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Landed today in Frankfurt! Nice and musty! 

E31 from Marseille is the worst condition car I got thus far but this takes the cake. That said, it was given to me so that's quite alright.

Let's start with the positive side:

- complete and original, nothing is missing and has a bunch of spares in the trunk
- ignoring the mold, the interior/leather is in great shape
- all Highline equipment present
- engine complete, nothing is disassembled
- paperwork in order

- front left fender damaged
- rust so far on the rear doors, rear right bottom quarter, trunk lid
- front and rear windshield kaput
- exhaust, it's down
- heavy mold in the interior  
- will need a complete overhaul in every way

That's just after a quick walkaround. The previous owner just told me he gave up on it due to rust on too many important places and I'm yet to look underneath it, but that will likely stop me from restoring it too. If a lot of cutting and welding needs to be done, that's just a nightmare for me. I hate that and it never ends.

Anyway, we'll see once I have a nice look at the underside. I think I'll make a short video about it soon. At some point, I'll get it running and driving and check the condition of the engine and gearbox.
This was such a nice car back in the day, this color combo with Highline equipment... I don't want to scrap it or part it out so I'll just sit on it for some time and eventually come up with a plan.




Love the pics man! Keep up the great work!


Will be interesting to see how crunchy it is from the bottom. I’d expect very.


Oh Shit.... I hope the BMW avenger fix this


The car has really been neglected, cannot wait for this series. Love E32s


Awesome that someone donated it. Almost wish I still had my junked early 80s 5-series to donate just to see your reaction. ;) I do hope you wore your gloves when looking thru that one!


The car found the right home. Be careful of that mold, we need you around for more great videos. Especially the ones where you edit out your mistakes. :)


Just an idea. Get an estimate cost of rust repair and make a fundraiser. I'll donate 20 euros and I hope more people will donate like me. Or take it to Czech Republic for rust repair. Its cheaper and quality is same.


Man that rear console is so cool! Hard to say if it’s worth fixing or not... maybe clean the interior up and swap it into the other E32?


It's always so sad to see a once stately car in such a sad shape... I hope you come up with a proper plan, Sreten!


Does the fact that it was given to you somehow makes a difference? Can do you with it as you please or do you feel even more obliged to make this a succes?


More videos! Keep it up 👍🏼


Honestly I like that fundraising idea. Would give some too.


Dang, that ride needs serious love!


What will be the name of this project?


Yes, if it is so far gone you can swap the interior and sell the other parts to further fund your other projects.


Amazing colour and equipment combination. Hope it can be saved


You'll have a lot of fun bro👌🏻😁 I envy you🤩🤩


In full support on any decision it would end up with. Highline... just too rare and nice.


front and rear windshield SIND kaput :)


Boyo. Mother Nature in full force.


Wow, would have been a beauty in its prime, that rear cabin looks superb. Hoping you’ll be able to work your magic on this one and the rust isn’t too far gone 👍

Pedro Teixeira

Won’t be long before you take hold of the entire alley. I’m sure your neighbors are already cursing at you with all those BMW’s laying around! 😂


Not sure, I know I wouldn't sell it or part it out. It's worth maybe 1-2k in this state and to fully restore it, we are talking probably 15-20k easy. So we'll see, I'll eventually come up with a plan.

Charles R

What a gorgeous project, looking forward to see how it develops good luck!