastic). Drink some beer and get back to work ;)


I have cleaned many rusty tools and restored old woodworking planes. I recommend, after vapor blasting, instead of oil coating to prevent rust, use clear lacquer. It is a better barrier against rust, and it is a dry coating that will not rub off on your hands and clothes.


Oh man! After all that effort this happens. I'm really sorry for you. Accidents happen, even for best of us and sometimes they are unavoidable. Don't beat yourself too much about this. I hope kasko (funny how we use exact same word here in Finland) covers this and you'll get it back in all it's glory. Have a nice holiday, reset yourself and continue what you are doing. You (and your content) are awesome!


So glad you're OK, Sreten. Love all your adventures, even if they don't turn out how you'd like. You haven't let anyone down, as the journey was just as fulfilling. Be safe.


I think the lesson here is ‘don’t put all of your heart and soul on a car’. It is just a car at the end of the day.


Good thing you know a guy in Frankfurt who can do bodywork and paint match ;) I have crashed my first car twice. Still have it, and plan to keep it forever. First time is always a bad one, the next time you hit a tree its not gonna feel that bad. Take care, enjoy the winter holidays and relax. Everyone looks forward to episode 7. From just swaping parts on old V12s to now taking on crash damaged E30s and full engine build Alpinas you have come a long way and its so fun to watch!


Sreten, my heart goes out to you. I know the heart dropping feeling one gets when the car is just skidding around with no control. Happy to hear you are all right though - no harm done. Now you deserve a good and long Christmas break with you lady so that you come back with new energy in 2022! Virtual hugs from Sweden!


Dude, don t take it too far on the wrong side... shit happens you are allright there was nobody injured and you know how to ressurect a car to a more than new state. I'm quite sure that you didn t restore it to create a showroom diva so it will add to her character stay safe, take some rest and enjoy the end of the year peacefully we are with you


Try not to be too hard on yourself fella, these things happen and I've certainly been there. (in my case a "tuned" E28 528i auto that was psychopathic in the rain) Have a good Christmas and I'll look forward to more top videos next year.


the most important thing is that you are ok and fine. I agree with all people here, shit happens take a break rest have a great holiday and christmas. You are doing fantastic content and it is worthnthe wait for your videos. I already look forward to next series wirh this car. I know you will have a great idea how to proceed with it.


Oh wow and here I was ready to comment that you could use the Gyeon trim restorer for the bumper. Man I feel your pain. Thing is I'm not a BMW fanboy, but the love for the BMW and especially this E30 came trough so well on screen. Anyhow, glad you're ok! I know your pride has taken a dent, but realize this; some lessons in life are learned on a hard way. And to be honest, I'm glad you drove it, cause that's what it was made for. A car that isn't driven is a soulless thing. So take your time and start it when you feel ready for it. Good luck!


I feel your pain seeing something like this happen to something you've poured yourself into, but the important thing is you're OK. We love our cars, but they're just cars. People can't be replaced, and I'm glad you're OK.

Charles R

Don't be too hard on yourself Sreten, main thing nobody hurt, part of life's great tapestry, ok a part we don't need, but c'est la vie - shaken but not stirred ah! ..the project continues..


Why think you disappointed us, shit happens and we aren't going anywhere. And it's gonna be a new challenge, a new story and it'll be mighty awesome watch you resurrect it. Which I am 110% you'll do perfectly. Keep it up my man!!


Man, I feel for you. The feelings when you know your fate is sealed and there's no way to avoid the impact, and then getting out and seeing the damage and thinking through the repercussions... I've been there. It's shit beyond measure. As many have said, it is a car and everything that happens to it is now part of the history. You can and will rebuild. Don't judge yourself, as you wouldn't judge others that this happens to. Unplug over Christmas and don't think about broken BMWs for a bit. Then roll on '22. We'll be tuning in.


I agree with everyone else - don't punish yourself too much, take a break and get back at it when you feel ready. Such a lovely car and I think there's few better hands for it to be than yours. We're all cheering for you!


It's only a car at the end of the day. No one was hurt. On the plus side you now have a reliable paint and body guy for when you do put it back together


Thank you so much, Sreten! For all your work and for making mistakes and admitting them, such that we can learn. I am going to increase my Patreon contribution and invite others to do so as well.


At first I was like "Yes! New video!" and then started reading. Sorry to hear that E30 got damaged! As they say "s**t happens". My honest opinion: Car can always be fixed. Broken people not so much. I'm happy that nothing happened to you or anyone else! Better luck next time!


Main thing is you're alright Sreten, the E30 can be fixed 👍


Nah mate, you didn't disappoint! Not by a long shot! We're humans, we all make mistakes. Glad you're ok and the rest ... well it's just the next step in the process of getting this car back on the road. In the end, this would've been harsh with either of your cars (well ... maybe the gifted E39 Touring not so much since it's not "fixed" yet). Take your time with it, maybe take few days off of broken BMW's and come back with a clear mindset. Cause I'm very curious as to what actually IS broken on the E30 now. On a positive note to end my comment: I thoroughly enjoyed the interior timelapse. Especially the music. Gave me some Ammo NYC vibes (even though you're saying you're not Larry, you both show the same passion for neglected cars). I know the editing process can sometimes be a little bit tedious and longwinded, but for me: I'd rather wait a few more days for such a treat. Stay healthy and take care.


Don't be so hard on yourself. I had a really nasty crash back in 2016, could have killed myself (partially my fault, I'll admit) and I'm here, without a scratch. Car was totaled, but I'm ok, that' what matters. I'm pretty sure you can fix that with your brilliant skills. Positive part about this? We get to have part 7 and you get to learn more about fixing broken front ends. You will find a way to fix it. I'm sure of it. I'll be increasing my sponsorship to you. Won't be much as I can't afford that much, but you really deserve it. Keep it up! And! don't beat yourself up for it. It happens. Happens to the best. A big motoring hug. Take care.

Josef Šmíd

Shit happens, Sreten, that is part of life. You made mistake and came out smarter and wiser. Good thing is you are ok and nobody got hurt. I just want to say/write one thing - dont feel obligated to publish videos no matter what. Take your time with it and dont be stressed. You're living your dream, so enjoy! I think we all support you for quality, not quantity.


Truely heartbroken, started to cry in front of my screen. VERY glad that you are okey. It was looking SO. GOOD.


Don't lose heart. You've got this.


Shit happens mate. It’s how you recover from it that matters. Glad you are ok, that is the key 👍.


Ništa, sledeći put stavi zimske gume kada voziš zimi i lakše sa gasom pa će biti OK. Sretno!


Everyone on here knows you'd never do such a thing intentionally and the devastation is all over your face in the end. You've saved way more cars than many of your fans have destroyed, you'll save this one too. I like the saying "You can't buy experience but it is very expensive to obtain". I feel for you, your pride and emotion. Chin up mate, between us all, we'll support the return of Project Marbais.


Firstly, thank the heavens you’re unharmed. We are all guilty for separating people we look up to on this platform from reality, and you, like the literal champ you are, faced it and brought us along with you. We are all with you, and what a challenge you’ve found yourself with! We look forward to chapter 7! Stay strong!


atleast you allready have a good painter who can match the paint. everybody fucks up sometimes, shit happens


Sreten, as an outside observer, it feels like you are overextending yourself, leading to stress and mistakes. Have you considered cutting back, at least temporarily? Taking on no new projects, no matter how tempting? You already have banked up at least a year's worth of existing and deferred projects. Consider the effects of getting to the point where you can no longer see how you can complete everything you already have -- this becomes a very counterproductive state of mind (Ask me how I know.)


I am in tears but you know what! As honest as you are, everything is going to be just fine. You are unharmed and able to pursue your dreams. We all love you ❤️ Take it easy. Happy holidays! 😌


Take it easy dude.. I think you are a great inspiration. Accidents happen, especially to the best of us ;)


Gutted for you, Sreten. After all that hard work..😔 Thankfully you weren't hurt, which is the most important thing. Chin up, buddy. Have a very happy and relaxing Christmas. 🙂👍


It happens to the best of us. I had an E30 320i too years ago and lost the back end a couple of times. Thankfully I caught it on both occasions and no harm done but it could easily have ended up in an accident like you've suffered.


Nothing broken that can't be fixed. We all make mistakes! At least you're okay and the E30 is fixable. It's a lot of hard work done the tubes but I know you'll just fix it better than ever before!


Given the passenger safety standards of cars of this era I would be firstly grateful that you are unharmed.As far as your luck goes I would say that hapily this year is coming to an end and I wish 2022 beholds no unpleasant surprises..keep up what you are doing and we will be as supportive as it gets!


I’m gutted to see this happen after the heart and soul you’ve poured into the project. I’m sure you’ll be back stronger than ever, after what is a truly unfortunate ‘life happens’ moment. Take care


could be worse, I had an E38, after a while I went to Norway, after few months I decided to bring that car to Norway. About a few months later, engine completely died (chains got kaput). It was impossible to get an engine in here for a normal price, so I sold that car to another guy who take that E38 to parts. About a half a year I found out that it was possible to register that car very cheap at Norway (here is very expensive to import a car). Sometimes I remember that car and regret to selling it. Keep it up, you will revive that E30 Merry Christmas 🎁


As long you are unharmed, it is just material. You got this buddy!


Really feel for you Sreten, an awful feeling for sure... I'm almost certain when I speak for literally everyone who is a fan of your work: no one blames you for anything. Thoughts are with you at this time - don't fret though. Could have happened to anyone. Jump back on the horse, get your German snacks for lunch, and smash up some more headlights 👌


I'm so sorry to see what happened. I screamed "NOOOOOOO" for about five minutes and used the F-word several times! The good news is you're not injured, the bad news is part 7 isn't going to be the way you wanted. Keep your chin up and keep making awesome videos. I think you need a nice pastry..., or two.


Hey Sreten, most important thing is that you are unharmed. I kinda know that feeling you have. I crashed and destroyed a motorcycle that I borrowed from a good friend. I was devastated too, but had no scratch. It all felt weird because everyone was happy I was unharmed, but on my mind was only the bike. And my friend wasn't mad at all, he understood everything. We fixed up the bike, and now we can laugh about it. It may take a while but I wish you something like that.


I didn't think I would ever write a comment, even less under such circumstances. Heck, I'm not even that much into cars, I just happen to have always liked the looks of BMWs. The first time I came across one of your episodes I was struck by the attention to detail and the quality of the video editing. Passion transpires in every minute of every episode. I find that remarkable, and that's why I decided to support you. I don't actually care so much for the content you post as long as you fulfill your passion the way you want. I don't feel so much sorry for the car (like others said, it's just a bunch of metal and plastic) as for all the hard work you put into it, that was ruined in one very unfortunate instant. On the other hand: That car tricked you, while also protecting you. You will bring it back to mint condition, learn many new things in the process, hopefully enjoy it. And when you're done, your relationship with it will be that much more special. The last few minutes of the video were a model of dignity. The tone was just right, you didn't turn it into a big drama, yet we could totally feel the pain. It made me all the more happy that I'm supporting you. The overwhelmingly supportive response of the community is a testament to what you've built. Enjoy your holiday, take the time to reflect on whatever mistake you made, learn all the lessons you are to learn from it. And then come back recharged and continue living your passion. All the best!


Hey Sreten, you got a new Patreon in me! Make the 320 great again!


Das Ende hat mir das Herz gebrochen… Freue mich darauf dich glücklich neben dem reparierten Auto stehen zu sehen!


My biggest win for you is the level of truism that you display in your creativity without hiding the flaws. You are physically okay and you've started on the right track to dust off, keep running. You have my support 👊


Chin up brother. Chin up. The Project Marbais had turned out spectacular and it will be back to being spectacular again.


Learn from it and emerge with more experience! This is also my worry about approaching 80’s BMW all these years since much of what I’ve driven had anti-lock brakes and traction control…


Well.. your mistake earned you a new patreon. Really feel for you on this one, and wanted to show my appreciation of your effort to creating great content.


Hey man, these things happen... The important thing is you're ok!

Scott Sanford

Cars can be replaced. People like you can’t. And what a class act for not trying to milk this by putting something sensational in the title of the video or a click bait thumbnail.👍


I’m sorry this happened to you Sreten. Margins are small sometimes. Glad you are okay, although I can imagine the psychological pain from this. Love the honesty of the presentation. It’s been a very nice project to follow and the car turned out so nicely. All the best to you. Take time to heal and reflect. And keep going. You rock!


And another new Patreon... I am sure that so many of us subscribers were so moved by your misadventure that you are going to end up with way to much financing to repair the beauty!!! I mean really. May this drama create a tsunami in your subscribers' support to help you bring this channel exactly where you would like it to be... That's all I wish for your awesome channel and yourself. Love your videos so much. Never bored for a second. Perfect editing, absolutely thorough tutorials for everything you do (so inspiring and comforting when you've wanted to start your own restoration for a while but didn't feel confident enough to make the jump...) That's pure generosity right there. You are a hero man! And always humble and full of self mockery! Long live M539 restorations


I commented earlier but I deleted it. I can almost feel your emotions. I've been watching your channel for about 8 months now and I never thought this would happen. I've seen you go 300+ km/hr and nothing dramatic happened. I hope this will be fixed soon. Have a good vacation.


Hello Sreten ! I'm truly sorry for what has happened but first and foremost, the important thing is that you're ok and didn't get hurt. I actually understand what you’re going through because about 3 years ago, my then 17 year old son took my E30 without my permission to drop his friend off at home and not more than 500m from our home, he crashed in a roundabout. To keep the story short, I can tell you that the insurance company was not interested in repairing the car, as finding parts for an E30 in Australia is becoming very difficult. The car was destined for the scrapyard but I negotiated with them and I bought it back. Fast forward to today and I think it’s a good example of an E30. Hang in there Mate !! It will hurt for a few months, some days more than others, but there’s no one better placed and more passionate about BMWs, that will get the car fixed.


As hard as it may seem, I truly believe it was the cheapest way to learn that lesson. Any of your newer, 250+ km/h german bullets would have waited too long, too fast before letting you face your own mistakes. Take this as if it were the best gift from Michel and enjoy your holidays : )


Ahhh man..... Such a good video.... I was loving it and then waiting for a joke that youde bought some kind of donor car for some reason but that was a hard pill to swallow 🤦 onward and upward and you'll get her fixed. You've had a little wake up call but you're ok so don't stress it. Take some time off, enjoy Christmas and new year and come back fresh. ✌️


Such a sad ending to the video after all the work you put in, really feel for you Sreten! Glad you're ok and glad that the E30 will live again in the future and we can see another video on it. Take care mate.


Brother, I've had my fair share of crashes over the years; one lessen I've learned: as long as you're OK, everything else is repairable. Thank GOD or whomever you are faithful to and keep on repairing stuff. We all love you


This could happen to anyone in western/northern-europe climate (which can range from mild to fuckoff snowstorm in a day) on RWD on an old car with no electronics to fix you up. It was a good video, looking forward to whatever you put out next!


[Deletes Patreon account] Actually, no. I've been pondering (I know you like a little odd English term occasionally) this for a while. You could soooo easily have never mentioned this fine automobile again and we'd probably have not noticed. It's a credit to you that you've fessed up. [Restores Patreon account]