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Help With Installing, Updating And Transferring Save's


If you have any problems with saves or any bugs or any problems with the links please let me know :)

EDIT JUNE 3RD - Fixed bug where you couldn't complete D*ggy Quest


Hey Everyone. I hope you’re having a good start to the month. I need to quickly go through some code changes with you that you can have a look at and let me know if there are any problems and then I can move onto some of the new stuff. I’ll start with Vault Girl though as there has been quite cool Minigame thing added for unlocking her but I just want to make sure there are no bugs for it.

Vault Girl Added + Minigame Quest

So for Vault Girl I wanted to add something that’s a but more fun for unlocking her than just buying her from the shop or talking to her in her location. You will still need to visit her in her location (Its just a sketch for the background at the moment but that will be updated to the full one soon) but instead of talking to her there is a little find a click mini game.

To fit with the show I wanted to have something to do with a waste land so the way it should work is you drag over the screen to try and find where the radiation is and once you’ve found it you click. As you get closer to the location there should be lots of queues to let you know how close you are. There should be audio that plays to let you know how close, a green border will get darker the close you get and a symbol should appear when you are directly over it. If these for any reason don’t work or don’t show up in the right place compared to the location of the radiation please let me know.

Another thing to do with this is the difference between PC and Android. For PC it is relatively simple. As you move your cursor around it will update how close you are relative to your cursor. For android its a little bit different, as there is no cursor you will have to click and hold to kind of find where it is, hopefully this works well but if you have any other ideas that might work better for android please let me know. What I wanted to do for android is have it so when you let go with your finger if you are over the radiation it will auto click it, unfortunately I haven’t got that to work just yet, I will keep trying to do this as I feel this will work the best for android but I’ll let you know how it goes. 

Anyway after you have done all of that you will have unlocked Vault Girl and be able to view her in a lot of scenes.

I’ve got her added to more than I normally would with new characters so by next update I should have her in the rest of the scene. Also let me know what you think of her voice as I have a new VA doing it to try and get a bit more variety between the characters.

One extra thing, I added in a little hint that shows up to tell you to move your cursor or drag in order to search, I had some bugs with this blocking the ability to click. I think I fixed them but if you do have any problems please lee me know ASAP and I’ll upload a fix right away as that could stop you unlocking her

Finally i might reduce the volume or the radiation as its quite loud at the moment.

Updates To How Scenes Are Loaded

I’ll keep these next few sections short as they are mainly code things. Basically in preparation for the switching between character and scenes feature that won the last feature poll, I have had to make a big update to how scenes are loaded. Now when you load up a scene it will assign every button that can load a different character which then allows me to edit them while the scene is running instead of having it hard coded in, this allows for a lot more flexibility but could come with some problems, mainly button not being able to be clicked.

If you notice anything like this or scenes taking a bit longer to load please let me know. I have only updated the character switching buttons within the scenes to this new code for now as I don’t want to do it for all of them before its fully tested.

Updated Hole 2 And Th*ghjob Scene Performance

Another thing I have done to help with performance and to allow future features to be added is an update to these two scenes. I have done this to scenes before if you remember a few months ago and there were some problems with scenes loading the wrong character. This is because I have had to reorder some of the scenes and maybe had muddled it up a bit. I have done a lot more testing this time and found a few that were wrong but please let me know if you find anymore that load the wrong character :)

Update To Loading Time

This is another big thing that has been updated and I always get worried about updating the save load code as I don’t want there to be any errors that happen but firstly if you do click the load button and nothing happens or your save doesn’t load, please don’t worry, don’t start a new game your save is still there it just hasn’t been loaded properly.

Anyway onto the improvements for this. I have updated the code to run over time and have also made it more streamline, this has allowed me to shorten the load time by about 90% which is really nice and has also let me add a loading bar to show you how much of your save has loaded. This works in conjunction with with the loading of the scene so the way it will start is the first 50% of the loading bar will say “loading save” and will show how much of your save is loaded, the next 50% will say loading scene and will show how much of the scene is loaded. Hopefully this just make it a bit nicer than having the game freeze when you click load until its loaded in your save.

These are all quite big things code wise so there could be some bugs. Please let me know ASAP if you find anything and I should be able to get it fixed relatively quickly. If this works i’m going to add some more “Update” things to check how far through load the save it is which should make the loading bar a bit more smooth, at the moment it might jump from like 10% to 30% but that can all be smoothed out easily :)

New Outfits

Now onto the good stuff, I have added quite a lot of outfits this update. Some to Hole 1 which you might have seen already.

And then two more from the outfit poll. One for Charlie and One For Yorha 2B.

For Charlies I have made it so her B*obs get turned off as I think that fits with how the outfit should look a lot more instead of having them bouncing all over the place.

For Yorha all the parts of the outfit should work with both positions of the legs but please let me know if it doesn’t

There is also some new Hole 1 outfits you didn’t see in the last WIP as they did quite well in the small features poll. There is a little thing I would like to you look at though, over the last month or two I was talking about different ways of animating the outfits to see which looks best. I now have two options, if you could let me know which one you think looks nicer that would be great.

V1 - Morph Animation Hole 1

  • Tsunade

  • Albedo

  • Rebecca

V2 - Bone Animation Hole 1

  • Gwen TDI

  • Power

These will be pretty similar but you may notice a slight difference.

I have also added some more stands to Loona, Lola Etc in the C*wgirl Gr*nding Scene. You should be able to toggle these off if you don't like them but hopefully they're a nice little addition

More Characters Added To Scenes

Like always I have been adding character to scenes they weren’t in with a focus on some of the more recent characters added particularly in the D*epthroat V2 and Double D*ldo scenes.

There has also been a lot of people wanting Loona, Lola etc in more scenes and I thought a good one to add this time was the D*ggy Close Up so all 4 of theme will be in this scene completing that scene for every character.

Another thing I had to do as we move towards the changing between character and scenes feature update, is updating some of the older scenes so they can actually be used with this feature. This involves a lot of work updating it but it does allow me to add some of the newer characters to those scenes. Starting with the old M*ssionary scene I have added 5 more characters to it. I know there is a newer M*ssionary V2 scene but it doesn’t take to long to add them to this scene so thought it would be a nice thing.

This brings the total of characters added to scene to 27 and the total for vault girl to 13 meaning this update 40 scenes have managed to be added which is very nice and brings it ever closer to having every character in every scene.

M*ssionary V2 C*m Stays

This has been another thing that has been in quite a few small feature polls and always done well but never quite well enough to win. I did very well in the most recent one but not well enough to win, however I thought it shouldn’t take to long to add and it always does well so would be a nice extra thing to have.

It should work with all the leg positions and both the V*g and An*l options. If it doesn’t and there are any clipping problems please let me know :D

Still Images

Just like last update i’m bring two older images that have been redrawn and updated to the new style. For this update its Raven and Sam.

I think the last ones I need to do will be for Gwen S, Android 18 and Rias G and then I can start adding some newer ones for the newer characters.

I will try to get these 3 done for the next update so we can more right onto some completely new ones but if I can’t I’ll still do the normal two and then the update after that will have one old one redone and one new one :)

New Backgrounds

This, although a simple thing on the surface, is actually another kind of complex thing. For a long time now the desks in reception haven’t matched the theme have kind of been a pick your own desk thing. Some people didn’t really like this as they can look a bit out of place so what I have done is get some desks drawn that will fit each of the house themes. However like with everything there is a bit of a split, some people like the old desks and some would rather have the desks fit the theme. What I have done is in the theme selector menu there is a little option to use themed desk. If you check this it will use the desk that fits your theme. If you have it unchecked it will use the non themed desk that you have active.

This could be a little complex so I might add a tutorial thing to help explain it better when you load up the house theme selector.

Adding these themed desks though has allowed me to finally add all the themes for the house to the M*ssionary scenes which look very nice. These will work in the exact same way as reception where if you have the use themed desk selected it will use the desk the fits your theme and if not it will use the other desk.

Hopefully this is works in a good way so that everyone is happy and has the desk they would like :)

PS. Annoyingly the “Use Themed Desk” button can’t be clicked for some reason, ill get this fixed for the next update :)

Updating Of Old Scenes

For a long time now i have been debating removing some of the scenes where there is now a V2 version available as the old ones have very bad code and take up a lot of space so i thought it might be easiest to remove them, however i asked around with a quite a few people and the majority of them said they still like the V1 scenes and to keep them.

Given this i thought the best thing to do would be to update them to some new code and also bring them in to line with how the newer scenes work. This will make them run better and also reduce the file size a bit but most importantly it will allow me to add new features, new characters and scene specific things to them. For now i have only done this with the M*ssionary scene but i will try and do it with the other two as well as soon as possible.

If you do have any bugs with this scene like things going wrong or quests not completing please let me know as there could be some things go wrong with the new code trying to work with some of the older stuff.

QOL Stuff

There has also been quite a lot of quality of life stuff added for this update with the main thing being a follow on from the Saving Scene Variables thing that was added last update. Previously the only thing that would be saved is the speed in 3 of the scenes. Seeing as that worked quite well I have now added some other things you might find useful to save.

This is just the start of things I would like you to be able to save so if these ones also work well I can keep adding more. If there are any things from scenes you think it would be useful to save and have be the same across all the characters please let me know.

This also does lead to something in the future which is a full customise scene menu that will allow you from outside all of the scenes to edit things in them. That’s for a later date though once all of this is working well.

Anyway I hope you like all the stuff, there’s still a lot of things I need to do to get ready for the new Character/Scene switch feature but hopefully there’s no major problems here and it can go forward quite smoothly.

Thank You for your support let me know if there are any problems :D

Update Notes

  • New Features

    • New Character Vault Girl

      • 120+ Seconds Of Audio

      • Minigame Unlocking Quest In Her Location

      • Hole 1

        • V*g And An*l

        • Screen

        • B*ob Size

        • Outfits

      • M*ssionary V2

        • Leg Position

        • Outfits

        • B*ob Sizes

        • V*g And An*l

        • Squ*rt

      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)

        • Outfits

        • B*obs

        • Speed Changer

      • D*ggy

        • Outfits

        • V*g And An*l

        • Speed Changer

        • Squ*rt

      • P*ep Hole

        • Outfits

        • Squ*rt

        • B*ob Size

      • H*ndjob

        • C*mshot

        • Outfits

        • Soft Audio

      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)

        • V*g And An*l

        • B*ob Size

        • Outfits

      • On Side

        • Outfits

        • V*g And An*l

        • B*ob Size

      • F*ngering (Side)

        • Outfits

        • Soft Audio

        • Squ*rt

      • F*ngering (Front)

        • Outfits

        • Soft Audio

        • Squ*rt

      • Shower

        • V*g Variations

        • Squ*rt

      • Hole 2

        • V*g And An*l

        • B*ob Size

        • Outfits

        • A*s Size

      • Straddle

        • B*ob Play

        • V*brator

        • Head Mask

    • Shego Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Marceline Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Marceline Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

      • Speed Slider

    • Charlie M Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Carrot Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Mrs McPherson Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Poison Ivy Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Dva Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Mirko D*epthroat V2

      • Arch Slider

      • Speed Slider

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Ahsoka D*epthroat V2

      • Arch Slider

      • Speed Slider

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Shego D*epthroat V2

      • Arch Slider

      • Speed Slider

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Starfire D*epthroat V2

      • Arch Slider

      • Speed Slider

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Yoruichi D*epthroat V2

      • Arch Slider

      • Speed Slider

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Shego On Side

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

      • V*g And An*l

    • Charlie M X B*SM

      • B*ob Play

      • V*g Rub

      • D*ldo

      • Th*gh Rub

      • 2 B*ob Sizes

    • Carrot X B*SM

      • B*ob Play

      • V*g Rub

      • D*ldo

      • Th*gh Rub

      • 2 B*ob Sizes

    • Mrs McPherson X B*SM

      • B*ob Play

      • V*g Rub

      • D*ldo

      • Th*gh Rub

      • 2 B*ob Sizes

    • Poison Ivy X B*SM

      • B*ob Play

      • V*g Rub

      • D*ldo

      • Th*gh Rub

      • 2 B*ob Sizes

    • Lola B D*ggy Close Up

      • Both Views

      • B*ob Sizes

      • Outfits

    • Loona D*ggy Close Up

      • Both Views

      • B*ob Sizes

      • Outfits

    • Judy H D*ggy Close Up

      • Both Views

      • B*ob Sizes

      • Outfits

    • Roxy D*ggy Close Up

      • Both Views

      • B*ob Sizes

      • Outfits

    • Power M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)

      • Outfits

      • Squ*rt

      • B*ob Size

    • Tatsumaki M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)

      • Outfits

      • Squ*rt

      • B*ob Size

    • Mercy M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)

      • Outfits

      • Squ*rt

      • B*ob Size

    • Chun Li M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)

      • Outfits

      • Squ*rt

      • B*ob Size

    • Moxxi M*ssionary V1 (Old Scene)

      • Outfits

      • Squ*rt

      • B*ob Size

    • New Outfits

      • Rebecca Hole 1 Jacket

      • Albedo Hole 1 Dress

      • Tsunade Hole 1

        • Jacket

        • Shirt

      • Power Hole 1

        • Jacket

        • Shirt

      • Gwen TDI Hole 1 Sk*rt

      • Charlie M On Side

        • Jacket

        • Trousers

      • Yorha 2B M*ssionary V2

        • BodySuit

        • Dress

        • LegWear

      • F*r Strands C*wgirl Gr*nding

        • Loona

        • Lola B

        • Roxy

        • Judy H

    • M*ssionary V2 C*m Stays

    • Still Images

      • Sam Bent Over

        • 4 Variations

      • Raven On Top

        • 4 Variations

    • New Backgrounds

      • M*ssionary V2

        • All Themed Floor Backgrounds

      • M*ssionary V2 Desks

        • All Themed Desk Backgrounds

        • Will Select From The 9 Themes Of You Have “Use Themed Desk” Toggled In The Room Upgrades Menu

      • Reception

        • 9 Themed Desks (Will be used if you have the “Use Themed Desk” Toggled In The Room Upgrades Menu)

    • Standing Characters Add

      • Tatsumaki

      • Yoruichi

  • QOL

    • Huge Updates To How Saves Are Loaded

      • 90% Reduction In Save Load Time

      • Loading Save Bar Added

    • Hole 2 Updated To New Code

      • Should Run Smoother

      • Characters Will Load In On Start Of Scene

    • Th*ghjob Updated To New Code

      • Should Run Smoother

      • Characters Will Load In On Start Of Scene

    • Hole 2 Guy Body Saves If You Have Save Scene Variables Toggled

    • Hole 3 Guy Body Saves If You Have Save Scene Variables Toggled

    • Added Scene Variable Saves

      • Hole 1 Screen

      • Hole 1 X Ray

      • M*ssionary V2 Leg Pos

      • Hole 2 An*l

      • D*ggy Close Up View

      • C*wgirl Gr*nding Leg Position

      • Double D*ldo Depth

    • Update To How Characters Scenes Are Loaded

      • Let Me Know If The Loading Of Scenes Feels Like There Are Any Performance Issues

      • This has only been added for switching between characters in all the scenes to make sure there are no problems

    • All H*ndjob Scenes Update To “Scene Holder” For Better Performance

    • Speed Slider Added To H*ndjob Scene

    • Favourites Now Work In M*ssionary V1 Character Select

  • Bug Fixes

    • Hole 1 Sk*rt Toggle On Fix

    • Hole 1 Options Text Size

    • Th*ghjob And Double D*ldo Character Select Name Fix

    • F*ngering (Front) Bar Fix

    • Th*ghjob Scenes Greyed Out For Some Characters Fix

    • Starfire Rev C*wgril (Back) LegWear Fix

    • Loona Hole 1 A*s Position Fix

    • Albedo Wings Position Hole 1 Fix

    • Marge C*wgirl Gr*nding Wrong Outfit Options

    • Marge Hole 1 Animation Fix

    • Mrs McPherson Hole 2 Fix

    • Hole 1 Skin Tone Fix

    • Mirko M*ssionary V2 Moon Fix

    • Raven head V2/V3 Head Size Increase H*ndjob

    • Charlie Hole 1 Paper Image Fix

    • F*ngering Speed Slide Toggle Fix

    • B*objob Opacity Fix

    • C*wgirl Gr*nding Opacity Fix

    • Sam Unlock Quest Fix

    • Hair Fix For Some Characters M*ssionary V2

    • Speech Bubbles Turning On In D*ggy Close Up

    • M*ssionary V2 Wrong B*ob Size When Outfit Change




I thought Nami was next that’s the only person I been waiting for 😂

jose manuel jaime rodriguez

Hopping this next update marge get her Main dress in more scenes, also added her in more scenes, she still missing some scenes

Unbreakable Patches

Is there any hope for an Helltaker character in the future?

Davide Agate

Will you create a scene just like Raven's photo? Obviously on the move?


No Charlie the receptionist? 🥺


Also there's a bug with Velmas feet where if you try and put on one of her socks it changes her skirt

Anonymous Monkey

lucifer got on the polls at one point, lost to charlie though. you'll have to try convincing people.


Use themed desk doesn't seem to work

Matthew Joberns

She’s been in a poll recently but could be in the monster girl themed one that we’ll come soon

Matthew Joberns

Yess her dress would be nice in more scenes, it shouldn’t be too hard so I might be able to get it added

Matthew Joberns

Ahaha so true but yes she will be in the polls again as she did quite well, just rotating them around


Take ur time the game is already fun n everything this is the first game I ever played that didn’t have any bugs or anything n run perfectly lol

Omega cloud 31

Will you be adding pregnancy to more scenes


Will you be adding more bondage scenes and/or will you be adding more cloths options for the wooden horse scene?

Matthew Joberns

thank you so much that means a lot, i do try to fix all the bugs i find but there are still some even in this version, but ill get them fixed

Matthew Joberns

oooo clothes options could be really cool i hadn't really though of that. Do you have any ideas for outfits that would fit the scene or just character unique outfits would be good?


Ball gag, blind fold, maybe a leather harness to be swapped around with the rope one

kshycatch (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-15 16:47:33 We are eating good this update
2024-06-02 18:01:58 We are eating good this update

We are eating good this update


hey DotArt when do you plan to update the outfit on gardevoir to look accurately correct color and all i thought that was going to be a few updates ago

Matthew Joberns

ahhh yeh ill look into changing that although having it full white might make it look a bit weird so ill see if theres a good in between i can do

Justin Pierson

I am loving these updates! Kudos to you!

William Wade

How do you update the game


I'm getting this message when trying to download the most recent update: Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I'm on android trying to download on Google Chrome browser

logan white

I updated but don't have my patreon perks. How do I get those back??


It worked today. Thanks for the reply

Matthew Joberns

great, i checked again like an hour after you commented and it worked, i think it updates it every hour or so to allow more downloads

William Wade

Disregard, the download status kept disappearing immediately, then it would show up in my downloads and say it had issues parking. Turned out it just wasn't done downloading.