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Hey everyone, I hope everything is going well. I’ve got a lot of cool things to go over with you this post to do with the new scene, new features and many more things. I’ll start off with the new scene as that’s probably what you’d most like to see and then I’ll move on to the other stuff.

New Shower Scene

So this scene is coming a long very well and im getting very close to having it fully added in, I have got it ready with some of the characters so far but there are still some things I need to edit and fix.

The first thing I wanted to talk about is the B*ob sizes. For this one I have done 3 sizes each with two variations which you can see below. My main thing is the V2 Big size which I think may be a bit big but let me know what you think I can always reduce them in size. Having them pressed up against the glass is quite a hard thing to get right so with the two versions for each I have tried a little bit of a different way of animating them for each. I will still leave both in either way but I am interested to see which one you think looks best just based of the small clips below. If I have time might try a third variation to try and get it looking even better or just as an extra to give a different feel :)



Next I wanted to talk about the arm positions. Originally I was going to have one arm up and one arm more off to the side as that seemed to work best for the position, however as I was doing it I decided to have the arms on their own layer which will allow you to choose which position each of the arms is in. This is just a small little thing but hopefully you like it.

For this scene I have also managed to get all the backgrounds done ready for the update so as soon as it launches you should have the themed you have selected ready to go.

Finally with the speed slider I have something new that i’m trialling that probably won’t be in the next update as there are still a lot of things I need to test out with it but its something cool I wanted to tell you about. As it is kind of a whole new feature that can be added to all the scenes I’ll quickly explain it here but will also give it its own section in the next paragraph down down where I fully explain about it. Basically what it is is going to be a kind of speed section variation for the animation. What this means is that instead of the speed being constant over the whole animation loop you will have maybe 3 sliders that will each control a section of the loop. For example if you wanted to go in slowly stay there for a bit and then come out quicker these sliders will allow you to do this. If you are interested in this but are a bit confused see below as I will have a little animation that will show how this works a bit better :)

Possible Options For Feature Focus Poll

Over the last week I have been listening to a lot of the feedback and features you would like to see and have been testing some of them out to make sure they can actually be added in as I don’t want to promise something that might not even be possible. So the next two sections will be about two different features that I have been testing out

Updates To Speed Sliders

A couple of months ago I added something new to the speed sliders which was a range slider allowing to you pick between two speeds and have it randomly move between these to give it more of a realistic feel. This still needs to be added to a lot of scenes as it has only been added to 3 at the moment as a kind of trial but I’m hoping in one of the feature focus polls it will win and I will be able to get it added to all the scenes a long with this “Speed Section” feature I’ll show you now.

Hopefully this little animation shows you a bit better how it might work, I still need to figure out a good placement for the sliders as having 3 kind of blocks the view a bit but I think I might do a whole menu rework where you can edit each of the different speed options. For now this is still early stages as I want to make sure there are now problems with it but I think it does, like the other two speed changer options, add a bit more life and feel into the scenes.

So far if things go well we will have 3 different speed changing options which I will label

  • Constant Speed Change

  • Range Speed Change

  • Section Speed Change

If you have any other ideas for different ways the speed sliders can be used let me know and I can see if it can be added in before having it in the feature focus poll

Changing Character Body Types

For a long time now one of the most requested features was the ability to change the characters body type. Finally I got something in place that could allow me to do this and also give you the ability to fully choose the size with a slider. This is still quite early days as there is a lot of things I need to check as there are some things that can go wrong when editing the animation while its running but so far in the tests I’ve done everything looks like its working well and more importantly running smoothly.

However I don’t want to get your hopes up too much as there will be some downsides to this due to the amount of other things you can customise in the game. The main thing will be that some toggle able items probably won’t work with the body type slider. I will try my best to get it to work with as many as possible when I do start to add it but it is inevitable that for some of the more complex outfits I won’t be able to get them to match up perfectly but there are some other things im going to try that might be able to get it working with everything :)

So far the scene I have trialed this in is the B*objob scene as this seemed like the easiest to test it in, just like with the Section Speed Slider this is still being tested and won’t be in an update until it is tested a bit more. After I’m happy with how its working I will put it in a feature focus poll and then if it wins that I’ll focus on adding it to as many scenes as I can for an update. Either way I hope you are liking how it is looking so far and hopefully it isn’t to long now until this feature gets added in which is exciting :D

Character Poll + Character Redesigns

In the progress report I had a poll to decide what the poll for this month should be between scene poll and character poll. It was a very close battle between the Monster Girl and Anime Characters but the Anime just won so with the next update there will be an Anime Character Poll. Getting ready for this I have got a few head sketches done. These are some of the ones that were suggested and were liked be other people but there are also more that did but I haven’t got drawn yet such as (Mt Lady, Ino, Bulma And More).

These are some of the ones I have done so far though.

If you didn’t see the progress report as well I have some more sketches for some more re-drawn characters which are looking quite nice. I don’t think I’ll have time to get any of them done this update as there’s still a lot of other things I would like to do but will try and get one done for the update after and hopefully at some point they win a feature focus poll so I can focus on them fully for one update.

New Outfits

So far as there was no outfit poll at the start of this month I thought I would focus on some more Hole 1 outfits to try and get them filled up a bit more. I have gone with Charlie M, Carrot and Marceline as they are quite liked characters and have now been in the game for a decent amount of time so deserved to have their outfit there.

At the moment though there is a poll for unique outfits in the B*objob scene so if you want to go and have a look at that you can, it should be on my feed :)

Adding Characters To Scenes

The focus so far in the last week has been on the new scene instead of adding characters to older scenes however I did still find time to get Mitsuri added to the rest of the older scenes, there are still a couple of the newer scenes she needs to be added to but I can get them added as well soon.

I think after I get the new shower scene added I will turn my focus to getting more characters add to the D*epthroat V2 and F*otjob as there are still a lot missing from those.

New Still Images

Last month I said that you would be getting a star fire still image this update and I have the clean line work ready for that here.

Now for the second image that will be coming this update I have two options for you.

One is Shego

The next is Yorha 2B

This is the basics of how they look but I’ll let you decide which one you would like to see first. The one that it seems people want the most will be added next update and the other one will be added in the following update :)

Bug Fixes And QOL

With the addition of the scroll wheel last update there has been a few bugs and things that could be improved with it. One thing I have changed is the sensitivity for android which should make it easier to scroll just one character at a time as there will be a slight delay if you hold it down before it actually starts to scroll through the characters quickly.

One thing I was thinking though is a lot of people don’t know about the customise menu in the pause menu so don’t know about all the other features you can turn on. With the new tutorial tip boxes I have tried to let people know about it but I think some people might skip through that. Anyway an idea had was to add a button to every scene in the bar on the right that will allow you to bring up the customise menu from directly in the scene. I think this could be an easier way overall of letting you customise certain things, although I will also leave the button int he pause menu for when you are not in a scene. If this is something you think would be a good idea I can work on getting that added in soon and while im at it I think it might be a good idea to change the UI for the customise menu. Maybe group things into sections so its easier to find what you want? That’s just an idea for now though.

Anyway I hope you like all the new stuff, if you have any suggestions please do let me know :)




Is that nico robin I see as the 3rd option?


How about Aunt Cass and Disney ladies?