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Hey everyone, I hope you’re having a good day and are enjoying all the stuff in the new update. I’ve got quite a lot to go through this post for everything that will be coming and worked on through out the month. I’ll start of with the updates to the scene loading leading to the character and scene switcher then move onto some polls and new things :)

Character And Scene Switcher

So the thing that I have been working on mainly, as it won the small features poll by quite a lot, is updating all the way scenes are loaded to this new way of loading them which will allow me to add this scroller thing below.

This will allow you to switch easily between every character in a scene and also between every scene for that character, giving you the ability to get to whatever scene and character you want from the scene you are in.

The character switching will be done by pressing left and right on the key board (Swiping left and right for Android). This will bring up the horizontal selector with every character in it and you will be able to scroll through tot he one you like. You can then either click the character or leave it for a couple of seconds and it will auto load into that scene.

For the scene switching it will be exactly the same except you will press the up or down buttons on the keyboard (Swipe up or down on Android), this will bring up a vertical selector.

I still need to work some things out like if it should auto load into the scene, I’ll probably allow you to toggle this, how you can get rid of the selector if you accidentally bring it up and also how it will work with your favourites. I want to make it so if you have your favourites active then it will only show them and would also like to add a way to favourite certain scenes so you only see them.

This will be a toggle able thing like most other things where you can turn it off so this selector will never appear.

This is quite a big thing though that will maybe take 1 more month to get done as the plan for the next update is to have every scene load button moved over to this new code (At the moment its just the character selector buttons used from with the scenes). After I have all of them converted over I can then add this feature quite easily I hope.

Also for those wondering the reason I am updating the code for this over a couple of updates is because it could break the loading aspect of the game meaning the buttons won’t do anything, so if that does happen id rather it be contained to just the switching between characters within scenes that the loading of every scene in the game, hopefully that’s ok and don’t worry it will be coming soon :)

Character Poll And Scene Poll For This Month

Now, I’ve been thinking this for a while now and think this might be a good time to do it as there is a lot of stuff I want to add and other things I really want to improve. If you remember about 4 months ago maybe I started doing a character and scene poll every month where as before it was alternating, one character poll month then one scene poll month.

The plan I have would be to go back to this which would give me a lot more time to get some other things done that will help improve the game and add some fun new features. Some of the things i’m working on are:

  • Ability To Have More Than One Girl In The Hole Scenes

  • Slider That Will Allow You To Change The Size Of Girls Bodies

  • Variable Blinking Animations

  • Selecting Which Type Of M*ans You’d Like

These are all quite big things that needed to be tested and worked around with so this would give me a lot more time to work on these and I think they would be really cool things that have been wanted for a while.

That all being said I know a lot of people do like the addition of New Characters and Scenes so if you would like me to keep doing a poll for each every month I’d be happy to do that just let me know :)

If you are ok with just one a month though this month will be a Scene Poll with the theme of “From Behind” so i’ll leave you to think of some good ideas for that and also her are two that I already have ready for it.

One other thing I would like to do if you’re all ok with doing these alternating polls then I will add some more head designs for these characters

  • Jinx

  • Power

  • Harley - Classic

  • DVa

  • Gwen S

  • Tatsumaki

Anyway let me know what you think and if you’d rather stick to a Character and Scene poll every month.

F*otjob Scene Poll Progression

The new scene is coming along nicely, this is the one that won in the end and I am currently working on getting all the line work done.

The plan is to have this fully added in for the Mid Month update and hopefully added to around 15 of the characters, maybe more if I get some more time.

Another thing people have said is that I would be nice to get a different view for the scene much like with the Close Up view for the D*ggy scene. This can definitely be done in the future as for now I would like to focus on some other themed scenes that other people might enjoy, but the view I was thinking was this one.

Anyway I hope you’re excited for the new scene and let me know any feedback you have on it.

Ability To Have Multiple Girls On The Hole Scene & Body Size Change

These are two quick things I would like to talk about as they are things i’m working on in the background that I don’t really have anything to show yet as they are mainly code based but I think they might be something you’ll like.

Multiple Girls In One Scene

Firstly having multiple girls in one scene, this has been wanted for a while and I couldn’t think of the best way to do it while keeping the RAM usage low however I think I have two options that could work quite well. One will increase the overall RAM usage by about 20MB which isn’t too much but this 20MB will be across every scene no matter what which also makes this not as scaleable as adding more characters could lead to this number getting quite big.

The next option is a bit more complex to code and involves certain things getting loaded I manually but i’m going to speed some time trying it out to see if I can get it to work well, if I can this seems the better option for scaling things. Either way i’m hoping some time soon I will at least be able to let you try it in a demo scene to see how it works and make sure there are no problems.

Body Size Change

This is another thing that has been wanted for a while and I have been trying to figure out the best way of doing it. There will be some limitation to this and I am still working lots of things out so please don’t get your hopes up to much but so far things are looking promising and hopefully I’ll have something to show you soon. One thing to keep in mind with this is the outfits will not work when editing the body size, so far at least, as they have been drawn to fit a certain body and can’t really be edited in the same way to match with the new body size if that makes sense. It all very complex code stuff so I won’t bore you to much but if I do get some time to mess around with it a bit more I’ll show you what I’ve got :D

Outfit Poll

Just like always there will be and outfit poll in about a week. Recently I have been able to add a lot more outfits to each update so this one will hopefully have a decent amount to pick from.

My first thought is to have more outfits for the newer characters going across multiple scenes. However I do have some sketches ready for the C*wgirl Gr*nding scene so if you’d like me to throw in some of them as well.

I will also keep adding unique outfits to the Hole 1 scene although these I will probably just work on in order of the ones needed next instead of having them in the poll, so I’ll just do them in my free time :)

Updating Older Scenes & Improved Performance

This is another thing similar to the updating of how scenes are loaded which I need to do in order to get the Character and Scene selector working well. The scenes that still need to be updated are the D*epthroat V1 and Rev C*wgirl (Front) V1. Updating these should also increase the performance the game overall and also have a slight file reduction, this file reduction probably won’t be seen though as I will add more stuff than it is reduced by so the next update will still be a bigger file but just not by as much.

The other performance thing I need to do is having some more scenes load the particular character on start. This has already been done for some scenes and last update was done for the Hole 2 scene and Th*ghjob so hopefully they both run better. This should be a relatively easy thing to do the only real problem comes if the re ordering of the scenes is slightly wrong so scenes could load the wrong characters but if that does happen this update late me know and I can get it fixed.

Scene Variable Saves + Speed Range

This is another small thing I’ve been working on in the last few updates with in being added to in the most recent one as well. There are still things within scenes I would like to have save and I will keep working on making them save across all the characters. While i’m doing that I know a lot of people want to see the Speed Range added to some more scenes so I’ll keep doing that. I think the next scenes I would like to add it to are the ones upstairs. I would also like to get the speed changer as a whole added to the Hole scene.

One last thing that just reminded me of is when I update the D*epthroat V1 and Rev C*wgirl (Front) V1 I will be able to add things like the Speed Slider and Zoom/Pan. I know its just a small thing but it will be nice to have those features finally in all the scenes.

Anyway I think that’s everything I have to see, there is a lot of things i’m working on at the moment to improve the game but I would love to hear any feedback you have. I should have lots of stuff to show you in the WIP as well so look forward to that in about a week

Thank You :D


Liz Lauren

Alternating polls sound good. I really like classic Harley. Multiple girls/hole sounds promising, good luck.


Waiting for the day too see Carrot and Charlie MorningStar scissoring love to see this soon DotArt great job 💙

Bowness Pizza

Dva looking fine and good asf

Mike'L Stoned

Noiceee, but is there hope for bowsette to be in holehouse?


Hay I was wondering if you could add loons to the footjob scene


Charlie the receptionist 😺

Anonymous Monkey

the body size thing sounds interesting, always did thought folks like tatsumaki, jessica rabbit, and tsunade having the same eight was a bit odd (of course then the scene starts playing and I ignore it all). looking forward to seeing what magic you can pull off

Matthew Joberns

Thank you so much, glad people are ok with it as there’s a lot of things I’d like to try that will help improve the game feature wise

Matthew Joberns

That could be very cool and if this two characters in one scene works then I think it could be done

Matthew Joberns

Thank you very much, yeh the size thing has been quite hard to manage as if every character had their own size the game would be 10GB+ but I think I’ve found something that might help a bit


Definitely as Charlie is a Lesbian soon when you have created the duos scene you start creating Charlie's Girlfriend then add her that scene 😉

Akip 601

Alternate to Peach i would love to see Rosalina in the game 😍😍😍


I will happily take 2 for 1 on foojob scene. Yes please


Yeh classic harley look would be amazing

Matthew Joberns

of course will be really fun to do, i think the way ill plan it out is the hole scene first to test it, then maybe a scene with two girls that you can interact with and then finally two girls together just so i can make sure it all runs smoothly


Sounds like a plan and and it will be definitely worth waiting for, I'll be ready to beta test it once it's ready DotArt💙


Yeh love it when the scenes can switch perspective but its only in 2 scenes right now so it'd be amazing


I'm fine with alternating polls, I'd go as far as to say I'd rather we had those back

Mike'L Stoned

Ooo hell yea. Hope to see it soon. Bowsette has been my nintendo crush for years

Alex Selesnick

Is Curling the toes in V1 FJ still a possibility I still think that would make it a bit better, could always have a poll for it.

Matthew Joberns

i think this one might work better the way the camera one does instead of having the window in the top left

Matthew Joberns

yeh i think it was getting a bit much a scene and character per month, this should allow me to focus on some more fun things

Matthew Joberns

yeh could see if i could add that as an option, ill see how i can layer the animation to make it work


Yeh however it works would be amazing especially considering the other POV to switch to was my favourite of the 4 footjob choices

Chad Kehoe

Hey, could you maybe add more boob sizes to the basement equipment? I know your list is long, but I'd really like to see that at some point.

Anonymous Monkey

What about instead of everyone’s unique size, we have several standard sizes like small, average, large etc. kinda like clothes, most people will fit into one of several sizes.


ohhhh fk the head designs my type 🤫🧏

Matthew Joberns

ooo yess could do, i just did some updates to that scene today that will allow me to add more stuff