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Howdy folks! I'll be posting a garage find video in the upcoming days. It's a 1989 BMW E32 750iL with 12 mighty cylinders that I found in Karlsruhe. 

Sadly, I didn't buy it as I couldn't agree on the price with the seller but I thought it would be interesting to show that things don't always work out and I'll also do an update of all projects towards the end of the video. 




Excited to see it! Don't see a lot of these on the roads here


I remember my first drive in one of these. Amazing cars, pretty rare in Australia. So few V12s sold here, and even less on the roads now. The cost of parts, when ordered from the other side of the world, made these incredibly expensive to own here. Plus, the Australian government has a Luxury Car Tax, which adds a considerable amount to the purchase price of a car over $70k. Wish I was there though!


My dad used to have a 730i E32, and now he's selling his 740IA E38. I wish to one day own either a E32 or a E38, some of the best looking BMW's ever!


Yep, rare as hens teeth here. I'm forever searching. I found an E38 just like Project Dubai not more than 3 blocks from my house when the owner had his garage open one day. Approached him to offer a price and he just smiled calmly and said, 'If I had a dollar for very bloke that offered to buy this car I'd have payed my mortgage off by now.' So yeah, he wasn't selling, :(.