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Hey everyone, I hope you’re having an amazing day. Its time for the second WIP of this month and I’ve got a lot of stuff to go over here. I’ll start of with the Character and Scene Poll as that’s probably what you’re most interested in and then move on to some other exciting things I’ve been working on and then finish off with all the other stuff I’ve added.

Character Poll

This poll has gone very well I think with there being two character that are still neck and neck going towards the end of the poll. If you’d still like to vote you can HERE. What I have done for now is the same thing as I did with the Western character poll which is where I fully drew the two leading characters heads so if you wanted to change your vote based of how they will look when finished you can.

At the moment Vault Girl is leading so this is how she’s looking. I tried to keep with the theme of how she should look mostly with the eyes and mouth but I think her overall head has come out quite nicely.

Next is Karlach who also looks really nice. I added a few more details than were in the original sketch, mainly around the horns just to give it that little bit extra. Either way I hope you like the look of both of these and don’t worry if the one you wanted doesn’t win in the end they will both be in at some point anyway as I now have the heads fully drawn.

I plan to have which ever character wins in the end added for the start of the month update and will hopefully get them added to 10+ scenes to start with ad then have them in the rest by the mid month update.

Also if you didn’t vote for either of these two or haven’t voted at all please do go and vote for some of the other characters as well as even though the probably won’t win this time there will be a runners up poll soon that will take all the characters that did well in previous poll and give them all another chance :)

I also have a slight adjustment to the Vault Girl look. If you look at the left part of her hair in the side view one in this photo below it's a bit more pushed out. Its a very small change but if you do notice the difference let me know which one you prefer.

Scene Poll

The scene poll still has quite a bit before the results are actually taken but at the moment it looks like this one is going to win.

A lot of people have also had the idea to add some different views in the future much like with the D*ggy Close Up where you can switch between the two. I think for this the front facing option would go well as they are very similar positions and movement. This is an idea for the future as I know this was more of a Niche scene poll and the next one is going to be one that I think everyone one will enjoy.

 I don’t have an exact idea for the theme it just yet but I did get this little sketch done for one that you haven’t yet seen so at the moment i’m thinking of a from behind themed scene poll but that’s just an early idea this could change depending what kind of scene you would like to see.

As for the F*tjob scenes completion date, i’m hoping to get it done in time for the mid month update next month and I will try and get as many characters added to it when it releases as possible.

Update To Saving And Loading

This is something you might find a bit more boring as it doesn’t really add any new features but it is quite a big thing for QOL and just how the game runs. It could also come with some bugs so will need to have a lot of testing done.

For a while now when you load your save file the game will kind of freeze a bit when you click the Load button while it loads your save. This was fine when the game was kind of small as it didn’t wait for long, but now that a lot more things have been added this can leave you waiting for a few seconds while it loads (This does depend on your device, some devices might be faster). Anyway I know a few seconds isn’t a lot but when it freezes your game it can feel weird. So what I have done is while it loads your save file a progress bar will come up that shows you how much as loaded and what it is currently doing.

After it has loaded your save it will then load into the scene you were last in. Now I had two ideas for this as when after it loads your save and starts loading the scene it will restart the progress bar to show how much of the scene it has loaded. This can look kind of weird as the progress bar will fill up fully as it loads your save and then reset to 0 to then load the scene. This is more of a visual thing as it just looks a bit weird, so to kind of make this look better I have made it so when you load the save it will fill from 0 - 50% and the text will say Loading Save. After it has loaded the save it will then go from 50% -100 while it loads the scene and the text will say Loading Scene. Hopefully this makes the loading process a bit more streamline. I will show you some images of how this will look below I just want to quickly explain another thing.

Now the main thing that could impact the code and where there could be bugs is an actual reduction in the loading time. This took a lot of time to do as I had to edit old code and change some things around but I have managed to reduce the load to by 80-90%. Obviously this will all depend on your device but the percentage reduction should be the same for everyone its more the actual time in seconds that will be different for everyone. Anyway i’ll use my device as an example.

The previous load time took around 3 Seconds to fully get into the scene. This doesn’t seem long but it is just a bit annoying.

Old Loading Time

After changing around the code I have reduced that wait time to less than 0.5 seconds, with paired with the new loading screen should make it a much more enjoyable experience, or at least I hope so.

New Loading Time

As you can see above the load time is a lot quicker. If you do notice any visual things that feel weird about it let me know and I can make changes to them.

Easy Character And Scene Switching

This is something that did very well in a small feature poll a couple of months back but unfortunately didn’t win. I did really like the idea of it though so thought I’d work on it a bit in my free time and now that I have something to actually show you it will be in the Small Features Poll again this month.

Sorry this is such low quality its a very small window at the moment just while i test it out

Basically what it is is a more hands free way of switching between characters in scenes, where on PC you can use the left, right, up and down arrows to switch between characters and scenes and for Android you can use swiping gestures to switch between them.

The plan is when you press one of the keys or swipe this little scroll wheel will show up where you can pick between characters or scenes. When you get to the character you like you can either press enter/click (Depending what device your on) or you can just leave it and after a few seconds it will automatically go into the scene/character that it is currently on.

Obviously like with all things you’ll be able to toggle this off incase you would rather this didn’t show up when pressing the arrows or swiping but the option will be there for people who want it.

This is still early days for it though and will need a lot of work but I’ll explain that more in the Small Features Poll.

Lots Of New Outfits

For this update I have added some more Outfits to the Hole 1 scene a a lot of people liked that it was finally getting some of the unique outfits added to out, but I also didn’t forget about the Outfit Poll for this month and am working through some of the other ones that did well there.

For Hole 1 I have gone with Rebecca And Tsunade so far which you can see below.

Tsunade will have two options that can be toggled on on their own or together while Rebecca will just have her one jacket.

I then added Charlie M’s outfit to the On Side scene as although Starfires On Side did very well she has just had an outfits added in the last update and I thought it would be fair to try and spread it across multiple characters. 

I think the next outfit I will be working on will be for Yorha 2B or Carrot depending which has the most votes at the moment :)

Anyway I hope you like the look of these outfits i’m really enjoying drawing them and animating them in this new way.

PS. For Charlie M’s outfit I have made it so the B*obs turn off. I think with her outfit it looks better if you can’t see them  as it doesn’t really make sense for a tight jacket to allow that kind of movement but let me know what you think.

Still Images

Just like last update I will be adding two more still images that have been updated from old ones. These will be for Raven.

And Sam.

I plan to have the Raven one done in full colour for the Beta and then the Sam one finished in time for the main release. Next on the list after these is Android 18 And Gwen S and then I might be wrong but I think that’s all the characters that needed to be updated. There are still some others with old images but they are poorly drawn position wise and will be updated to a completely new position and image.

Adding Characters To Scenes

I have added quite a few characters already this update, mainly to the Double D*ldo

And then a lot to the D*epthroat V2.

But then there’s also some others dotted in between just to fill in scenes that were missing for certain characters.

So far I have added 17 characters to scenes and then plan to add around 10 for the new character which will bring us up to 27. Then between now and when the update actually comes out I think I can get that up to around 40 which will keep us well on the way to getting every character in every scene.

The ones I will be focusing on in the coming week will be the newer characters. So Charlie M, Carrot, Poison Ivy etc as they have quite a few scenes missing but I would also like to get Lola, Loona etc added to some more. I’m thinking for them either the D*ggy Close Up or D*epthroat V2 would be a nice one but let me know what you think.

New Background Stuff

Another thing I’ve been working on is backgrounds. In particular the reception ones. Now a few people have said the desk styles are a bit weird and I think so too. Originally there was meant to be loads and they were going to be the main thing you can change to give the house more life. However with the addition of full background changes they have kind of lost their place a bit.

The plan is to completely remove them and have desks that fit with the actual theme of the house. This will amen it look a lot nice it think and will also allow me to finally update the backgrounds for the M*ssionary scenes so that they fit with the style you are using.

If you would rather keep the desks how they are though let me know and I’ll see if I can work in a way of keeping everything in.

QOL Stuff

This update is also going to have a lot of Quality Of Life stuff added with the main thing being some performance fixes to the Hole 2 and Th*ghjob scenes. If you remembers a few months back I did this thing with some of the other scenes where I grouped some characters together and then loaded which one you picked on start. You shouldn’t notice too much of a difference with how it loads but it should help with how the scene and the game as a whole runs.

The only problem with this is I have to rearrange the scenes quite a lot to fill in spots that have been removed so the scene numbers could become a bit muddled up. I am doing lots of checks to make sure but there could still be a few scenes that take you to the wrong character or place. If this happens don’t worry just let me know and its a very easy thing to fix :)

The next Qom thing is following on from the Saving Scene Variables that I added last month. I have added a few more things that will save (If you have the save variables toggled). These are

  • Hole 1 Screen

  • Hole 1 X Ray

  • M*ssionary V2

  • Hole 2 An*l

  • D*ggy Close Up View

  • C*wgirl Gr*nding Leg Position

  • Double D*ldo Depth

If there are any other things that aren’t outfits that you’d like saved across all characters and when you load back in please let me know :)

I think that’s everything I have for now, if there are any other suggestions you have please let me know and I hope you like the look of all this new stuff :D

Thank You So Much :))



Joe Walsh

I would like a classic girl on knees BJ scene. Either standing profile view or man's pov looking down.

James atkinson

Man I'm always impressed with what you do keep at it


Looks like everything is coming along pretty great. I think the matching desks are going to be really good and cool. Can’t wait for the update. Also that new scene your working on looks cool.


Maybe the new scene could be a new gloryhole with see-through wall? This also seems like a good scene to have threesome as an option; one from behind and a blowjob from the front? Looks good regardless.

Historia Durant

Love the fj perspective change idea!!


vault girl dub

Matthew Joberns

thank you the new scene was just a small thing i did in some spare time. The desks are looking really nice and i think i just figured out the best way to add them in along side the existing ones

Matthew Joberns

thank you, having multiple perspectives in one scene has worked nicely for some of the others ones so hopefully it does with this

Kraig Smith-Daniels

The "From behind" sketch I would def ad to my go tos


Would be awesome if the raven image was an actual position


Hey, um wanted to ask if it was possible to add a tiny feature which is, that the travel to other places can also be done outside of the house with a small arrow or something like that, because I think the outside as it is right now hasnt been getting much love... would love to see something like this :3


I would love to have more scenes with Charlie and Marceline :p

John Cooper

Just wanted to say that the footjob animations look amazing. I've been looking forward to the scene being added for ages and I'm so glad that it's nearing completion.


Also got another question... would it be possible to add manual options for most of the scenes? or would that be a bit hard to add? because I'd love to see that implemented! (By manual I meant to say, that you can not just adjust the speed but the position and hold that specific one)

Matthew Joberns

Oooo yeh travelling to other places would be cool, what places did you have in mind? What do you mean adjust the position, like of the character?


By traveling I meant two specific thinks... one would be that you can buy new outside locations for example just like you can upgrade the rooms you could also upgrade the outside and maybe later on find one or two of the characters there and the other idea was that you can do the traveling your phone does but outside with arrows so you don't have to use the phone for everything. and by adjust the position I meant that these scenes always go back and forth and what if you could turn on a setting in which you can take control of the characters movement using your mouse... well its hard to describe but what im trying to say is that there are a few games that come in midn that do this really well for example something like "Super Deepthroat" where the movement is not automatic but you have to move the character from left to right... and thats what im trying to get at, would love to see it in the game <3