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Help With Installing, Updating And Transferring Save's


If you have any problems with saves or any bugs or any problems with the links please let me know :)


Hey everyone I hope you’re all doing good, I’ve got quite a big update for you this time with hopefully something for everyone. There is however a lot of things that could go wrong as there some quite major code improvements and additions, but I have done a lot of testing and show have the beta testers and want bugs I have found have been fixed. Either way let me know if you find anything else and I’ll get it fixed ASAP, Enjoy :D

PS. I forgot to update the “What’s New” Section on the main menu in game, there is lots of new stuff but you’ll see all that below XD

Speed Range Changer

Firstly I wanted to say this is only in the Rev C*wgirl (Back) and the F*ngering Scenes and will probably only be in those 3 for a couple of updates as I want to make sure there are no bugs before I start adding it to the others but once I am happy with how its working I can add it to the others very easily.


So the way it will work/should work. I have added a tutorial window so that when you click the speed change for the first time it will explain how it now works but i’m hoping that once you try it a few times you’ll get that hang of how it works, that being said if you think it could work in a better way please let me know.

When you load up the scene for the first time it will be just like normal where you have the speed changer button. Clicking this should bring up the speed slider just like how it use to however after doing that the icon will change to the random speed one, click the button again will then switch between the Single Speed and Random Speed sliders. Which ever one you have selected will save between characters along with the current set values saving (This can be toggled off in the customise menu).

Now as for how the Random Speed itself works at the moment I have it set so if the current speed is above the middle of your range then it will pick a random speed below the middle of your range and will work the same the other way around. I have also set it so if the random range it picks is soo close to the current speed it will make the gap between them bigger so you can actually notice a difference. I also have it set so this random speed will be selecting around every 6 seconds, in the future though I hope to allow you to pick how often the speed changes but for now if you think this speed change is happening to often let me know and I can increase it.

A quick example though for how it should work. Let's say you have you have your range set between 0.8x and 1.7x meaning the middle will be 1.25x. Now let’s say the current speed is 1.3x that is above the middle so the random speed will be between 0.8x and 1.25x. Now the random speed that gets selected is 1.2x which is too close to 1.3x to se a difference so another 0.2 will be subtracted from the 1.2x that was selected to give a new speed of 1x. The speed will now slowly move from 1.3x to 1x speed and then wait another 6 seconds before it randomises it again.

Sorry if that is confusing I’ve tried my best to explain how it should work, if this goes well though I want to make it so the minimum distance between the current and next speed is dependant on how large your speed range is so that for smaller speed ranges its not just jumping between he Min and Max all the time.

Anyway don’t worry if you’re confused by that just let me know if it seems to be working right and if you think there is something weird let me know even if its something small. The speed change should also happen slowly so if it is jumping between speeds that shouldn’t happen.

One last thing when you are selecting the Min and Max range it will show you what those speeds are when dragging either of the sliders :)

PS. If you have any problems with the things not saving or loading them please let me know

Hole 1 Screen ReDo

Ok now that we have aLl the slider stuff out the way we can get onto the good stuff and I think you’ll be happy to know I have managed to get every single character updated to the new Hole 1 Screen (46 In Total) which I didn’t think I would be able to do as its a similar amount of time as adding characters to scenes they’re not in but I worked very hard and got it all done.

With this though there could be some bugs as some of the characters require different parts of code to work but from what I can see I think I have things looking good. There are two things that I think could happen, either the characters skin tone won’t match up or animations could be come out of sync or not play at all. Obviously other bugs could happen but I think these are the main two to look out for.

As for the Screen itself the screen has been upgraded to look better with a new TV part and also a proper wall behind. I have also added the full hole so the body actually makes sense with the background and for the way I have got the hands to work I have made it so if the hand is toggle on the main view a hole will be seen around it in the TV and if the hand isn’t toggled that hole will disappear.

With this scene just like with the Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2 I could not decide what I liked best with certain parts. The three main things this was for were

  • B*ob Looks

  • Screen Zoom Amount

  • Arm Position

As I couldn’t decide I thought I might as well give you the option to choose what you like best so for the B*ob sizes there are 2 variations for each size along with a 3rd for the Small size which should work better with it as a saw a few people say the small ones in other scenes don’t fit as well.

For the Screen Zoom and Arm Position I have added two extra buttons that will show up when you toggle the screen that will allow you to pick from either Zoomed In or Zoomed Out depending if you would rather see the full body or a more close up view. Then for the arms you can change the position of them individually by clicking the arm position button and then selecting which arm you want to change, clicking the button will toggle between eh 3 positions but in the future this does open up the possibility to add things where the girl can be playing with her B*obs and maybe some other things if you have any ideas.

For the other things the scene should work like how it normally has with outfits being able to be toggled, X Ray being used, Feet and Hand positions and all of that. Another thing I could see maybe having bugs is the Cr*ampie animation but let me know if something comes out of sync with the rest :)

More Outfits

This update I have managed to add quite a few more outfits again, some have been done the old way and some have been done the new way so let me know if you notice any difference quality wise between the two. 

What I have added to start with is 3 Unique outfits to the Hole 1 scene as that scene hasn’t had any outfits added to it for a while and I thought with he updated code and now screen it would be nice to start adding some new things to it.

Next we move on to Starfire who has done very well in the poll all together, the outfits that one for here was the Rev C*wgirl (Back) which has 3 parts that can all be toggled individually. Starfire’s on side outfit did very well as well but I thought it might be fair to limit it to one outfit from this poll per character just so we can get a range of outfits added and something for everyone to enjoy. If I do get some of the other outfits done though I ca always do Starfire’s on side outfit for the update coming at the start of next month :D

Anyway let me know if there’s any bugs with these outfits or anything that doesn’t look right, something to look at is the Hole 1 outfits have been done the new way of animating and Starfire’s has been done how I used to do them. Just something to keep in mind if you think one of them looks better than the other.

Speech Bubbles Added To More Scenes

I talked about this a bit in the WIP but very quickly again I have added the speech bubbles to more scenes. There are some things that have had to be changed so that they make sense and also fit in with the scene well.

The B*objob one should say stuff that fits with a B*objob so if its saying stuff that doesn’t really make sense let me know. As for the D*ggy one this was quite hard to get the speech bubbles looking good position wise but I think I’ve got them ok. The ones that appear on the top half look good its more the ones that are on the bottom half that might look a bit weird. I like the option of having them appear in two places but if for this scene you think the bottom ones look weirdly positioned I can move them all to the top of the screen.

More Characters Added To Scenes

Just like always I have been adding characters to scenes they are not in, so far I have managed to do 25 which isn’t as much as last time but I did have to add 46 to the new screen which took up a decent amount of time.

I have kind of just worked around loads of different scenes for this one adding some for the Th*ghjob, some for Hole 3, Some for the D*epthroat V2 and then just some single ones that characters were missing.

There is still a lot of scenes I need to get through but at this rate we will catch up to having every character in every scene (Apart from characters and scenes that have just been added)

If there are any characters you would like to see in scenes they aren’t in please let me know :)

Next update i am also going to be going what i have with the F*ngering scenes which is where lots of characters are stored in one scene and then loaded on start. This will help with performance but may have some scenes loading the wrong characters again. Just a heads up :)

Still Images And Image Animation

This update not only have I got some more still images for you but I also have some image animations.

Starting with the still images I have updated the ones for Luka and Elastigirl to the new style. We are getting very close to having all the old ones updated to the new style. Next will be one of Sam’s and one of Ravens, then I think it will be just Marge and Gwen S left and after that we can start adding them to characters that don’t have them and also add more to characters that already do.

Next we move on to the Image Animations, these are just a little extra thing for you to give the image a bit more life. You can view them in the game or here, at the moment they don’t have really any features other than the animation but in the future, if people would like, I can add speed sliders and outfits changes to them, just let me know :)

QOL And Bug Fixes

For the QOL annoyingly I did make some improvements that I forgot to write in the update notes and then front what they were XD but I remember distinctly doing them just not what they are.

As for the bug fixes there has been quite a few texture and colour fixes that have been done so hopefully everything listen below is now working.

Finally I hope you enjoy all the new stuff, please let me know if you have any feed back and Thank You for you’re support :))

Update Notes

  • New Features

    • New Speed Slider Feature

      • Change Speed Range

      • Auto Save If You Are On The Speed Range or Single Speed

      • Auto Saves Current Speed, Max Speed And Min Speed

      • Randomly Changes Speed Over Time Between Your Range

      • Scenes

        • Rev C*wgirl (Back)

        • F*ngering (Side)

        • F*ngering (Front)

    • Speech Bubble Added To More Scenes 

      • D*ggy

      • M*ssionary V2

      • B*objob

    • New Scene (Hole 1 Screen Redo)

      • 7 B*ob Sizes/Variations

      • Change Arm Position

      • Change Screen Zoom

      • Added To all 46 Characters

    • Chun Li Hole 3

      • Speed Change

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

    • Yor Forger Hole 3

      • Speed Change

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

    • Yorha 2B Hole 3

      • Speed Change

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

    • Moxxi Hole 3

      • Speed Change

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

    • Dva Hole 3

      • Speed Change

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

    • Marge Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

      • Speed Slider

    • Mirko Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

      • Speed Slider

    • Ahsoka Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

      • Speed Slider

    • Yoruichi Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

      • Speed Slider

    • Starfire Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

      • Speed Slider

    • Shego Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

      • Speed Slider

    • Poison Ivy Hole 2

      • Outfits

      • A*s Size

      • B*ob Size

      • An*l

    • Poison Ivy Wooden Straddle

      • Sp*nk

      • B*ob Play

      • Mask

      • Arm Position

    • Poison Ivy D*gyy Close Up

      • Change View

      • Outfits

      • 2 B*ob Size

    • Poison Ivy B*objob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

    • Poison Ivy C*wgirl Gr*nding

      • Leg Position

      • Outfits

      • Speed Changer

      • B*ob Size

      • N*pple Size

    • Chun Li D*epthroat V2

      • A*s Move

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Moxxi D*epthroat V2

      • A*s Move

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • You Forger D*epthroat V2

      • A*s Move

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Yorha 2B D*epthroat V2

      • A*s Move

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Tatsumaki Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

      • Depth Change

      • Squ*rt

    • Tatsumaki Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Moxxi Th*ghjob

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

      • Outfits

    • Shego H*ndjob

      • C*mshot

      • Outfit

    • Marceline H*ndjob

      • C*mshot

      • Outfit

    • New Outfits

      • Starfire Hole 1

      • Yor Forger Hole 1

      • Aqua Hole 1

      • Starfire Rev C*wgirl (Back)

        • Top Wear

        • Sk*rt

        • Wrist Stuff

      • You Forger M*ssionary V2

        • Jumper

        • LegWear

    • Still Images

      • ElastiGirl On Her Front

        • 4 Variations

      • Luka D*ggy

        • 4 Variations

    • Still Image Animation

      • Loona

      • RiasG

  • QOL

  • Bug Fixes

    • Hole 1 Tab Names Fix

    • Mirko Hole 1 Outfit Sync

    • Hole 1 Character Select Font Size Fix

    • Poison Ivy D*ggy Bush Colour Fix

    • Poison Ivy Hole 1 Bush Colour Fix

    • Mercy D*epthroat Hair Fix

    • Luka Head Fix Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

    • M*ssionary V2 B*ob V2 Colour Fixes

    • Starfire Shower Hand Fix

    • D*ggy Close Up V2 B*ob V2 Colour Fixes

    • Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2 Button Icon Changed

    • Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2 Shadow Loop Fix

    • Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2 Cr*ampie Fix

    • Poison Ivy M*ssionary V2 Colour Fix

    • Kim P On Side Outfit Toggle Fix

    • On Side Pr*g Overlap Fix




Let's get some more futa in this house mannnnnn


All that work in just a month? GotD*mn! I say GotD*mn!

Sebastian Hunter

The file said it wasn't compatible with my phone... it's weird because it hasn't ever been a problem before and I'm up to date

Paul Webb

Always fantastic looking work and plenty of it.


.69 nice


Should've added a 69 position for ver 0.1.69 just saying 🤣 missed opportunity


The download link keeps taking me to ver 0.1.65


Once again, all your art looks incredible. I just had to say I was looking at the security cam part of the stuff and I normally don’t, but I went into the shower and I think it’s just kind of weird looking strange angle to say the least lol I love everything else and will continue to support your artwork. It’s always cool to see.

Matthew Joberns

hey this is a glitch with using the app please download the update from the browser, if it still doesn't work let me know :)

Matthew Joberns

it should be the right post but the old one was .65, if you are using the app please try in the browser as the app has been having some porblems

Matthew Joberns

I have updated this post to have the links instead, if you are using the app please download it in the browser by copying the link

Matthew Joberns

very nice and i wish i had done that but by the time i realised what version it was id already planned the scene. Maybe for 2.69

Matthew Joberns

yes this scene really needs to get re done, im thinking of a completely different view but will need to get some things drawn up


Well, I’ll be sticking around to see it. Also, another thing I didn’t address and it’s not really a big problem at all. I don’t really mind but why are the desks so weird I literally have a Batman desk lol and it just doesn’t fit in

Matthew Joberns

Yeh those desks really need to be updated, I’m thinking of scrapping the whole desk idea as with the new themes they don’t really work


I like the idea of it and those are my favorite scenes but you’re definitely right it doesn’t fit in Maybe you could do like a front lounge or something with like a table or something that you could do the desk scenes on. I’m just throwing ideas at this point lol I’ll let you do your magic lol


Only bugs I've run into on this right now is that jinx, rias, loona, Gwen tdi,aqua, mad moxxi, and Starfire all have issues with there panties overlapping with their "signature" outfits in the doggy from below scene, so I'd say you did a pretty damn good job and I know youll get to them eventually so keep up the good work🥳


Luka art! Yay 💗


Holy shit we finally have Hole 1 screen.

Derek Cross (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-29 10:44:14 Optional right? Right??
2024-05-16 05:29:50 Optional right? Right??

Optional right? Right??


I'm late on all the commenting nice work DotArt as always more awesome scenes and can't wait for more and the gaming characters you have created look out of this world 💙💙

Obese Seagull

One glitch I've noticed so far; the bodies of girls with darker/different skin tones don't match their heads/actual skin color in the new Hole 1 TV screen (Mirko is an slight exception, but her boobs flash when the actual animation begins)

Anonymous Monkey

ah, TV screen Reworks, might actually revisit hole 1 again since the tutorial


Don't know if something is going wrong but marge thighjob is still blacked out for me


Charlie the receptionist

Jeremy Brown

Problem parcing the package._.

Matthew Joberns

Please delete the apk you just downloaded and try downloading it again, make sure you are downloading from the browser and not any of the apps

Matthew Joberns

yeh i think a few of the new ones are, you can view it by switching to her from inside the scene or in the all scenes menu


Love everything, especially hole 1 screen. The zoom out looks a little weird, but I assume it can get polished down the line. Right now, it looks great and I can't wait for the other holes!

Anonymous Monkey

well it was a little strange seeing the hands on the sides on the TV screen when the hands were instead positioned between the legs instead in the walls, but it was just a minor detail I doubt most people would notice or care about XP

kshycatch (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-19 00:14:29 another patch still no Shego blowjob
2024-05-18 11:56:59 another patch still no Shego blowjob

another patch still no Shego blowjob


When can we change the skin colour of the main character (the guy)?


yes just yes

Michael Marshall

I love the new TV screen on Hole1, but I have a couple of suggestions or requests for it. 1) can the girl have on a top to her outfit on the screen (e.g. Elastigirl has on her tights but her top half is naked- my brain wants them to sync up) at least just for the character specific outfits? 2) can you make an on screen hand position that matches the 'hands between the legs' position? 3) in general, can you build a mood button (aheago, smiling, angry, scared, bored)?


I just tried downloading the android version and it says there is a write error and it won't download

Matthew Joberns

Does the apk install and then when you run it it doesn’t work. Did you download it from the browser instead of the app?


Nothing is downloading at all and I used the browser, though I think it might actually be a problem with MEGA instead so I'll bug them about it, thanks for the repsonse

Semy Lahcen

When will Marge Simpson deep throat

Tgyucmka 20

How to download this game on iphone?

Obese Seagull

A small suggestion too; maybe update the voice clips for the On-Desk sex scenes. I decided to try them again after a while & the old voices were a bit jarring compared to how they are now.

Matthew Joberns

yeh i can always update some things, it was mainly drawn to be zoomed in but i thought why not add it seeing as its there. I really want to get the other holes done soon so hopefully in the next couple of months

Matthew Joberns

soon although it never does too well in the feature polls but i should be able to add it quite easily

Matthew Joberns

yesss when i have all the outfits added for characters in this scene i can start adding the outfits to the screen part, as for the hand position unfortunately the scene was never designed to have a screen in so having the hand positions match up might be a bit tricky as it would require lots of things on lots of different layers which will probably be a bit to much for one scene


Hailey Smith American Dad Next Character Poll Guys?