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Hello everyone, I hope you’re excited to see everything that’s been worked on in the last week :) I’ll start with the Character Poll And the New Scene as that’s probably what you’re most looking forward too and then I’ll move onto the next stuff.

New Character (Poison Ivy) & New Scene (Hole 1 Screen ReDo)

First starting with the new character, from what I can see this themed poll was another success. There as a very close battle to start with until Poison Ivy started to pull away and even with that there is still a close battle going on for the runners up spot between Wonder Woman, Cat Woman And Lois Lane. I would like to add all three of these characters in at some point but as Poison Ivy won I will be adding her first.

Here is how she is looking at the moment, I think I got her Skin Tone down very nicely, I went with he more green version of her with the darker red hair as I think that fits with how the head was drawn more and also is just something different that what we normally have. If you see anything wrong with how she looks though please let me know and I can get that changed.

Now onto the next scene, I know there is a lot of people that will love to see Hole 2 and 3 get a screen, and they will don’t worry about that, but for now it looks like Hole 1 getting its screen ReDone is going to be what’s happening next. At the moment I still just have the sketch for it as i’m going to be working on readjusting the code a bit before I start work on it. The plan is to have it done for the update mid month next month just like with the scene that got added a week ago.

I am hoping to get the Hole 1 code updated before the next update, for some of the scenes, this will be a good first test to make sure there are no bugs with it as due to the amount of stuff that’s needs to be changed in that scene there could be some problems that come up, I hoping noting major but there might be outfit toggles that toggle the wrong stuff or things like that. I’ll try and make sure there aren’t any but some might slip the the cracks :D

More Outfits And Some Sketches For New Stuff

So for this update I want to try and get a decent amount of outfits added to the scenes, nobody has said anything bad about how the Frankie outfit I did last update so hopefully you all liked it. I have animated these two in the same was as that and I’m quite happy with them.

For Mirko’s she has quite a lot of parts, there’s the main Suit which should work with both leg positions along with her LegWear that will also work with both leg positions. I also added her gloves as their own part that you can toggle on and off by themselves as this is one of the few scenes you can see hands so its nice to have something added to them.

For Rebecca she has her classic oversized jacker which with this way of animating I was able to add a bit more detail too. The only annoying thing about this is due to the way the legs and body are layered you won’t be able to have the Jacket and the P*nts toggled at the same time, but you can have the Br* toggled at the same time as either.

Anyway I hope you like the look of both of these and I’m going to try and get a couple more done for the update as well.

I also have some more outfits sketches done for some of the newer characters and some of the other scenes. I’ll able which one of these is who and have also tried to mix it up so you get to see all the scenes but I have got the sketches done for all the characters listed in all the scenes you can see Eg. I have Carrots outfit sketch drawn for M*ssionary V2, Rev C*wgirl (Back), D*ggy And On Side.


Mrs McPherson

Charlie M


Yorha 2B

Yor Forger

New Still Images

So last update I was talking about doing 3 images per update for one character, however a lot of people have wanted different characters instead so I think I will go back to how I used to do it where its images for lots of different characters in different positions. This update ‘m actually going to do 4 but they will be upgrades of old images to make them look how the newer ones look.

These should all be done in time for the next update and should each one with 3-4 variations :D

More Audio Upgrades

Quickly if there is anyone who likes Marge and would like to hear the new audio I have for her please comment here or message as I can’t add it hear but I would like to get someones opinion on if its better or not.

This time instead of adding some of the extra now audio types to characters there are some characters that have needed to be redone for a while as they really don’t have much audio. These are.

  • Zeld

  • Marge

  • Albedo

  • Tatsumaki

  • Gwen TDI

  • Power

I am going to try and get through as many of these as I can giving them over 100 seconds of audio each so they are all caught up with the rest of the characters. Their audio will also be done by some new voice actors so hopefully they all sound a lot better.

F*otjob Scene Update

So I said I would have the 3rd animation sketch ready for you this WIP and then the final one ready next WIP and I have exactly that for you :)

I am also going to put the other Two below so you can have a look at them giving you lots of time to decide which one you would like before the poll coming Mid Month in May.

Personally I would like either the very top one or the one below this but its all up to you :D

Adding Characters To Scenes

Like always I have been adding characters to scenes mainly focusing on getting as many as I can added to the new scene.

I have also added Loona, Roxy, Lola And Judy to the C*wgirl Gr*nding scene.

After I have added Poison Ivy to a decent amount of scenes I’m going to add some more characters to the Th*ghjob and D*epthroat V2 scene and just try and get as many added as possible to catch up on all the missing ones.

Misc Stuff

I’m still improving how the scene run making sure they use as little memory as possible which so far is going well. I’m going to be doing the same kind of stuff to the Hole 1 scene as I transfer it over too the new code and then once that’s all done maybe for the Hole 2 scene I will try and add it so you can have multiple characters at the same time. This is some quite new stuff code wise for me so I wan’t to test it out first a lot to make sure there are no errors but when I think I have it stable I can release it to you

Anyway I hope you like all this stuff, let me know if there’s anything you think could be changed or if you have any ideas, Thank You :D



Haider Aljassas

I have an Idea. Could you try to do Futa on Female? This would bring some changes and would be pretty cool


Aw man, Poison Ivy? Wonder Woman would be so much better.


There is a futa go on in game settings scroll down and you have a couple of options to do what you want? Or are something after a different change?


I'd like to see some more futa implementation in more scenes

James atkinson

Your work and dedication is amazing man


Are all the feet related ones going to be coming at some point? Or just the one we pick for the next poll?


Will you be fixing the panties overlapping issue?

Historia Durant

That bottom foot one is GOATed.


Ayyy more Luka! 💗


All of the work and effort you put into the game is amazing and appreciated! Have you thought of putting a POV doggy scene in?


Definitely top or bottom footjob leaning more towards bottom especially if you can change outfit for it e.g different stocking types ork pantyhose types


Like the boob jiggle on the top but having both feet seen in the bottom one for the rubbing one for the stabilising looks amazing. Footjob only poll for mid may?


Harley Head redone is a dub!! LETS GO


cant wait for ivy





Matthew Joberns

This is in the game unless if miss read. You might need to toggle it from within the pause menu though :)

Matthew Joberns

Oooooo that could be very cool, not sure how you’d see the characters face but could add a little face bubble

Matthew Joberns

Thanks she has been the most well received head redo which is really nice, I think because the old one was not that good in comparison


Either that, or you might be able to do something like the reverse cowgirl back view where they’re looking back at you? Although the face bubble could open up to a few cool options.


Thoughwith the single foot 1 there is a femdom aspect I quite like as well

Antoine Richard

Where is the link? Awesome work btw


it would be soo cool if Lucy was in the game to accompany Rebecca 😁

Joshua Almony

For the footjob scene I really love the middle one, gives you a good angle of the whole body.


Footjobs yesssssssssss