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Patience and persistence finally paid off and I'm getting a proper place to work in and best of all, it's in the same location where I'm at now! 

It all worked out funny. I actually found a different space in the old Opel car factory in Rüsselsheim, massive space, cheap rent and I was pretty much ready to move there.
I've been asking my current landlords for many, many months if they could give me more space, but all of the garages are rented out and the only place they have is on the pictures above that's filled with their cars.
Once I told them I'll be moving out, they didn't want me to leave and that kinda forced them to see if they can rearrange some stuff.

After a couple of weeks of back & forth, we agreed that from June 1st, I'm getting 2 doors by their entire length right next to where my current garage is! It's around 100 m2 (1076 sq ft) of beautiful clean & dry space, including 4 parking spots in the front. Right now I'm paying for each car that sits in the yard. 

The Opel factory would've been a great option too and for the same rent, I'd be getting 257 m2 but there are caveats.  The place was built in 1909 and the condition of the room is very poor with a leaking roof, but that's fixable. In 2-3 years I would probably need to move out as they are renovating all of it and making Motorworld location there which is fantastic, but I don't want to move again that quickly.
But the biggest negative for me is the distance, Opel factory is 35 km away from my home, 35 minutes without traffic and 45-60 min with traffic. My current place is 4.3 km away from my home, 8 min without traffic and 15 min with traffic. So even though it's less space, it's in better condition, more private and frankly it's so close to my apartment that it just makes sense as I'd hate to waste time and petrol in traffic every day. 

Anyway, I'm super stoked it worked out this way. I was slowly losing the desire to work in that tiny space so this is a much-needed development! 100 m2 isn't crazy big, but I plan to make it my own and arrange it in such a way it'll be easy and efficient for work. You can see in the picture what I have in mind for now. 

Obviously, I'll have to spend a lot on equipment and to shape it as I want, but I'll do it gradually and I'm hoping to get some sponsorship for lifts which would be nice. I'll also save where I can, for example, I'll make my own tables as they are stupid expensive otherwise.
For the 2-post lift, I'll have to re-do the concrete (4x4 meter section) as the current one is not thick enough for safe installation and that'll be probably the biggest work I'll need to do. Lighting I already have picked out and I'll be doing that as well. 

I plan to make a video on the workshop build as it could be interesting, not sure how many parts but we'll see. 

Circling back to the Opel factory and Motorworld, the guy in charge there is a really nice fella and in the future, once the Covid restrictions loosen, this will be the perfect venue for a subscriber meet-up. The place is massive, I can display my cars easily and hopefully meet some of you. I've been getting a lot of messages from fans wanting to drop by and this will be the perfect way to do it. 

All in all, I'm super excited and actually can't wait to start working on the shop! I'll keep you posted on the latest happenings.
On May 28th I'm flying to Skövde to see that M5 and then flying back home on the following day. I was planning to go there with my girlfriend and stay for a few days, but due to lack of time and high travel expenses, I'll be going alone and gonna make it short but sweet.

Massive thanks to all of you for your support and contributing to me getting to this point! Love you all! 






Would you consider starting a vlog channel to show off your new garage and your road trip to Sweden?


Nice!! Happy for you.


Great news!


Congrats, good job.


Excellent. I’m very excited to see how you plan out the space. Will be very cool to see it all come together.


Cool congrats!


Congratulations!! Finally!!


This is some great news! Congrats!! Keep up the good work🙌


congrats! cannot wait to drive down to Germany for a meetup!


Congratulations! Would love a second channel as per the above for travel, behind the scenes etc.




Roadtrip will be included in the normal video as usual and I'll make a Q&A video soon and introduce the shop. Right now, I don't think I can handle another channel :D


Great news! This will make a huge difference in how you can film your content, and hopefully be a great morale boost for you to get out there and wrench more. I will say that it seems like workshop upgrade videos tend to do pretty well with the YT algorithm, so hopefully your first couple will get some traction and you'll be able to get quite a few parts out of a series of it. I, for one, love workshop upgrade videos.


Excellent, congratulations!👍




Is the space to the right, in the back past the pressboard your storage or another tenant?


I bet that scooter is your real daily commuter for the Autobahn


Congratulations! Love your content and really happy you have a new place!


Awesome news Sreten.Here's to M539 growing from strength to strength.


How cool the meet up idea is. Waiting for update!




Congratulations! This will be awesome!

Scott Sanford

Congratulations! Plenty of room for you and your evil twin.


Dude your growth is skyrocketing! Congrats man, you deserve no less!


Will there be a tent in the back corner for the evil twin to sleep?


Congrats on the 'new' place looks great


A dream come true, congrats man!! 👌🏽


Congrats on the expanded space! And best of luck in Sweden!


Great that you will have more space, look forward to video of workshop


Nice one So glad you didn’t have to move!


That is an awesome outcome, congratulations 🚗❤️👍🌷


Congrats, that’s a nice upgrade although it’s not a ‘new’ place!


Very happy for you, but also very happy for us because we will be getting more content. Sretno!


This is great news. Cheers, Sreten!


Congrats man!


To the right, there are 3 storage rooms all occupied for a long time now. The very front ones towards the entrance, occupied as well.


This is very exciting! Can't wait to see it done .


Wow, finally!!!! You deserved this man!


Awesome! I was thinking that the other garages on your lot were similarly self enclosed, but fantastic that the additional space is combined! Much more room for mechanicing activities :D


I'm so happy for you!!!


Marvelous work situation for your endeavors. Your future as a renowned restorer of BMW supercars just got closer for you propelled by your expertise and work ethic. Great job Sir!


Congratulations 🥳


Great news. I also love how the door of your current place is open on Google Satellite, and you can just see the blue car lift inside! P.S. I hadn't heard of Motorworld before, so I had to look it up. Looks interesting.

Dennis Papadopoulos

That's awesome news 💘 I loved that space there 💯


That’s awesome news. Congratulations!


muy excelente


Fantastic! Congrats on the new space! You can get a parts cleaner, a sand blasting booth, and all kinds of other new toys to fit in there!


What fantastic news 😀, it means there will be even more excellent content for us armchair mechanics - watching you do the things we wish we could do too, and being thoroughly entertained at the same time. BMW should be sponsoring you for keeping their classic cars roadworthy and giving them a new lease of life.


Great news! More room for saving more BMWs


on picture 3 could be old grease pit next to the tire ask if they now was is under it


Great News! And i see it is allready equipped with a broken BMW.


Congratulations!!! I'm so glad it worked out well for you!! Also, yes, please do a series of videos about the whole garage build. I can definitely say I'd be interested in watching them, and it would be a different kind of video for the channel.


That’s great to hear!! An awesome development has taken place, more bmw’s gonna be saved!!


This is great news, really sounds like it’s coming together. Well done sir. I wish one day I’ll be able to travel back to Europe and visit.




Awesome, so nice that you can pursue this further and under great conditions. :) Svaka čast!!!


Congrats! Happy for ya! Recently watched LegitStreetCars and Speed Academy move into new garage/clean garage space, so I'm very excited about your upgrade and what you have planned! 👍


Do the series. Do it often. Construction work is fun and educational. And knowing the way you create your content - it will be fun. But don't push yourself, take your time!




Congratulations!! We are very happy for you.


Great news ! It must be frustrating to be so cramped in just the one unit, renovating the cars , making videos in such a small area, look forward to seeing it all develop, well done 👍


Superb! Great that extra space worked out and you are happy with it. Make it nice and cosy :) Of course we want "garage build" video, any content from you is welcome! I can see blue BMW in need of saving, can you get it or is it ongoing project of place owners? Thumbs up! P.S. Meet up of subscribers with Mr M539 himself? Yes please!

Josef Šmíd

Great news! Congrats and cant wait to see video from garage build. Even meetup will be fine, I'd consider to come from CZ


Really happy for you! I was in a similar situation, I was stuck in a tiny unit without even a lift. Took me more than a year to find something good. Really looking forward to seeing more of the the new garage, and the build!


Congrats man, an 8-15 minute drive to your work compared to 45-60 is a luxury




Thats fantastic news, you must be so relieved?


Congrats! Definetely do a build video on the shop!


Congrats! Not having to move your current shop is a huge bonus. Half of the move is already done! Traveling 45 min each way if it was at the old Opel factory? That would have lost its charm very quickly.


Really happy to see you expanding in a familiar space. Congrats on the new workshop, Sreten!


Congrats on the new place!


So happy for you! Can’t wait for more quality content man!


Coooooooming up -> the new space :) Nice


Whaaaa... Is it literally next door? 😲


Bloody brilliant! well done, well deserved, we love you too Sreten! :)


Surely some lift company would like their logos in all of your future videos? Fantastic space and so close to home!


Congrats mate! Happy for you! Make sure those locks don’t freeze! ;)… Would dream to see a neglected E34 M5 on your hands!!!


Soooo happy for you. Congrats! And can’t wait to meet you one day.

Craig Macman Robinson

Happy days. Oh, I finally have been able to offer support financially. Not much but I do what I can. Now back to work. :)


Going to keep the old one?


Amazing! More space for more broken BMW's!


More room for Danish treats !!!!! Maybe a coffee machine?


It spins me out how your old space is just a boxed in section of your massive new space. I can't believe you managed for so long in that cramped space. Well done for putting out a first class project like 'Dubai' with those challenges. Onwards and upwards from here!


Nice! I hope you plan to purchase and rebuild that 1602? :D